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Release kernel
COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
►Natest-ufem-navier-stokes-restart | |
CTaylorGreen | |
►Natest-ufem-navier-stokes-taylor-green | |
CTaylorGreen | |
►Nboost | External boost library namespace |
Citerator_range | |
►Ncf3 | Top-level namespace for coolfluid |
►NBlockMeshReader | |
CBlockData | Helper struct to read the data into vectors |
CBlockMeshReader | |
CLibBlockMeshReader | |
►NCGAL | Classes for CGAL mesh format operations |
CImplicitFunction | |
CLibCGAL | |
CMeshParameters | Parameters for mesh generation, as defined in the CGAL manual |
CSphereFunction | Sphere around the origin with radius r |
CTetrahedralize | |
►Ncommon | Most basic kernel library |
►Ndetail | |
CArrayToVector | A struct, since partial specializations of functions is not allowed |
CArrayToVector< Handle< ComponentT > > | |
CChangeArrayValue | Helper function to set the value |
CChangeArrayValue< Handle< ComponentT > > | |
CChangeArrayValue< int > | |
CChangeArrayValue< Real > | |
CChangeArrayValue< Uint > | |
CDoArrayDiff | |
CFromString | A struct, since partial specializations of functions is not allowed |
CFromString< Handle< ComponentT > > | |
CValue | |
CValue< Handle< ComponentT > > | |
►NLinux | Specialized classes for interacting with Linux operating system |
COSystemLayer | |
►NMacOSX | Specialized classes for interacting with Mac OSX operating system |
COSystemLayer | |
►NPE | Classes offering a MPI interface for COOLFluiD |
CBuffer | Buffer that can hold multiple data types, useful for MPI communication |
CComm | |
►CCommPattern | |
Cdist_struct | Helper struct for setup function |
Ctemp_buffer_item | Typedef for the temporary buffer |
CCommWrapper | Base wrapper class serving as interface |
CCommWrapperMArray | Wrapper class for Table components |
CCommWrapperMArray< T, 1 > | |
CCommWrapperMArray< T, 2 > | |
CCommWrapperPtr | Wrapper class for raw ptr arrays allocated by new[]/malloc/calloc |
CCommWrapperVector | Wrapper class for std::vectors |
CCommWrapperView | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, bitwise_and, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, bitwise_or, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, bitwise_xor, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, logical_and, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, logical_or, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, logical_xor, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, max, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, min, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, multiplies, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
Cget_mpi_op< T, plus, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type > | |
CListeningInfo | Holds MPI listening information |
CListeningThread | Listener for MPI messages |
CManager | |
CPackedObject | |
CWorkerGroup | |
►NWin32 | Specialized classes for interacting with Win32 operating system |
CLibLoader | Class to load libraries in the Win32 OS |
COSystemLayer | |
►NXML | Classes that implement the XML protocol for use in COOLFluiD |
CMap | |
►CProtocol | |
CTags | |
CSignalFrame | Manages a set of maps |
CSignalOptions | Abstracts the use of XML when adding options to a signal frame |
CXmlDoc | |
CXmlNode | |
CAction | Component that executes an action. Implementation of the IAction interface as a component, exposing the execute function as a signal |
CActionDirector | |
CAllocatedComponent | |
CArrayBase | |
►CArrayBufferT | A Buffer that is constructed passing a boost::multi_array<T,2> table. This class allows to interface this table by using a buffer |
CBuffer | |
CArrayDiff | |
CAssertionManager | Manager of behavior of assertions |
CBadPointer | |
CBadValue | |
►CBinaryDataReader | Component for writing binary data collected into a single file |
CImplementation | |
►CBinaryDataWriter | Component for writing binary data collected into a single file |
CImplementation | |
CBuilder | Component that builds other components |
CBuilderT | Component that builds other components of a given abstract type This is the actual builder for one concrete type |
CBuildInfo | |
CCAbstract | |
CCastingFailed | |
CCConcrete1 | |
CCConcrete2 | |
CCodeLocation | |
CCodeProfiler | |
CComponent | Base class for defining CF components |
CComponentBuilder | Helper class to create the Builder and place it in the factory |
CComponentHandle | Handle to ComponentT, constness determined by the constness of ParentT |
CComponentIterator | ComponentIterator class, can linearize a complete tree of components |
CComponentIteratorRange | |
►CComponentIteratorRangeSelector | Derive the correct range type based on the constness of ParentT, which should be the type of the parent component |
Cimpl | |
Cimpl< boost::false_type, dummy > | |
Cimpl< boost::true_type, dummy > | |
CComponentIteratorSelector | Derive the correct range type based on the constness of ParentT, which should be the type of the parent component |
CComponentPtr | Shared pointer to ComponentT, constness determined by the constness of ParentT |
CComponentReference | Reference to ComponentT, constness determined by the constness of ParentT |
CConnection | |
CConnectionManager | |
CConstComponentIteratorRange | |
CCore | |
►CDynArrayBufferT | |
CBuffer | |
CDynTable | |
CEnumT | |
CEnvironment | |
CEventHandler | |
CException | Base class for all Exceptions in CF |
CExceptionManager | Manager of behavior of exceptions |
CFactories | |
CFactory | Component class for a factory which builds other components |
CFactoryT | Component class for a factory which builds other components |
CFailedAssertion | |
CFailedToConverge | |
CFileFormatError | |
CFileSystemError | |
CFloatingPointError | |
CGroup | Component for grouping other components |
CIAction | Abstract interface for actions. You probably want to use Action as a base to start from, since that implements IAction as a component |
CIllegalCall | |
CInvalidStructure | |
CInvalidURI | Exception thrown when a string does not construct a valid path |
Cis_connection | |
Cis_signal | |
CIsBuilderReducedName | Checks the builder reduced name matches The reduced name is the name without the namespace preceding it |
CIsComponentName | |
CIsComponentTag | |
CIsComponentTrue | |
CIsComponentType | |
CJournal | |
CLibCommon | |
CLibLoader | |
CLibLoadingError | Not deriving from common::Exception to avoid the automatic error output |
CLibraries | |
CLibrary | Component class for a library |
CLink | |
CList | Component holding a 1 dimensional array of a templated type |
CListBufferIterator | |
►CListBufferT | A Buffer that is constructed passing a boost::multi_array<T,2> table. This class allows to interface this table by using a buffer |
CBuffer | |
CLocalDispatcher | Dispatches a signal locally |
CLogger | Main class of the logging system |
CLogLevelFilter | Filters log messages corresponding to their level |
CLogStampFilter | Prepends a stamp to the log messages |
CLogStream | Manages a log stream |
CLogStringForwarder | |
►CMap | |
CCompare | |
CLessThan | |
CNetworkInfo | |
CNoProfiling | |
CNotEnoughMemory | |
CNotificationQueue | Manages a notification queue |
CNotImplemented | |
CNotSupported | |
COption | Adds fonctionnalities to Property class |
COptionArray | |
COptionArrayBuilder | |
COptionBuilder | Interface for option builders that can be registered with the factory |
►COptionComponent | |
CValueExtractor | MPL functor to extract a value from an any |
COptionComponentArrayBuilder | Builder for OptionArrays of this component |
COptionComponentBuilder | Builder for OptionComponents |
COptionFactory | Factory class to buikd options dynamically |
COptionList | |
COptionT | |
COptionTBuilder | Builders for OptionT components |
COptionURI | |
COptionURIBuilder | |
COSystem | |
COSystemError | |
COSystemLayer | |
CParallelError | |
CParsingFailed | |
CPosixDlopenLibLoader | |
CPrintTimingTree | Prints the timing tree for a root component |
CPropertyList | |
CProtocolError | |
CRegisterComponent | Helper class to register typeinfo and option type of a component This is mostly useful for abstract component classes, as builders cannot be created for this |
CRegisterOptionBuilder | Helper class to register builders |
CRegistLibrary | Struct to force library registration |
CRegistTypeInfo | |
CSegmentationFault | |
CSelectComponentWrapper | Helper struct to select the correct wrapper for a component |
CSelectOptionType | |
CSelectOptionType< char const * > | |
CSelectOptionType< char[N] > | Allow string constants without enclosing them in std::string() |
CSelectOptionType< Handle< T > > | Specialization for components |
CSelectOptionType< std::vector< T > > | Specialization for arrays |
CSelectOptionType< URI > | Specialization for URI |
CSetupError | |
CShouldNotBeHere | |
CSignal | |
CSignalDispatcher | API to dispatch a signal call |
CSignalError | |
CSignalHandler | |
CStringConverter | Prevent a crash in the intel compiler |
CTable | Component holding a 2 dimensional array of a templated type |
CTableArray | |
CTableConstRow | |
CTableRow | |
CTaggedObject | Manages tags |
CTags | |
CTimedComponent | Pure virtual interface for components that store timings |
