COOLFluiD  Release kernel
COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NboostExternal boost library namespace
 Ncf3Top-level namespace for coolfluid
 NrapidxmlExternal library used for XML parsing
 CAirProperties of air that depend on temperature
 CCheckGradientXCheck if the gradient of X is one in the X direction and zero in the other directions
 CCheckJacobianDeterminantChecks if the jacobian_determinant function result is the same as det(jacobian)
 CCheckJacobianInverseChecks if the inverse of the jacobian matrix equals jacobian_adjoint / jacobian_determinant
 CComposedPhysicsPrototype implementation of a static physics model. Compose up to 5 physical models
 CComposedPhysics< T1, T2, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_ >Specialization for 2 models
 CComposedPhysics< T1, T2, T3, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_ >Specialization for 3 models
 CComposedPhysics< T1, T2, T3, T4, boost::mpl::void_ >Specialization for 4 models
 CConnectivityFixtureFixture providing a simple mesh read from a .neu file. Unprofiled
 CCounterCustom op that just modifies its argument
 CCustomProtoSolverCreate a custom actiondomain
 CEigenFixtureFixture for each test of Eigen
 CFunctorForDim< 1 >
 CFunctorForDim< 2 >
 CFunctorForDim< 3 >
 CGlobalFixtureUse a global fixture, so mesh creation happens only once
 CIsotermalFluid2DStore local fluid properties
 CPerfectGasUse the perfect gas law to get density
 CProfiledFixtureProfile and time tests using this fixture
 CSetIntegerActionAction that sets an integer, for testing purposes
 CSimpleGrammarSimple test grammar
 CSomeTagDefine a tag (not used here)
 Ctest_matrixHolding all the data and the constructor sets everything up, everything is public
 CTetraSFFixtureFixture for each test
 CThermalFluidNon-isothermal fluid (assume we get the temperature from somewhere else)
 CVolumeFunctorSimple test functor to compute the volume
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