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COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
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cf3::mesh Namespace Reference

Basic Classes for Mesh applications used by COOLFluiD. More...


 Action derived classes for mesh manipulations.
 Library for I/O of the OpenFOAM BlockMesh dict files.
 Library for I/O in the native CF3 mesh format.
 Library for I/O of the CGNS format.
 namespace holding GaussLegendre quadrature
 Library for I/O of the gmsh format.
 Functions to provide integration over elements.
 namespace holding LagrangeP0 shape functions and elements
 namespace holding LagrangeP1 shape functions and elements
 namespace holding LagrangeP2 shape functions and elements
 namespace holding LagrangeP2B shape functions and elements
 namespace holding LagrangeP3 shape functions and elements
 Library for I/O of the neutral format.
 Library for PTScotch mesh partitioning and load balancing.
 Library for I/O of the smurf format.
 Library for I/O of the tecplot format.
 Library for I/O of the VTK legacy format.
 Library for I/O of the VTK XML format.
 Library for zoltan mesh partitioning and load balancing.


class  AInterpolator
 A Interpolator base component. More...
class  APointInterpolator
 PointInterpolator to interpolate a field to a point. More...
class  BoundingBox
 Wrapped math::BoundingBox, with extra functionality. More...
class  CellFaces
class  Cells
class  Connectivity
class  ContinuousDictionary
struct  DerivativeInPoint
class  Dictionary
class  DiscontinuousDictionary
class  Domain
class  Edges
class  ElementFinder
 Base class for finding an element given a coordinate. More...
class  ElementFinderOcttree
 Find elements using an octtree. More...
struct  ElementNodeView
 View of nodal data, allowing modification of the referenced data. More...
struct  ElementNodeView< NbNodes, 1, 1 >
 Specialization for single Real values. More...
class  Elements
class  ElementType
class  ElementTypeBase
 Fallback class if a concrete Element Type doesn't implement a static function. More...
struct  ElementTypeFaceConnectivity
 Stores connectivity information about the faces that form the cell boundary. More...
class  ElementTypeT
 Translation class to link concrete static implementations to the dynamic API. More...
class  Entities
class  Entity
 Low storage struct to uniquely identify one element. More...
struct  Face2Cell
class  FaceCellConnectivity
class  FaceConnectivity
class  Faces
class  Field
class  FieldManager
class  GenerateLine3D
class  GeneratePlane3D
class  GeoShape
struct  InterpolateInPoint
class  InterpolationFunction
class  Interpolator
 Interpolator component delegating interpolation to a PointInterpolator strategy. More...
class  InterpolatorT
 Compile-time configured strategy for interpolation. More...
struct  IsCellType
 Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality. More...
struct  IsCompatibleWith
struct  IsEdgeType
 Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality. More...
class  IsElementsSurface
class  IsElementsVolume
struct  IsElementType
struct  IsFaceType
 Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality. More...
struct  IsMinimalOrder
 Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function or element type has at least the given order. More...
class  LibMesh
class  LoadMesh
class  MatchedMeshInterpolator
 Interpolator component that interpolates fields between spaces in the same mesh. More...
class  MergedParallelDistribution
class  Mesh
class  MeshAdaptor
 Class to adapt the mesh. More...
class  MeshElements
class  MeshGenerator
class  MeshMetadata
 Storage for metadata related to the mesh. More...
class  MeshPartitioner
class  MeshReader
class  MeshTransformer
class  MeshTriangulator
class  MeshWriter
class  Node2FaceCellConnectivity
class  NodeConnectivity
class  NodeElementConnectivity
class  Octtree
class  PackedElement
 Class that contains all stand-alone global information of an element. More...
class  PackedNode
 Class that contains all stand-alone global information of point in a dictionary. More...
class  ParallelDistribution
class  PointInterpolator
 A general configurable point interpolator. More...
class  PointInterpolatorT
 A compile-time configured point interpolator, making sure that element-finder, stencil computer, and interpolation function match together. More...
class  PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolation
 Pseudo-Laplacian Weighted Linear Interpolation function. More...
class  Quadrature
class  QuadratureBase
 Fallback class if a concrete Quadrature doesn't implement a static function. More...
class  QuadratureT
 Translation class to link concrete static implementations to the dynamic API. More...
struct  ReconstructPoint
class  Region
class  ShapeFunction
class  ShapeFunctionBase
 Fallback class if a concrete ShapeFunction doesn't implement a static function. More...
class  ShapeFunctionInterpolation
class  ShapeFunctionT
 Translation class to link concrete static implementations to the dynamic API. More...
class  SimpleMeshGenerator
 Generate a simple carthesian P1 mesh without grading. More...
class  Space
 Space component class. More...
class  SpaceElem
class  SpaceInterpolator
 Interpolator component that interpolates fields between spaces in the same mesh. More...
class  StencilComputer
 Base class for stencil computers. More...
class  StencilComputerOcttree
class  StencilComputerOneCell
 A StencilComputer returning one cell. More...
class  StencilComputerRings
 Compute the stencil around an element, consisting of rings of neighboring cells. More...
class  Tags
class  UnifiedData
class  WriteMesh