CTypeInfo | Handles type information This struct allows to associate a type to a string. It is a singleton |
►CURI | |
►CScheme | |
CConvert | |
CURLError | |
CUUCount | Combination of a UUID and a count, together forming the equivalent of a 192-bit identifier |
CValueExists | |
CValueNotFound | |
►CWorkerStatus | |
CConvert | |
CXmlError | |
►Ndetail | |
Cis_const_comptible | Helper struct to put const-correctness in a short expression |
►Nmath | Basic Classes for Mathematical applications used by COOLFluiD |
►NLSS | |
►Ndetail | |
CAddNewParameter | |
CAddParameter | |
CGidConverter | |
CUpdateParameterValue | |
CBelosGMRESParameters | Encapsulate a Teuchos parameter list |
CBlockAccumulator | |
CCoordinatesStrategy | |
►CDirectStrategy | |
CImplementation | |
CEmptyLSSMatrix | |
CEmptyLSSVector | |
CEmptyStrategy | |
CLibLSS | Class defines the initialization and termination of the library LSS |
CMatrix | |
CParameterList | Encapsulate a Teuchos parameter list |
CParameterListDefaults | Encapsulate a Teuchos parameter list |
►CRCGStrategy | |
CImplementation | |
CSolutionStrategy | |
CSolveLSS | |
CSystem | |
CThyraOperator | Abstract class for all Trilinos matrix operators |
CThyraVector | Abstract class for all Trilinos matrix operators |
CTrilinosCrsMatrix | |
CTrilinosFEVbrMatrix | |
►CTrilinosStratimikosStrategy | |
CImplementation | |
CTrilinosVector | |
CVector | |
CZeroLSS | |
CAnalyticalFunction | |
CBoundingBox | Bounding box defined by minimum and maximum coordinates |
CBracketMethod | |
CBrent | |
CDbrent | |
CFloatingPoint | |
CGolden | |
CHilbert | Class to compute a global index given a coordinate, based on the Hilbert Spacefilling Curve |
CIntegrate | |
CLibMath | |
COutOfBounds | Exception thrown when a certain value is not found in a storage or container |
CVariableManager | |
►CVariablesDescriptor | |
►CDimensionalities | |
CConvert | |
CImplementation | |
CVectorialFunction | |
CZeroDeterminant | Exception thrown when a Zero determinant matrix is found |
►Nmesh | Basic Classes for Mesh applications used by COOLFluiD |
►Nactions | Action derived classes for mesh manipulations |
►Ndetail | |
CDoDiff | |
CWallProjection | Helper struct to handle projection to the wall near a given surface node |
CAddPointRegion | |
CBuildArea | |
CBuildFaceNormals | |
CBuildFaces | |
CBuildVolume | |
CComputeFieldGradient | Compute the gradient of a field |
CCreateField | Create a field with given functions |
CExtract | |
CFaceCompare | |
CGlobalConnectivity | |
CGlobalNumbering | Create a global number for nodes and elements of the mesh |
CGlobalNumberingElements | Create a global number for nodes and elements of the mesh |
CGlobalNumberingNodes | Create a global number for nodes and elements of the mesh |
CGrowOverlap | Grow the overlap of the mesh with one layer |
CImportVariables | Import variables from another mesh |
CInfo | |
CInitFieldConstant | |
CInitFieldFunction | Initialize a field with given functions |
CInterpolate | Interpolate Fields with matching support |
CIsElementRegion | |
CIsGroup | |
CLibActions | Class defines the initialization and termination of the library actions |
CLinkPeriodicNodes | |
CLoadBalance | Load Balance the mesh |
CMakeBoundaryGlobal | |
CMeshDiff | |
CMeshInterpolator | |
CPeriodicMeshPartitioner | |
CRemoveGhostElements | |
CRotate | |
CShortestEdge | |
CSurfaceIntegral | SurfaceIntegral Fields with matching support |
CTranslate | |
CVolumeIntegral | VolumeIntegral Fields with matching support |
CWallDistance | |
►NBlockMesh | Library for I/O of the OpenFOAM BlockMesh dict files |
►CBlockArrays | |
►CImplementation | |
CBlock | Encapsulate a single block, providing all data needed to produce the mesh connectivity |
CBlockLayer | Represents a single layer across the mesh |
CPatch | |
CBlocksPartitioning | Helper struct to keep using the old partitioning method |
CChannelGenerator | Generate parallel 3D channels with grading towards the wall |
CLibBlockMesh | |
►Ncf3mesh | Library for I/O in the native CF3 mesh format |
CLibCF3Mesh | |
CReader | |
CWriter | |
►NCGNS | Library for I/O of the CGNS format |
CCGNSException | |
CLibCGNS | |
CReader | |
►CShared | |
CCGNS_Base | |
CCGNS_Boco | |
CCGNS_Field | |
CCGNS_File | |
CCGNS_FlowSolution | |
CCGNS_Section | |
CCGNS_Size | |
CCGNS_Zone | |
CWriter | |
►Ndetail | |
CComputeCentroid | Helper to compute the centroid |
►Ngausslegendre | Namespace holding GaussLegendre quadrature |
►CHexa | |
CGaussLegendreQuadrature | |
CHexa_traits | |
CLibGaussLegendre | |
►CLine | |
CGaussLegendreQuadrature | |
CLine_traits | |
►CQuad | |
CGaussLegendreQuadrature | |
CQuad_traits | |
►Ngmsh | Library for I/O of the gmsh format |
CLibGmsh | |
►CReader | |
CField | |
CRegionData | |
CShared | |
CWriter | |
►NIntegrators | Functions to provide integration over elements |
CGaussIntegrator | |
CGaussMappedCoords | Stores pre-computed mapped coords and weights for all gauss point locations |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl | Access to matrices with the mapped coords |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::HEXA > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::LINE > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::PRISM > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::QUAD > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::TETRA > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::TRIAG > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 2, GeoShape::PRISM > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 2, GeoShape::TETRA > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 2, GeoShape::TRIAG > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 3, GeoShape::TRIAG > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 4, GeoShape::TRIAG > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 5, GeoShape::TRIAG > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 777, GeoShape::LINE > | Trapezium rule integration. Uses the end points of the line |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< Order, GeoShape::HEXA > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< Order, GeoShape::LINE > | |
CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< Order, GeoShape::QUAD > | |
CGaussPoints | This file hides some implementation details of Gauss integration |
CGaussPoints< 16 > | |
CGaussPoints< 2 > | |
CGaussPoints< 32 > | |
CGaussPoints< 4 > | |
CGaussPoints< 8 > | |
►NLagrangeP0 | Namespace holding LagrangeP0 shape functions and elements |
CHexa | |
CHexa_traits | |
CLibLagrangeP0 | |
CLine | |
CLine_traits | |
CPoint | |
CPoint1D | 1D Lagrange P0 Point Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P0 (constant) point element |
CPoint1D_traits | |
CPoint2D | 2D Lagrange P0 Point Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P0 (constant) point element |
CPoint2D_traits | |
CPoint3D | 3D Lagrange P0 Point Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P0 (constant) point element |
CPoint3D_traits | |
CPoint_traits | |
CPrism | |
CPrism_traits | |
CQuad | |
CQuad_traits | |
CTetra | |
CTetra_traits | |
CTriag | |
CTriag_traits | |
►NLagrangeP1 | Namespace holding LagrangeP1 shape functions and elements |
CElementTypeTriag2D | |
CHexa | |
CHexa3D | 2D Lagrange P1 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CHexa3D_traits | |
CHexa_traits | |
CLibLagrangeP1 | |
CLine | |
CLine1D | Lagrange P1 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CLine1D_traits | |
CLine2D | Lagrange P1 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CLine2D_traits | |
CLine3D | Lagrange P1 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CLine3D_traits | |
CLine_traits | |
CPoint | |
CPoint_traits | |
CPrism | |
CPrism3D | 3D Lagrange P1 Triangular Prism Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CPrism3D_traits | |
CPrism_traits | |
CQuad | |
►CQuad2D | 2D Lagrange P1 Quadrilateral Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) quadrilateral element |
CJacobianCoefficients | Convenience struct to easily access the elements that make up the jacobian |
CQuad2D_traits | |
►CQuad3D | 2D Lagrange P1 Quadrilateral Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) quadrilateral element |
CJacobianCoefficients | Convenience struct to easily access the elements that make up the jacobian |
CQuad3D_traits | |
CQuad_traits | |
CTetra | |
CTetra3D | 2D Lagrange P1 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CTetra3D_traits | |
CTetra_traits | |
CTriag | |
CTriag2D | 2D Lagrange P1 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CTriag2D_traits | |
CTriag3D | 3D Lagrange P1 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CTriag3D_traits | |
CTriag_traits | |
►NLagrangeP2 | Namespace holding LagrangeP2 shape functions and elements |
CLibLagrangeP2 | |
CLine | |
CLine1D | Lagrange P2 line (1D) Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P1 (linear) triangular element |
CLine1D_traits | |
CLine2D | Lagrange P2 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P2 (linear) triangular element |
CLine2D_traits | |
CLine_traits | |
CPoint | |
CPoint_traits | |
CQuad | |
CQuad2D | 2D Lagrange P2 Quadrilateral Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P2 (linear) quadrilateral element |
CQuad2D_traits | |
►CQuad3D | 2D Lagrange P2 Quadrilateral Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P2 (bilinear) quadrilateral element.k |
