COOLFluiD  Release kernel
COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
Classes | Functions | Variables
cf3::ui::core Namespace Reference

Basic Classes for client-core library used by coolfluid-client application. More...


struct  ActionInfo
class  CNode
 Base component adapted to fit the client needs. More...
class  CNodeBuilders
class  CNodeNotifier
 Handles signal emitting for CNode class. More...
class  CommitDetails
 Model that handles modified options details. More...
class  CommitDetailsItem
 Basic item used by CommitDetails class. More...
class  JournalNotifier
class  LibCore
class  NBrowser
 Component that manages remote browsers. This class subclasses CNode class. More...
class  NetworkQueue
class  NetworkThread
class  NGeneric
 Client generic component. More...
class  NJournal
class  NJournalBrowser
class  NLink
 Client corresponding component for cf3::common::Link. More...
class  NLog
 Log component. More...
class  NPlugin
class  NPlugins
class  NRemoteFSBrowser
class  NRoot
 Client root. This class is wrapper for cf3::common::Root class on the client side. A NRoot object may never have any child. Add them to the internal Root componenent instead. It can be obtained by calling root() method. More...
class  NScriptEngine
 Make the link between ScriptEngine server side and the python console client side. More...
class  NTree
 Tree model. More...
struct  PropertyItem
class  PropertyModel
 Model that maintains properties for the node pointed by the index returned by NTree::global()->currentIndex(). This class is a view for the tree model and is automatically updated whenever the current index is changed. More...
class  RemoteDispatcher
class  SSHTunnel
class  ThreadManager
struct  Transaction
class  TreeNode
 Handles a CNode component in the tree. More...
class  TreeThread
 Manages the client root node. More...


template<typename TYPE >
void addValueToXml (const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const std::string &sep, SignalOptions &options)


cf3::common::RegistLibrary< LibCoreLibCore

Detailed Description

Basic Classes for client-core library used by coolfluid-client application.

Function Documentation

void cf3::ui::core::addValueToXml ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  sep,
SignalOptions options 

Definition at line 252 of file CNode.cpp.

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 15 of file LibCore.cpp.

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