CJacobianCoefficients | Convenience struct to easily access the elements that make up the jacobian |
CQuad3D_traits | |
CQuad_traits | |
CTriag | |
CTriag2D | 2D Lagrange P2 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P2 (linear) triangular element |
CTriag2D_traits | |
CTriag_traits | |
►NLagrangeP2B | Namespace holding LagrangeP2B shape functions and elements |
CLibLagrangeP2B | |
CTriag | |
CTriag2D | 2D Lagrange P2B Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P2B (linear) triangular element |
CTriag2D_traits | |
CTriag_traits | |
►NLagrangeP3 | Namespace holding LagrangeP3 shape functions and elements |
CLibLagrangeP3 | |
CLine | |
CLine2D | Lagrange P3 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P3 (linear) triangular element |
CLine2D_traits | |
CLine_traits | |
CQuad | |
CQuad2D | 2D Lagrange P3 Quadrilateral Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P3 (linear) quadrilateral element |
CQuad2D_traits | |
CQuad_traits | |
CTriag | |
CTriag2D | 2D Lagrange P3 Triangular Element type This class provides the lagrangian shape function describing the representation of the solution and/or the geometry in a P3 (linear) triangular element |
CTriag2D_traits | |
CTriag_traits | |
►Nneu | Library for I/O of the neutral format |
CLibNeu | |
►CReader | |
CBCData | |
CGroupData | |
CHeaderData | |
CShared | |
CWriter | |
►Nptscotch | Library for PTScotch mesh partitioning and load balancing |
CLibPTScotch | |
CPartitioner | |
►Nsmurf | Library for I/O of the smurf format |
CLibSmurf | |
CReader | |
CShared | |
CWriter | |
►Ntecplot | Library for I/O of the tecplot format |
CLibTecplot | |
CShared | |
CWriter | |
►NVTKLegacy | Library for I/O of the VTK legacy format |
CLibVTKLegacy | |
CWriter | |
►NVTKXML | Library for I/O of the VTK XML format |
►Ndetail | |
CCompressedStream | |
CCompressedStreamHeader | |
CWriter | |
►Nzoltan | Library for zoltan mesh partitioning and load balancing |
CLibZoltan | |
CPartitioner | |
CAInterpolator | A Interpolator base component |
CAPointInterpolator | PointInterpolator to interpolate a field to a point |
CBoundingBox | Wrapped math::BoundingBox, with extra functionality |
CCellFaces | |
CCells | |
CConnectivity | |
CContinuousDictionary | |
CDerivativeInPoint | |
CDictionary | |
CDiscontinuousDictionary | |
►CDomain | |
CImplementation | |
CEdges | |
CElementFinder | Base class for finding an element given a coordinate |
CElementFinderOcttree | Find elements using an octtree |
CElementNodeView | View of nodal data, allowing modification of the referenced data |
CElementNodeView< NbNodes, 1, 1 > | Specialization for single Real values |
CElements | |
CElementType | |
CElementTypeBase | Fallback class if a concrete Element Type doesn't implement a static function |
CElementTypeFaceConnectivity | Stores connectivity information about the faces that form the cell boundary |
CElementTypeT | Translation class to link concrete static implementations to the dynamic API |
CEntities | |
CEntity | Low storage struct to uniquely identify one element |
CFace2Cell | |
CFaceCellConnectivity | |
CFaceConnectivity | |
CFaces | |
CField | |
►CFieldManager | |
CImplementation | |
CGenerateLine3D | |
CGeneratePlane3D | |
►CGeoShape | |
CConvert | |
CInterpolateInPoint | |
CInterpolationFunction | |
CInterpolator | Interpolator component delegating interpolation to a PointInterpolator strategy |
CInterpolatorT | Compile-time configured strategy for interpolation |
►CIsCellType | Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality |
Capply | |
►CIsCompatibleWith | |
Capply | |
►CIsEdgeType | Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality |
Capply | |
CIsElementsSurface | |
CIsElementsVolume | |
CIsElementType | |
►CIsFaceType | Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality |
Capply | |
►CIsMinimalOrder | Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function or element type has at least the given order |
Capply | |
CLibMesh | |
CLoadMesh | |
CMatchedMeshInterpolator | Interpolator component that interpolates fields between spaces in the same mesh |
CMergedParallelDistribution | |
CMesh | |
CMeshAdaptor | Class to adapt the mesh |
CMeshElements | |
CMeshGenerator | |
CMeshMetadata | Storage for metadata related to the mesh |
CMeshPartitioner | |
CMeshReader | |
CMeshTransformer | |
CMeshTriangulator | |
►CMeshWriter | |
CEntitiesFilter | Predicate to check if a Entities component is to be included |
CRegionFilter | Predicate to check if a component directly contains any Entities component |
CNode2FaceCellConnectivity | |
CNodeConnectivity | |
CNodeElementConnectivity | |
COcttree | |
CPackedElement | Class that contains all stand-alone global information of an element |
CPackedNode | Class that contains all stand-alone global information of point in a dictionary |
CParallelDistribution | |
CPointInterpolator | A general configurable point interpolator |
CPointInterpolatorT | A compile-time configured point interpolator, making sure that element-finder, stencil computer, and interpolation function match together |
CPseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolation | Pseudo-Laplacian Weighted Linear Interpolation function |
CQuadrature | |
CQuadratureBase | Fallback class if a concrete Quadrature doesn't implement a static function |
CQuadratureT | Translation class to link concrete static implementations to the dynamic API |
CReconstructPoint | |
CRegion | |
CShapeFunction | |
CShapeFunctionBase | Fallback class if a concrete ShapeFunction doesn't implement a static function |
CShapeFunctionInterpolation | |
CShapeFunctionT | Translation class to link concrete static implementations to the dynamic API |
CSimpleMeshGenerator | Generate a simple carthesian P1 mesh without grading |
CSpace | Space component class |
CSpaceElem | |
CSpaceInterpolator | Interpolator component that interpolates fields between spaces in the same mesh |
CStencilComputer | Base class for stencil computers |
CStencilComputerOcttree | |
CStencilComputerOneCell | A StencilComputer returning one cell |
CStencilComputerRings | Compute the stencil around an element, consisting of rings of neighboring cells |
CTags | |
CUnifiedData | |
CWriteMesh | |
►Nphysics | Basic Classes for Physics applications used by CF |
►Neuler | Physics Euler classes |
►Neuler1d | |
CData | |
►Neuler2d | |
CData | |
CLibEuler | |
►NLinEuler | Linearized Euler equations for sound propagation |
CCons2D | |
CCons3D | |
CLibLinEuler | |
►CLinEuler2D | |
CProperties | Physical properties |
►CLinEuler3D | |
CProperties | Physical properties |
►Nlineuler | |
►Nlineuler2d | |
CData | |
►Nnavierstokes | |
►Nnavierstokes1d | |
CData | |
►Nnavierstokes2d | |
CData | |
►NScalar | Scalar transport equations |
CBurgers2D | |
CDiffusion2D | |
CLibScalar | |
CLinearAdv1D | |
CLinearAdv2D | |
CLinearAdv3D | |
CLinearAdvSys2D | |
CRotationAdv2D | |
►CScalar1D | |
CProperties | Physical properties |
►CScalar2D | |
CProperties | Physical properties |
►CScalar3D | |
CProperties | Physical properties |
►CScalarSys2D | |
CProperties | Physical properties |
►CDynamicModel | |
CImplementation | |
CProperties | Physical properties |
CDynamicVars | |
CLibPhysics | |
CMatrixTypes | |
CPhysModel | |
CProperties | |
CUnaryRealOp | |
CVariables | |
CVariablesT | |
►Npython | Basic Classes for Python wrapper classes used by CF |
CAnyListToPython | Conversion for lists |
CAnyToPython | Conversion from any to python for basic types |
CChildListWrapper | |
►CComponentWrapper | Wrapper class for components |
CImplementation | |
CCoreWrapper | |
CLibPython | |
CList | Tables can be used as python lists |
CListMethods | Extra methods for Table |
CMath | |
Cmatrix_array_mapper | |
CNetworkXPython | |
Cnull_deleter | |
COptionListWrapper | |
CPropertyListWrapper | |
CPythonListInterface | |
CPythonListToAny | Conversion for lists |
CPythonToAny | Conversion for basic types |
►CScriptEngine | Manage a python interpreter |
CPythonDictEntry | Allow to make a tree representation of the python scope. the root of the tree is supposed to be a python dictionnary, children are simple python objects |
CSignalWrapper | |
CTableList | Tables can be used as python lists |
CTableMethods | Extra methods for Table |
CTableRowWrapper | Functions exposed to python dealing with table rows |
CTestAllOptions | Creates an option for each type, to enable testing of python option handling |
CTestSignals | Exposes certain signals for testing purposes |
►Nsolver | Basic Classes for Solver applications used by CF |
►Nactions | |
►Ndetail | |
Cthreshold_compare | |
►Ndetail_twopoint | |
Cthreshold_compare | |
►NProto | |
►Ndetail | |
►CGetNbNodes | Helper struct to get the number of element nodes |
Capply | |
Capply< boost::mpl::false_, EqDataT > | |
Capply< boost::mpl::true_, EqDataT > | |
CHasEvalVar | |
CHasSubExpr | |
CHasSubGrammar | Grammar matching expressions if they have a terminal with the index given in the template parameter |
CMatchImplicitEval | Returns true if an interpolation op is used |
CSafeNbNodes | Helper to get the number of LSS nodes, avoiding static divide-by-zero |
CSafeNbNodes< 0 > | |
CUsesVar | Grammar matching expressions if they have a terminal with the index given in the template parameter |
►CAddNodeData | MPL transform operator to wrap a variable in its data type |
Capply | |
Capply< VectorField, Dummy > | |
►CAddNodeValues | |
Cimpl | |
►CAddNodeValuesIndex | |
Cimpl | |
CAssignNodalValues | Write to element nodal values |
CBlockAccumulation | Grammar matching block accumulation expressions |
►CBlockAccumulator | Primitive transform to handle assignment to an LSS matrix |
Cimpl | |
CBlockAssignmentOp | Helper struct for assignment to a matrix or RHS |
CBlockAssignmentOp< SystemMatrixTag, OpTagT > | |
CBlockAssignmentOp< SystemRHSTag, OpTagT > | |
CBlockLhsGrammar | Grammar matching the LHS of an assignment op |
CCheckSameEtype | Check if all variables are on fields with element type ETYPE |
CColTag | |
CComponentWrapper | Proto-ready terminal type for wrapping a component |
CComponentWrapperImpl | |
►CComputeNorm | Compute the norm of a matrix or a vector |
Cimpl | |
CConfigurableConstant | Refers to a configurable constant value |
CConstantStorage | Storage for the values pointed to by a ConfigurableConstant |
CConstantStorageType | Returns the map type used to store values of the given type |
CCoordinatesGrammar | |
►CCoordinatesOp | Interpolated real-world coordinates at mapped coordinates |
Cimpl | |
CResultType | |
CCoordsTerminals | Valid terminals that can represent the current node coordinates |
CCopyNumberedVars | Copy the terminal values to a fusion list |
CCustomSFOp | |
►CCustomSFOpTransform | Operation with a custom implementation |
CChildGrammar | Catch field terminals first |
►Cimpl | |
Capply | Pass the stored parameter if the result type is a reference, don't store otherwise |
Capply< ResultT & > | Specialization for references |
►CChildType | |
CDataType | Keep the type, by default |
CDataType< Var< VarI, T > > | Convert numbered variables to their data |
CEvaluatedChild | Helper to get the variable type at a child of an expression |
CGetChild | |
CGetChild< Var< I, T > > | Specialization to get the associated data |
CResultType | Helper to get the result type |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 10, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 9 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 2, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with one argument |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 3, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 2 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 4, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 3 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 5, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 4 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 6, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 5 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 7, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 6 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 8, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 7 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 9, Dummy > | Specialization for a function with 8 arguments |
CResultType< boost::proto::tag::terminal, 0, Dummy > | Used as a terminal, so we assume it just needs the basic context data |
CDeepCopy | Transform to copy an expression, keeping terminals that store a value by reference unchanged (thanks to Eric Niebler) |
CDefaultFunctions | All possible default-evaluated functions |
CDefineType | Transform that extracts the type of variable I |
CDefineTypeOp | Ease application of DefineType as an MPL lambda expression, and strip the Var encapsulation |
CDimensionIdxTag | Tags terminals that will be replaced with the current dimension |
►CDirichletBCComponentSetter | Sets a specific component of a vector |
Cimpl | |
CDirichletBCGrammar | Matches the proper formulation of Dirichlet BC |
►CDirichletBCSetter | Sets whole-variable dirichlet BC, allowing the use of a complete vector as value |
Cimpl | |
CDirichletBCTag | Tag for a Dirichlet BC |
CDivOp | Evaluate the divergence |
CEigenIndexing | Indexing into Eigen expressions |
CEigenMath | Grammar for valid Eigen expressions, composed of primitives matching GrammarT |
CEigenMultiplication | Handle an expression that is filtered by Eigen |
►CEigenPlusAssignProductEval | Evaluate A += B*C, which is a special case needed in Gauss integrator. If B or C is a scalar, it's also faster |
►Cimpl | |
CLHSHelper | |
CLHSHelper< const T & > | |
CStoreResult | |
CStoreResult< Eigen::Block< MatT, R, C >, Dummy > | |
CStoreResult< Real, Dummy > | |
►CEigenProductEval | Evaluate the product LeftT * RightT |
Cimpl | |
CEigenProductType | Generalization of Eigen::ProductReturnType that also works for scalars (see specializations below) |
CEigenProductType< Eigen::GeneralProduct< LeftT, RightT >, Real > | Scalar on the right |
CEigenProductType< LeftT, Real > | Scalar on the right |
CEigenProductType< Real, Eigen::GeneralProduct< LeftT, RightT > > | Scalar on the left |
CEigenProductType< Real, Real > | Scalar - scalar |
CEigenProductType< Real, RightT > | Scalar on the left |
►CElementBased | Dummy shape function type used for element-based fields |
CSF | Mimic some shape function functionality, to avoid compile errors. Not that this is only used during the recursion on the types, and never actually used |
►CElementData | |
CDataType | Return the type of the data stored for variable I (I being an Integral Constant in the boost::mpl sense) |
CDeleteVariablesData | Delete stored per-variable data |
CFillRhs | Set the element on each stored data item |
CInitVariablesData | Initializes the pointers in a VariablesDataT fusion sequence |
CPrecomputeData | Precompute variables data |
CSetElement | Set the element on each stored data item |
CVariableType | Return the type of the stored variable I (I being an Integral Constant in the boost::mpl sense) |
CElementGrammar | Matches and evaluates element-wise expressions |
CElementIntegration | |
CElementLooper | Mpl::for_each compatible functor to loop over elements, using the correct shape function for the geometry |
CElementLooperImpl | Helper struct to launch execution once all shape functions have been determined |
CElementMath | |
CElementMathBase | |
CElementMathImplicit | |
CElementMathImplicitIndexed | Grammar that allows looping over I and J indices |
CElementMathIndexed | |
CElementMatrix | Represents an element matrix |
►CElementMatrixBlockValue | Only get a block containing the rows for the first var and the cols for the second |
Cimpl | |
CElementMatrixGrammar | |
CElementMatrixGrammarIndexed | Gets submatrices of vector variables |
►CElementMatrixRowsValue | Only get the rows relevant for a given variable |
Cimpl | |
CElementMatrixSize | Calculate the size of the element matrix |
CElementMatrixSubBlocks | Match but don't evaluate subblock-expressions |
CElementMatrixTerm | Match element matrix terminals |
►CElementMatrixValue | Get a given element matrix |
Cimpl | |
CElementQuadrature | |
►CElementQuadratureEval | |
►Cimpl | |
Cevaluate_expr | Fusion functor to evaluate each child expression using the GrammarT supplied in the template argument |
CElementQuadratureMatch | Match quadrature expressions. THese call the grouping separately, so don't trigger on indices there |
CElementQuadratureTag | Tags a gauss-quadrature loop for the following expressions |
CElementRHS | Reperesents element RHS vector |
►CElementRHSValue | Get the RHS vector |
Cimpl | |
CElementsExpression | |
CElementSystemMatrix | Represents an element matrix that is used as part of the linear system |
CElementSystemMatrixTerm | Match only element matrices that are used in a linear system |
►CElementValue | |
Cimpl | |
CElementVector | Represents an element vector |
►CElementVectorRowsValue | Only get the rows relevant for a given variable |
Cimpl | |
CElementVectorTag | |
CElementVectorTerm | Match element matrix terminals |
►CElementVectorTransform | |
Cimpl | |
►CElementVectorValue | Get a given element matrix |
Cimpl | |
CEquationVariables | Calculate if a variable is part of an equation |
CEquationVariablesOp | Wrap IsEquationVariable as a lambda expression |
►CEtypeTVariableData | Data associated with field variables |
CInterpolationImpl | Interpolation of a field |
CInterpolationImpl< 1, Dummy > | Interpolation of a scalar field |
CEtypeTVariableData< ElementBased< 1 >, SupportEtypeT, 1, IsEquationVar > | Data for scalar element-based fields |
CEtypeTVariableData< ElementBased< Dim >, SupportEtypeT, Dim, IsEquationVar > | Data for element-based fields |
CEvalMappedCoords | Transform to evalate mapped coordinates |
CExpandDimension | Replaces dimension placeholder with state |
CExpression | Abstract interface for classes that can hold a proto expression |
►CExpressionBase | Boilerplate implementation |
CAppendTags | Functor to store the tags used by a field |
CRegisterVariables | Functor to register variables in a physical model |
►CExpressionGroup | Primitive transform to evaluate a group of expressions |
►Cimpl | |
Cevaluate_expr | |
CExpressionGroupTag | Tags a terminal that triggers expression grouping |
CExpressionProperties | Convenience struct to get easy access to the numberof variables and their type |
CExpressionRunner | Find the concrete element type of each field variable |
CExpressionRunner< ElementTypesT, ExprT, SupportETYPE, VariablesT, VariablesEtypesT, NbVarsT, NbVarsT > | When we recursed to the last variable, actually run the expression |
CExprVarArity | Gets the arity (max index) for the numbered variables |
►CExtractDiag | Primitive transform to perform the transpose |
Cimpl | |
CExtractDiagTag | Terminal to indicate we want a diagonal |
CFieldBase | Base class for field data |
CFieldInterpolation | Interpolate a field at the current gauss point |
CFieldSynchronizer | Helper struct to synchronize fields at the end of a loop |
CFieldTypes | Match field types |
CFieldVariable | |
CFieldWidth | Get the width of a field varaible, based on the variable type |
CFieldWidth< ScalarField, SF > | Scalars have width 1 |
CFieldWidth< VectorField, SF > | VectorFields have the same dimension as the problem domain |
CFilterElementField | |
CFilterElementField< IsEqVarT, boost::mpl::void_ > | |
CFilterEquationVars | Filter out element-based fields from the possible equation variables |
CFilterMatrixSizes | Filter the matrix size so equation variables are the only ones left with non-zero size |
►CForEachDimension | Primitive transform to evaluate a group of expressions |
Cimpl | |
CForEachDimensionGrammar | Matches and evaluates groups of expressions matching GrammarT |
CForEachDimensionTag | Tags a terminal that indicates that indicates the argument should be evaluated for each dimension index |
CFunctionBase | Base class of all functions that can be evaluated using "default" C++ semantics |
CFunctionPointer | Matches a terminal containing a function pointer |
CGaussGrammar | |
►CGaussIntegral | Primitive transform that evaluates an integral using the Gauss points and returns the result as a reference to a stored matrix (or scalar) |
CGetOrder | Helper structs |
CGetOrder< IntegralTag< boost::mpl::int_< I > > > | |
Cimpl | |
CGaussOrder | Static constant for the Gauss integration order |
►CGaussPointEval | Transform to evaluate Gauss point access |
Cimpl | |
CGaussPointTag | |
►CGaussWeightEval | Transform to evaluate Gauss weight access |
Cimpl | |
CGaussWeightTag | |
CGeometricSupport | Functions and operators associated with a geometric support |
►CGetCoordinates | Provide access to the geometry coordinates in case of node expressions |
Cimpl | |
CGetElementResultType | Dummy for non-element fields |
CGetElementResultType< T, ElementBased< Dim > > | |
CGetNodeIdx | |
CGetOrder | Get the order of variable I |
CGetOrderFromData | |
CGetOrderFromData< DataT, boost::mpl::void_ > | |
►CGetRHSVector | |
Cimpl | |
►CGetSolutionVector | |
Cimpl | |
►CGradientOp | Evaluate the gradient |
Cresult | |
Cresult< This(VarT)> | |
Cresult< This(VarT, MappedCoordsT)> | |
CGroupGrammar | Matches and evaluates groups of expressions matching GrammarT |
CHasIdx | Check if index I is used in the expression |
CIdentityTag | |
►CIndexedNodeAssign | Modify only a single component of a field |
Cimpl | |
►CIndexedNodeAssignmentCases | |
Ccase_ | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::minus_assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::plus_assign, Dummy > | |
►CIndexLooper | |
►Cimpl | |
CEvalExpr | |
CInnerLoop | |
COuterLoop | |
COuterLoop< 1, 1, Dummy > | |
CIndexTag | Tag terminals used as index |
CIndexType | Extract an index-type from a var |
CIndexType< Var< I, T > > | |
CIndexValues | Evaluate the value of both indices to the integral constants given in the template arguments |
CIntegers | Matches integer terminals |
CIntegralTag | Tag for an integral, wit the order provided as an MPL integral constant |
CIntegrationOrder | Determine integration order based on the order of the shape function |
CIntegrationOrder< 1 > | |
CIntegrationOrder< 2 > | |
►CInterpolationOp | Interpolated values at mapped coordinates |
Cimpl | |
►CIsEquationData | Predicate to check if data belongs to an equation variable |
Capply | |
Capply< boost::mpl::void_, Dummy > | |
CIsEquationVariable | Transform to set a range with true indicating a variable that has an equation, and false for no equation |
CIsSubCols | Match subrows |
CIsSubMatrix | Match submatrices |
CIsSubRows | Match subrows |
CIsVectorSubRows | Match subrows for vectors |
►CJacobianDeterminantOp | Jacobian determinant |
Cimpl | |
CResultType | |
►CJacobianOp | Jacobian matrix |
Cimpl | |
CResultType | |
CLazyElementGrammar | Less restricitve grammar to get the result of expressions that are in an integral as well |
CLazyIndexedGrammar | |
CLSSWrapper | Proto-ready terminal type for wrapping a component |
CLSSWrapperImpl | |
►CLump | Lump the matrix |
Cimpl | |
CLumpTag | |
CMakeSFOp | Helper struct to declare custom types |
►CMakeVarData | Metafunction class for creating an appropriate data type |
►Capply | |
CGetEETypeT | |
CGetEETypeT< boost::mpl::void_, AnETypeT > | |
►CMakeVarData< VariablesT, EtypeT, EtypeT, EquationVariablesT, MatrixSizesT, EMatrixSizeT > | |
Capply | |
CMappedCoordTerms | Possible types for mapped coords |
CMappedOpBase | Base class for the implementation of operations that depend on mapped coordinates (CRTP pattern) |
CMappedVarOpBase | Base class for the implementation of operations that depend on mapped coordinates (CRTP pattern) |
CMathOpDefault | Math operators evaluated using default C++ meaning |
►CMathOpDefaultCases | Split up MapthOpDefault using cases, for better compilation performance |
Ccase_ | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::divides, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::function, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::minus, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::negate, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::plus, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::plus_assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::post_dec, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::post_inc, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::pre_dec, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::pre_inc, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::unary_plus, Dummy > | |
CMathTerminals | Matches terminal values that can be used in math formulas |
►CMatrixAssignOpsCases | Allowed block assignment operations |
Ccase_ | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::minus_assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::plus_assign, Dummy > | |
►CMatrixColAccess | |
Cimpl | |
►CMatrixElementAccess | Primitive transform to access matrix elements using operator() |
Cimpl | |
►CMatrixRowAccess | |
Cimpl | |
CMatrixSizePerVar | The size of the element matrix for each variable |
►CMatrixSubscript | Primitive transform to access matrix elements using operator[] |
►Cimpl | |
CMatrixRef | |
CMatrixRef< Eigen::Transpose< MatrixT > > | |
CMatrixTerm | Match matrix terms (only matrix products need special treatment) |
CMatVec | Matches matrices and vectors |
CMaxOrder | Get the maximum order of the shape functions used in Expr |
►CNablaOp | Gradient |
Cimpl | |
CResultType | |
CNodalValues | Get nodal values |
CNodalValuesTag | |
►CNodeAssign | Handle modification of a field |
Cimpl | |
CNodeAssignGrammar | |
►CNodeAssignmentCases | |
Ccase_ | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::minus_assign, Dummy > | |
Ccase_< boost::proto::tag::plus_assign, Dummy > | |
►CNodeData | |
CDataType | Return the type of the data stored for variable I (I being an Integral Constant in the boost::mpl sense) |
CDeleteVariablesData | Delete stored per-variable data |
CInitVariablesData | Initializes the pointers in a VariablesDataT fusion sequence |
CSetNode | Set the element on each stored data item |
CNodeGrammar | |
CNodeIdxOp | |
CNodeLooper | Loop over nodes, using static-sized vectors to store coordinates |
►CNodeLooperDim | Loop over nodes, when the dimension is known |
CFindDict | |
CNodesDomain | |
CNodesExpression | |
CNodesExpressionStored | Wraps a given expression, so the value that it represents can be stored inside the expression itself |
CSelectWrapper | |
CSelectWrapper< false, ProtoExprT > | |
CSelectWrapper< true, ProtoExprT > | |
CWrapExpression | |
CNodeMath | |
CNodeMathBase | Matches expressions that can be used as terms in math formulas for element expressions |
CNodeMathIndexed | |
CNodesExpression | Expression for looping over nodes |
►CNodesOp | Element nodes |
Cimpl | |
CNodesTimesDim | Given a variable's data, get the product of the number of nodes with the dimension variable (i.e. the size of the element matrix if this variable would be the only one in the problem) |
CNodesTimesDim< boost::mpl::void_, SF, SupportSF > | |
CNodeStreamOutputIndexed | |
CNodeVarData | Struct keeping track of data associated with numbered variables in node expressions |
CNodeVarData< ScalarField > | |
CNodeVarData< VectorField, Dim > | |
►CNormalOp | Face Normal |
Cimpl | |
CResultType | |
CNormTag | |
CNumberedTermType | Shorthand for terminals containing a numbered variable |
CParsedFunctionGrammar | |
►CParsedScalarFunctionTransform | |
Cimpl | |
►CParsedVectorFunctionTransform | Primitive transform to evaluate a function with the function parser |
Cimpl | |
CPhysicsConstant | Refers to a value from the physical model |
CPhysicsConstantStorage | Storage for the values pointed to by a PhysicsConstant |
Cpow_fun | Pow function based on Proto docs example |
►CProtoAction | Class to encapsulate Proto actions |
►CImplementation | |
CPhysicsConstantLink | |
CProtoDefaultFunction | Matches a terminal containing a proto function that can be evaluated using operator() |
CProtoEvaluatedFunction | Wrap the vectorial function, adding extra data that may be filled before expression evaluation |
►CReplaceConfigurableConstant | Transform to replace an occurance of ConfigurableConstant with a reference to its value |
Cimpl | |
CReplaceConfigurableConstants | Grammar replacing ConfigurableConstants in an expression |
►CReplacePhysicsConstant | Transform to replace an occurance of PhysicsConstant with a reference to its value |
Cimpl | |
CReplacePhysicsConstants | Grammar replacing PhysicsConstants in an expression |
►CRestrictToElementType | Primitive transform to evaluate a group of expressions for specific element types only |
►Cimpl | |
Cevaluate_expr | |
CRestrictToElementTypeGrammar | |
CRestrictToElementTypeGrammarSingle | Matches and evaluates groups of expressions matching GrammarT, optionally restricting to certain element types |
CRestrictToElementTypeTag | |
►CRHSAccumulator | |
Cimpl | |
CRHSVectorGrammar | Matches placeholders for the solution vector |
CRowTag | Placeholders to indicate if we should get a row or a column |
►CRunFunctionOp | Runs a shape function operation that is used as a function call |
Cimpl | |
►CRunTerminalOp | Runs a shape function operation that is used as a terminal |
Cimpl | |
CScalar | Matches scalar terminals |
CScalarField | Field data for a scalar field |
CScalarFunction | |
►CSetIdentity | |
Cimpl | |
Cimpl< Eigen::Block< MatT, R, C >, StateT, DataT > | |
CSetRHSGrammar | Matches the proper formulation of Neumann BC |
►CSetRHSSetter | |
Cimpl | |
CSetSolutionGrammar | Matches the proper formulation of Neumann BC |
►CSetSolutionSetter | |
Cimpl | |
►CSetZero | |
Cimpl | |
Cimpl< Eigen::Block< MatT, R, C >, StateT, DataT > | |
CSFOp | Wrap all operations in a template, so we can detect ops using a wildcard |
►CSFOp< CustomSFOp< OpT > > | |
Cresult | |
Cresult< This(GrammarT)> | |
CSFOps | Shape-function related operations |
►CShapeFunctionOp | Shape functions |
Cimpl | |
CResultType | |
CSingleExprElementGrammar | |
CSingleExprNodeGrammar | Matches and evaluates element-wise expressions |
CSolutionVectorGrammar | Matches placeholders for the solution vector |
CSolutionVectorTag | Tag for a Neumann BC |
CStoredMatrixExpression | Wraps a given expression, so the value that it represents can be stored inside the expression itself |
CStreamOutput | Stream output |
CStreamOutputIndexed | |
►CSubCols | A subblock of columns |
Cimpl | |
►CSubMatrix | A submatrix |
Cimpl | |
►CSubRows | A subblock of rows |
Cimpl | |
CSystemMatrixTag | Tag for system matrix |
CSystemRHSTag | Tag for RHS |
CTransposeFunction | Terminal to indicate we want a transpose |
CTransposeGrammar | |
►CTransposeTransform | Primitive transform to perform the transpose |
Cimpl | |
CValueType | Extract the real value type of a given type, which might be an Eigen expression |
CValueType< Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple_op< Real >, const MatrixT > > | Specialise for multiplication with a scalar |
CValueType< Eigen::Matrix< Real, I, J > > | Specialize for Eigen matrices |
CValueType< Eigen::Transpose< const Real > > | Specialise for transpose of reals |
CValueType< Real > | Specialise for reals |
CVar | Creates a variable that has unique ID I |
CVarArity | |
CVarChild | Helper to get the variable type at a child of an expression |
CVarDataType | Helper to get the data type for the given variable |
►CVarValue | Returns the data value of a numbered variable |
Cimpl | |
CVectorField | Field data for a vector having the dimension of the problem |
CVectorFunction | |
►CVectorSubRows | A subblock for the element vector |
Cimpl | |
►CVolumeOp | Element volume |
Cimpl | |
CWrapExpression | Grammar to do the expression wrapping |
►CWrapMatrixExpression | |
►Cimpl | |
CWrapperSelector | Helper to select if the expression is to be wrapped |
CWrapperSelector< T &, true > | Expression is to be wrapped |
CWrappableElementExpressions | Matches expressions that can be wrapped |
CWrappableNodeExpressions | Matches expressions that need to be wrapped in an extension before they can be evaluated (i.e. Eigen products) |
CZeroTag | |
CAdvanceTime | |
CComputeArea | |
CComputeVolume | |
CConditional | |
CCopyScalar | Copy a scalar field variable |
CDirectionalAverage | |
CFieldTimeAverage | |
CForAllCells | |
CForAllElements | |
►CForAllElementsT | |
CElementLooper | |
CIsShapeFunction | Predicate class to test if the region contains a specific element type |
CForAllFaces | |
CForAllNodes2 | |
CIterate | Action component that iteratively executes all contained actions |
CLibActions | Class defines the initialization and termination of the library actions |
CLoop | |
CLoopOperation | |
CNodeValence | Compute the valence (number of adjacent cells) for each node |
CParallelDataToFields | |
CPeriodicWriteMesh | |
CPrintIterationSummary | |
CProbe | Probe to interpolate field values to a given coordinate |
CProbePostProcessor | ProbePostProcessor class to attach to a probe |
CProbePostProcFunction | Probe Post Processor class to compute a configurable function |
CProbePostProcHistory | ProbePostProcHistory class to attach to a probe |
CRandomizeField | |
CReadRestartFile | Read out a restartfile, designed to be loaded into an already-created mesh |
CSetNodeValence | |
CSynchronizeFields | |
CTimeSeriesWriter | |
CTurbulenceStatistics | |
CTwoPointCorrelation | Compute two-point correlations in two perpendipular directions on a structured mesh |
CWriteRestartFile | Write out a restartfile, designed to be loaded into an already-created mesh |
CAction | |
CActionDirector | |
CActionDirectorWithSkip | |
CBC | |
CComputeCFL | Compute Right-Hand-Side of a PDE |
CComputeLNorm | |
CComputeRHS | Compute Right-Hand-Side of a PDE |
CCriterion | |
CCriterionAbsResidual | |
CCriterionMaxIterations | |
CCriterionMilestoneIteration | |
CCriterionMilestoneTime | |
CCriterionTime | |
CHistory | Stores History of variables |
CHistoryEntry | Helper class to output one entry to an output stream |
CImposeCFL | |
CLibSolver | |
►CModel | |
CImplementation | |
CModelSteady | |
►CModelUnsteady | |
CImplementation | |
CPDE | PDE component |
CPDESolver | Solver base class to solve Partial Differential Equations, defined in class PDE |
CPlotter | |
CPlotXY | |
CRiemannSolver | |
CSimpleSolver | |
►CSolver | |
CImplementation | |
CTags | |
CTerm | Term class |
CTermBase | |
CTermComputer | Computes a term of a system of equations by looping over elements |
CTime | Storage for time, and time steps for unsteady simulation |
CTimeStepComputer | Base class to compute a time_step field |
CTimeStepping | Time Stepping component |
CWizard | |
►NTestActions | |
CDummyLoopOperation | |
CLibTestActions | Class defines the initialization and termination of the library actions |
►NTools | Helpful non-essential libraries to use with COOLFluiD |
►NGooglePerfTools | The classes related to Google perftools |
CGoogleHeapProfiling | |
CGooglePerfProfiling | |
CLibGooglePerfTools | |
►NGrowl | Classes for Growl desktop notifications using the GNTP protocol |
CLibGrowl | Defines the initialization and termination of the library Growl |
CNotifier | Growl notifier component |
►Nmesh_transformer | |
CHelp | |
CTransformer | |
►NMeshDiff | |
CCommands | |
CLibMeshDiff | |
►NMeshGeneration | |
CLibMeshGeneration | |
CMeshSourceGlobalFixture | |
►NProwl | Classes for Prowl push notifications on Apple iOS devices |
CLibProwl | Defines the initialization and termination of the library Prowl |
CNotifier | Prowl notifier component |
►NShell | Classes for command line interpreting COOLFluiD |
CBasicCommands | Defines basic set of commands in the coolfluid shell |
CCommand | |
CInterpreter | Command Line and script interpreter |
CLibShell | |
CStdHelp | |
►Nsolver | |
CCWorker | |
CLogForwarder | Appends LoggingEvents to the remote client log window |
CNotifier | |
►NTesting | |
CAccumulator | Stores the results of the difference::test() function |
CLibTesting | |
CProfiledTestFixture | Any test using this fixture (or a derivative) will be profiled |
CTimedTestFixture | Any test using this fixture (or a derivative) will be timed |
►Ntutorial | Contains Tutorial classes and functions |
CHello | |
CLibTutorial | Defines the Tutorial library |
►NUFEM | |
►Ndemo | |
CCorrectionMatrix | |
CLibUFEMDemo | |
CNavierStokesChorin | Us Chorin's method to solve the Navier-Stokes equations |
CNavierStokesManual | |
CNavierStokesManualAssembly | |
CNavierStokesSpecialized | |
CNavierStokesSpecializedAssembly | |
CPoissonManual | |
CPoissonManualAssembly | |
CPoissonProto | Poisson problem using generic Proto expressions |
CPoissonSpecialized | Poisson problem using generic Proto expressions |
CPoissonTriagAssembly | |
CPoissonVirtual | |
CPoissonVirtualAssembly | |
►Ndetail | |
CSetGradient | |
►Nles | |
►Ndetail | |
CComputeNuWALE | Proto functor to compute the turbulent viscosity |
CWALE | WALE LES model component |
►Nparticles | |
►Ndetail | |
CBrownianCollisionKernel | |
CDNSBrownianCollisionKernel | Combined DNS and Brownian coagulation |
CDNSCollisionKernel | |
CLocalImplicit | |
CMomentSourceFunctor | Functor to compute the moment source terms |
CNoCollisionKernel | |
CTaylorGreenModel | |
CUnityCollisionKernel | |
CDiscontinuityCapture | Stabilization as described by Tezduyar et al |
►CEquilibriumEuler | |
CVelocityFunctor | |
►CEquilibriumEulerConvergence | |
CConvergenceFunctor | |
CEquilibriumEulerFEM | |
CLibUFEMParticles | |
CParticleConcentration | |
CPolydisperse | Polydisperse flow modeling |
CRelaxationTime | Compute the particle relaxation time |
CSquaredParticleRadius | |
CTaylorGreen | Store the SUPG coefficient values in a field |
CAdjacentCellToFace | |
CAdjustForceTerm | AdjustForceTerm: Adjust force term proportionally to the difference with some target criterion (such as the bulk velocity) |
►CApplyAup | |
Cresult | |
Cresult< This(UT, PVecT, Real, Real)> | |
CBCDirichletFunction | Boundary condition to hold the value of a field at a value given by another (or the same) field |
CBCHoldValue | Boundary condition to hold the value of a field at a value given by another (or the same) field |
CBCNeumannConstant | Boundary condition to hold the value of a field at a value given by another (or the same) field |
►CBoundaryConditions | BoundaryConditions for UFEM problems |
CImplementation | |
CBulkVelocity | |
►CCFLOp | |
CShapeType | |
CShapeType< ElementBased< Dim > > | |
CComputeCFL | Boundary condition to hold the value of a field at a value given by another (or the same) field |
CComputeFlux | |
CComputeSACoeffs | |
CComputeTau | Convenience type for a compute_tau operation, grouping the stored operator and its proto counterpart |
CComputeTauImpl | Calculation of the stabilization coefficients for the SUPG method |
CComputeTfluid | |
CCouplingIterationControl | |
CCriterionConvergence | |
CCrosswindDiffusion | |
CHeatConductionSteady | Steady, linear heat conduction |
CHeatCouplingFlux | |
CHeatCouplingRobin | |
CHeatSpecialized | |
CICNSImplicitToSemi | Initial condition to convert from a solution of the implicit solver to the semi-implicit one |
CICNSSemiToImplicit | Initial condition to convert from a solution of the Semi-implicit solver to the implcit one |
CInitialConditionConstant | InitialConditionConstant for UFEM problems, setting variables to a constant value |
CInitialConditionFunction | InitialConditionFunction for UFEM problems, setting variables to a constant value |
CInitialConditions | InitialConditions for UFEM problems |
CInnerLoop | This is the inner solve loop |
CIntegralOrder | Helper to detemine the appropriate default integration order |
CIntegralOrder< mesh::LagrangeP1::Tetra3D > | Tetrahedra get order 1 |
CIntegralOrder< mesh::LagrangeP1::Triag2D > | Triangles get order 1 |
CKineticEnergyIntegral | |
CLibUFEM | |
►CLSSAction | |
CImplementation | |
CLSSActionUnsteady | |
CLSSIndexConverter | Convert LSS indices (copy from base proto code) |
CNavierStokes | Solver for the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations |
CNavierStokesPhysics | Physical model for the Navier Stokes equations |
CNavierStokesSemiImplicit | Solver for the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations |
CNSResidual | Store the SUPG coefficient values in a field |
CParsedFunctionExpression | |
►CPressureRHS | |
Cresult | |
Cresult< This(UT, UVecT, UVecT, UVecT, PVecT, Real, Real)> | |
CPressureSystem | Builds the pressure system matrix |
CPressureSystemAssembly | |
CScalarAdvection | Solver for scalar transport |
►CScalarLSSVector | Custom proto op to access element values in an LSS vector for a scalar variable |
Cresult | Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol |
Cresult< This(DataT)> | |
CSetupInnerLoopData | Initialize inner loop data |
CSolver | Manage a collection of UFEM solvers |
CSpalartAllmaras | Solver for SpalartAllmaras turbulence model |
CStokesSteady | |
CSUPGFields | Store the SUPG coefficient values in a field |
CSUPGSpecialized | |
►CSUPGTypes | Possible types of SUPG computation to apply |
CConvert | |
CSurfaceIntegral | |
CTags | |
►CVectorLSSVector | Custom proto op to access element values in an LSS vector for a vector variable |
Cresult | Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol |
Cresult< This(DataT)> | |
CVelocityAssembly | |
CVelocityGradient | Compute a field containing the velocity gradient tensor and the divergence |
►CVelocityRHS | |
Cresult | |
Cresult< This(UT, NUT, GT, UVecT1, UVecT2, PVecT, Real, Real)> | |
Cresult< This(UT, NUT, UVecT1, UVecT2, PVecT, Real, Real)> | |
CWriteRestartManager | Helper class to manage the writing of restart files |
►Nui | |
►Ncore | Basic Classes for client-core library used by coolfluid-client application |
CActionInfo | |
CCNode | Base component adapted to fit the client needs |
CCNodeBuilders | |
CCNodeNotifier | Handles signal emitting for CNode class |
CCommitDetails | Model that handles modified options details |
CCommitDetailsItem | Basic item used by CommitDetails class |
CJournalNotifier | |
CLibCore | |
CNBrowser | Component that manages remote browsers. This class subclasses CNode class |
CNetworkQueue | |
CNetworkThread | |
CNGeneric | Client generic component |
CNJournal | |
CNJournalBrowser | |
CNLink | Client corresponding component for cf3::common::Link |
CNLog | Log component |
CNPlugin | |
CNPlugins | |
►CNRemoteFSBrowser | |
CFileInfo | |
CNRoot | Client root. This class is wrapper for cf3::common::Root class on the client side. A NRoot object may never have any child. Add them to the internal Root componenent instead. It can be obtained by calling root() method |
CNScriptEngine | Make the link between ScriptEngine server side and the python console client side |
CNTree | Tree model |
CPropertyItem | |
CPropertyModel | Model that maintains properties for the node pointed by the index returned by NTree::global()->currentIndex() . This class is a view for the tree model and is automatically updated whenever the current index is changed |
CRemoteDispatcher | |
CSSHTunnel | |
CThreadManager | |
CTransaction | |
CTreeNode | Handles a CNode component in the tree |
CTreeThread | Manages the client root node |
►NCoreTest | |
CMyNode | |
►Ngraphics | Basic Classes for Graphics applications used by CF |
CAboutCFDialog | |
CApplication | |
CBorderArea | Used to display the the line number and the prompt on a PythonCodeContainer |
CBrowserDialog | |
CCentralPanel | Panel to view and modify options of an object |
CConfirmCommitDialog | Dialog used to ask user whether modifcations have to be committed before continuing |
CCustomListWidget | Simple inherited class to reimplement some behavior |
CCustomStandardItem | Dervied QStandardItem to allow case insensitive sorting |
CDraggableListWidget | |
►CFavoritesModel | Model that manages a list of favorite directories |
CSpecialDir | |
CFileFilter | |
CFilesListItem | Adds a functionnality to QStandardItem class |
CFilteringModel | |
CGraphicalArray | |
CGraphicalArrayRestrictedList | |
CGraphicalBool | |
CGraphicalDouble | |
CGraphicalInt | |
CGraphicalRestrictedList | |
CGraphicalString | |
CGraphicalUri | |
CGraphicalUriArray | |
CGraphicalValue | |
CJournalBrowserBuilder | |
CJournalBrowserDialog | |
CLibGraphics | |
CLoggingList | Manages a graphical log component |
CMainWindow | Client main window |
CModifiedOptionsDialog | Dialog that shows commit details |
COptionLayout | Panel to m_view and modify options() of an object |
►CPythonCodeContainer | This class contains common code for python editors |
CPythonDict | |
CPythonCodeEditor | Simple python editor |
CPythonCompleter | Dervied QCompleter to allow the use of a tree model for completion model |
►CPythonConsole | The python console send python command to the server in form of python "fragment" the term "fragment" is used to describe a single python statement wich mean one instruction without tabulation (that instruction may have children instruction) Example of python fragment: for i in range(0,5): print i |
Cpython_command | Used to store the pending command on the command stack |
CPythonPreCompiler | Try to compile a python line to detect simple errors |
►CPythonSyntaxeHighlighter | Simple syntaxe highlighter |
CHighlightingRule | |
CRemoteFileCopy | |
CSelectPathDialog | |
CSignalInspectorDialog | |
CSignalManager | |
CSignatureDialog | |
CTabBuilder | |
CTabInfo | |
CTextBlockErrorData | |
CTreeBrowser | This widget allows allows to browse the treeview in a special way |
CTreeView | This class manages the tree view |
►Nnetwork | Network layer for XML communications |
CErrorHandler | |
CLibNetwork | |
CTCPConnection | Manages a TCP/IP connection between two entities where one is a server and the other one is a client |
►NParaView | |
CC3DView | C3DView class |
CC3DViewBuilder | C3DView class builder |
CLibParaView | |
►NParaViewTab | Basic Classes for ParaViewTab applications used by CF |
CLibParaViewTab | |
CN3DView | Class used with C3DView to provide 3D mesh view |
CWidget3D | Show a mesh rendered on a ParaViewTab server |
►NQwtTab | |
CBodePlot | This is a QwtPlot with easiest way to acces the options and add curves |
CColorSelector | This is QLabel that display a color picker when clicked and can give this color back |
CGraph | This hold the XY graph and the options graph |
CGraphOption | This class is used to set visuals options, generate functions and set the curve to draw |
CLibQwtTab | |
CNPlotXY | |
CZoomer | |
►Nserver | |
►CCCore | Manages everything that is not related to the network layer or the simulation management |
CDirContent | |
CNetworkError | Exception thrown when the server can not open its socket |
►CServerNetworkComm | This class is the server network level |
CClientInfo | |
CServerRoot | |
CUnknownClientId | Exception thrown when a given client id could not be associated to any existing client |
►NuiCommon | Common classes for the client and the server |
CLibUICommon | |
►CLogMessage | |
CConvert | |
►Nvtk | Classes for VTK operations |
CCF3ToVTK | Convert a mesh to VTK format |
CLibVTK | |
CMeshInterpolator | Interpolate one mesh to another. Geometry dict only |
CTetrahedralize | |
►Nzoltan | Classes for Zoltan operations |
►CArrayElementRemover | |
CIndexMapping | |
CGidToLocal | Helper class to convert global to local indices |
CHGCollection | |
CLibZoltan | |
CNodePacker | |
CNodeUnpacker | Helper class to unpack nodes packed using NodePacker |
CPeriodicData | |
CPHG | Executes a mesh partitioning using the hypergraph (PHG) mechanism |
CDeleter | Functor for deleting objects by calling the safer delete_ptr function |
CHandle | Safe pointer to an object. This is the supported method for referring to components |
CNonInstantiable | Derive from this class if you want a class that is not instantiable |
►Nnetworkxpython | |
Cnx_event_connector | Need to put things into a class to be reachable by the event callbacks |
►Nptest-navier-stokes-assembly | |
CTestCase | |
►Nptest-ufem-demo-assembly | |
CProfiler | |
►Nptest-ufem-demo-assembly3d | |
CProfiler | |
►Nptest-ufem-demo-navier-stokes | |
CProfiler | |
►Nrapidxml | External library used for XML parsing |
Cxml_document | |
Cxml_node | |
►NSmURF | |
CMeshReader | |
CMeshWriter | |
CTecZone | |
CAir | Properties of air that depend on temperature |
CBinaryDataFixture | |
CBlockMeshReaderFixture | |
CBockMesh3DFixture | |
CboundingboxMPITests_Fixture | |
CBuilder_fixture | |
CCAbstract | |
CCConcrete1 | |
CCheckGradientX | Check if the gradient of X is one in the X direction and zero in the other directions |
CCheckJacobianDeterminant | Checks if the jacobian_determinant function result is the same as det(jacobian) |
CCheckJacobianInverse | Checks if the inverse of the jacobian matrix equals jacobian_adjoint / jacobian_determinant |
CClient | |
CCommPatternFixture | |
CCommWrapperFixture | |
CComponentBenchFixture | |
CComponentIterationFixture | |
►CComponentURIPrinter | |
Cimpl | |
CComposedPhysics | Prototype implementation of a static physics model. Compose up to 5 physical models |
CComposedPhysics< T1, T2, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_ > | Specialization for 2 models |
CComposedPhysics< T1, T2, T3, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_ > | Specialization for 3 models |
CComposedPhysics< T1, T2, T3, T4, boost::mpl::void_ > | Specialization for 4 models |
CConnectivityFixture | Fixture providing a simple mesh read from a .neu file. Unprofiled |
CCore_fixture | |
CCoreInit | |
CCounter | Custom op that just modifies its argument |
CCSmall | |
►CCustomLaplacian | |
Cresult | Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol |
Cresult< This(FieldDataT)> | |
►CCustomLaplacianApply | |
Cresult | |
Cresult< This(TempT, MatrixT, VectorT)> | |
CCustomProtoSolver | Create a custom actiondomain |
►CCustomTerminal | |
Cresult | Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol |
Cresult< This(DataT)> | |
CDataComponentWrapperFixture | |
CDictionaryTests_Fixture | |
CDisplayIter | |
CEigenFixture | Fixture for each test of Eigen |
CElementIterator | |
►CEuler2D | |
CProperties | |
CEuler2DCons | |
Cf | |
CFaceCellConnectivity_Fixture | |
CFactoryFixture | |
CFileUpload | |
CFixture | |
CForeachFixture | |
CFunctionParser_Fixture | |
CFunctorForDim | |
CFunctorForDim< 1 > | |
CFunctorForDim< 2 > | |
CFunctorForDim< 3 > | |
Cglobal_fixture | |
CGlobalFixture | Use a global fixture, so mesh creation happens only once |
CgmshReaderMPITests_Fixture | |
CGnuplot | |
CGnuplotPty | |
CGrowl | |
►CHexa3DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
CHilbertNumberingTests_Fixture | |
CHolderT | |
Cimaxdiv_t | |
CIntegralConstantGrammar | |
CIntegralConstantTag | |
CIsotermalFluid2D | Store local fluid properties |
CIterativeAlgo | |
►CLagrangeP1Line1DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
►CLagrangeP1Line2DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
CConstVectorField | Returns the scalar product of a constant vector field and the local element normal |
CNormalVectorNorm | Returns the norm of the normal vector to the curve or surface element (equal to tangent in the case of Line2D) |
CRotatingCylinderPressure | |
►CLagrangeP1Line3DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
CTangentVectorNorm | Returns the norm of the tangen vector to the curve |
►CLagrangeP1Quad2DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
►CLagrangeP1Quad3DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
CConstVectorField | Returns the scalar product of a constant vector field and the local element normal |
CNormalVectorNorm | Returns the norm of the normal vector to the curve or surface element (equal to tangent in the case of Line2D) |
CRotatingCylinderPressure | |
►CLagrangeP1Tetra3DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
►CLagrangeP1Triag2DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
►CLagrangeP1Triag3DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
CConstVectorField | Returns the scalar product of a constant vector field and the local element normal |
CNormalVectorNorm | Returns the norm of the normal vector to the curve or surface element (equal to tangent in the case of Line2D) |
CRotatingCylinderPressure | |
CLagrangeP2BTriag2DFixture | |
CLastCallbackInfo | |
Clocal_fixture | |
CLogLevelFilterFixture | |
CLogStampFilter_Fixture | |
CLoopElems | |
CLSSAtomicFixture | |
CLSSDistributedMatrixFixture | |
CLSSSymmetricDirichletFixture | |
CLSSSystem_EmptyLSSFixture | |
CMapFixture | |
CMatrixInterpolationFixture | |
CMatrixInverter_Fixture | |
Cmd5_context | |
CMeshComponent_Fixture | |
CMeshConstruction_Fixture | |
CMeshInterpolation_Fixture | |
CMeshManipulationsTests_Fixture | |
CMeshReading_Fixture | |
CMeshTransformer_Fixture | |
►CMetricTensor | |
Cresult | Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol |
Cresult< This(DataT)> | |
CMPIBufferTests_Fixture | |
CMyC | |
CMyErrorHandler | |
Cnat | |
CNavierStokesAssemblyFixture | |
CNeumannFixture | |
CneuReaderMPITests_Fixture | |
CNodeElementConnectivity_Fixture | |
CNodes_Fixture | |
COcttree_Fixture | |
COSystemFixture | |
CParallelFieldsTests_Fixture | |
CParallelOverlapTests_Fixture | |
CPart | |
CPEAllGatherFixture | |
►CPEAllReduceFixture | |
Coptest | Test class with operator + to test if operations and all_reduce can work with it |
CPEAllToAllFixture | |
CPEBroadcastFixture | |
CPECollectiveFixture | |
►CPEDatatypeFixture | |
Cuser_struct_c | |
Cuser_struct_d | |
Cuser_struct_i | Some complex data types |
CPEFixture | |
CPEGatherFixture | |
►CPEOperationsFixture | |
Ccustommult | Example custom function |
Coptest | Custom class for checking the non built-in way |
►CPEReduceFixture | |
Coptest | Test class with operator + to test if operations and reduce can work with it |
CPerfectGas | Use the perfect gas law to get density |
CPEScatterFixture | |
►CPhysModel | |
CProperties | |
►CPrism3DFixture | |
CConstFunctor | |
CProfiledFixture | Profile and time tests using this fixture |
CProperties_Fixture | |
►CProtoBenchmarkFixture | |
CDirectArrays | |
CProtoHeatFixture | |
CProtoLSSFixture | |
CProtoParallelFixture | |
CProtoUnsteadyFixture | |
Cprowl_connection | |
CPtrFixture | |
CPTScotchTests_Fixture | |
CQList | |
CQMap | |
CRapidXML_Test_Fixture | |
CRDMMergeFixture | |
►CScalarLSSVector | |
Cresult | Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol |
Cresult< This(DataT)> | |
►CServer | |
CClientInfo | |
CSetIntegerAction | Action that sets an integer, for testing purposes |
CSimpleGrammar | Simple test grammar |
CSimpleMeshGeneratorTests_Fixture | |
CSomeTag | Define a tag (not used here) |
CSpaceElement | |
CStackTrace | |
CStencilComputerRings_Fixture | |
CSumVectorNorm | |
CTecWriterTests_Fixture | |
Ctest_matrix | Holding all the data and the constructor sets everything up, everything is public |
CTest_ShapeFunction_Fixture | |
CTestBuildFaces_Fixture | |
CTestCGNS_Fixture | |
CTestFieldCreation_Fixture | |
CTestFixture | |
CTestGlobalConnectivity_Fixture | |
CTestParallelDistribution_Fixture | |
CTestRotate_Fixture | |
CTestSignals_Fixture | |
CTetraSFFixture | Fixture for each test |
CThermalFluid | Non-isothermal fluid (assume we get the temperature from somewhere else) |
CUFEMBuildSparsityFixture | |
CUnifiedData_Fixture | |
CVariables | |
CVariablesT | |
CVectorBenchmarkFixture | |
►CVectorLSSVector | |
Cresult | Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol |
Cresult< This(DataT)> | |
CVectorOperations_Fixture | |
CVolumeFunctor | Simple test functor to compute the volume |
►CVolumeSFFixture | |
CMakeSFNodesPair | Functor to create a fusion pair between a shape function and its node matrix |
CVolumeMPLFunctor | Applies a functor if the element is a volume element |
CXmlFixture | |
CZoltanTests_Fixture |
Send comments to: COOLFluiD Web Admin |