typedef common::Table< EntityElementConnectivity
typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::ElementTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::ElementTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::ElementTypes, LagrangeP3::ElementTypes > > > ElementTypes
 List of all supported element types. More...
typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::CellTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::CellTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::CellTypes, LagrangeP3::CellTypes > > > CellTypes
typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::FaceTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::FaceTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::FaceTypes, LagrangeP3::FaceTypes > > > FaceTypes
typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::EdgeTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::EdgeTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::EdgeTypes, LagrangeP3::EdgeTypes > > > EdgeTypes
typedef PointInterpolatorT< ElementFinderOcttree, StencilComputerRings, PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolationPseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolator
typedef InterpolatorT< PseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolatorPseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolator
typedef PointInterpolatorT< ElementFinderOcttree, StencilComputerOneCell, ShapeFunctionInterpolationShapeFunctionPointInterpolator
typedef InterpolatorT< ShapeFunctionPointInterpolatorShapeFunctionInterpolator


void create_node_element_connectivity (const Uint nb_nodes, const NodeConnectivity::EntitiesT &entities, NodeConnectivity::IndicesT &node_first_elements, NodeConnectivity::CountsT &node_element_counts, NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT &node_elements)
void create_face_element_connectivity (const Entities &own_celements, const NodeConnectivity::EntitiesT &entities, const NodeConnectivity::IndicesT &node_first_elements, const NodeConnectivity::CountsT &node_element_counts, const NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT &node_elements, FaceConnectivity::BoolsT &face_has_neighbour, NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT &face_element_connectivity, NodeConnectivity::IndicesT &face_face_connectivity)
void sorted_face_nodes (const Entities &entities, const common::Table< Uint >::ArrayT &connectivity_table, const Uint element_idx, const Uint face_idx, FaceConnectivity::IndicesT &face_nodes)
 Gets a sorted list of face nodes. More...
void create_face_face_connectivity (const Entities &own_celements, const NodeConnectivity::EntitiesT &entities, const FaceConnectivity::BoolsT &face_has_neighbour, const NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT &face_element_connectivity, NodeConnectivity::IndicesT &face_face_connectivity)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ElementConnectivity::ConstRow row)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ElementConnectivity &table)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, common::TableConstRow< Entity > row)
template<typename NodeValuesT , typename RowT >
void fill (NodeValuesT &to_fill, const common::Table< Real > &data_array, const RowT &element_row, const Uint start=0)
 Fill STL-vector like per-node data storage. More...
template<typename RowT , int NbRows, int NbCols>
void fill (Eigen::Matrix< Real, NbRows, NbCols > &to_fill, const common::Table< Real > &data_array, const RowT &element_row, const Uint start=0)
 Fill static sized matrices. More...
template<typename RowT >
void fill (RealMatrix &to_fill, const common::Table< Real > &data_array, const RowT &element_row, const Uint start=0)
 Fill dynamic matrices. More...
template<typename RowT >
RealVector to_vector (const RowT &row)
 Utility function to convert a vector-like type to a RealVector. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Entity &entity)
boost::shared_ptr< List< Uint > > build_used_nodes_list (const std::vector< Handle< Entities const > > &entities, const Dictionary &dictionary, const bool include_ghost_elems, const bool follow_periodic_links=true)
 Create a List<Uint> containing unique entries of all the nodes used by a vector of entities. More...
boost::shared_ptr< common::List< Uint > > build_used_nodes_list (const common::Component &node_user, const Dictionary &dictionary, const bool include_ghost_elems, const bool follow_periodic_links=true)
 Create a List<Uint> containing unique entries of all the nodes used by a vector of entities. More...
void nearest_node_mapping (const RealMatrix &support_local_coords, const RealMatrix &source_local_coords, std::vector< Uint > &node_mapping, std::vector< bool > &is_interior)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GeoShape::Type &in)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, GeoShape::Type &in)
template<typename T >
void Interpolator_send_receive (const Uint send_to_pid, std::vector< T > &send, const Uint receive_from_pid, std::vector< T > &receive)
template<typename T >
void MeshAdaptor_send_receive (const Uint send_to_pid, std::vector< T > &send, const Uint receive_from_pid, std::vector< T > &receive)
void flex_all_to_all (const std::vector< PE::Buffer > &send, PE::Buffer &recv)
void flex_all_to_all (const PE::Buffer &send, std::vector< int > &send_strides, PE::Buffer &recv, std::vector< int > &recv_strides)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpaceElem &elem)


cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< BoundingBox, Component, LibMeshBoundingBox_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< CellFaces, Entities, LibMeshCellFaces_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Cells, Entities, LibMeshCells_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Connectivity, Component, LibMeshConnectivity_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< ContinuousDictionary, Component, LibMeshContinuousDictionary_Builder
RegisterComponent< Dictionary, LibMeshregist_Dictionary
common::ComponentBuilder< DiscontinuousDictionary, Component, LibMeshDiscontinuousDictionary_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Domain, Component, LibMeshDomain_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Edges, Entities, LibMeshEdges_Builder
RegistTypeInfo< Entity, LibMeshregist_ElementConnectivity_ValueT
common::ComponentBuilder< ElementConnectivity, Component, LibMeshElementConnectivity_Builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< ElementFinderOcttree, ElementFinder, LibMeshElementFinderOcttree_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Elements, Entities, LibMeshElements_Builder
RegistTypeInfo< Entity, LibMeshregist_Entity
common::ComponentBuilder< FaceCellConnectivity, Component, LibMeshFaceCellConnectivity_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Faces, Entities, LibMeshFaces_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Field, Component, LibMeshField_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< FieldManager, Component, LibMeshFieldManager_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< GenerateLine3D, mesh::MeshGenerator, LibMeshGenerateLine3D_builder
common::ComponentBuilder< GeneratePlane3D, mesh::MeshGenerator, LibMeshGeneratePlane3D_builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Interpolator, AInterpolator, LibMeshInterpolator_builder
ComponentBuilder< PseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolator, APointInterpolator, LibMeshPseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolator_builder (LibMesh::library_namespace()+".PseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolator")
ComponentBuilder< PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolator, AInterpolator, LibMeshPseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolator_builder (LibMesh::library_namespace()+".PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolator")
ComponentBuilder< ShapeFunctionPointInterpolator, APointInterpolator, LibMeshShapeFunctionPointInterpolator_builder (LibMesh::library_namespace()+".ShapeFunctionPointInterpolator")
ComponentBuilder< ShapeFunctionInterpolator, AInterpolator, LibMeshShapeFunctionInterpolator_builder (LibMesh::library_namespace()+".ShapeFunctionInterpolator")
cf3::common::RegistLibrary< LibMeshlibMesh
common::ComponentBuilder< LoadMesh, Component, LibMeshLoadMesh_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< MatchedMeshInterpolator, AInterpolator, LibMeshMatchedMeshInterpolator_builder
common::ComponentBuilder< MergedParallelDistribution, Component, LibMeshMergedParallelDistribution_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Mesh, Component, LibMeshMesh_Builder
ComponentBuilder< MeshElements, Component, LibMeshMeshElements_Builder
ComponentBuilder< MeshMetadata, Component, LibMeshMeshMetadata_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< MeshTransformer, MeshTransformer, LibMeshMeshTransformer_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< MeshTriangulator, MeshTransformer, LibMeshMeshTriangulator_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Node2FaceCellConnectivity, Component, LibMeshNode2FaceCellConnectivity_Builder
ComponentBuilder< NodeElementConnectivity, Component, LibMeshNodeElementConnectivity_Builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< Octtree, Component, LibMeshOcttree_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< ParallelDistribution, Component, LibMeshParallelDistribution_Builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< PointInterpolator, APointInterpolator, LibMeshPointInterpolator_builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolation, InterpolationFunction, LibMeshPseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolation_builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Region, Component, LibMeshRegion_Builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< ShapeFunctionInterpolation, InterpolationFunction, LibMeshShapeFunctionInterpolation_builder
ComponentBuilder< SimpleMeshGenerator, MeshGenerator, LibMeshSimpleMeshGenerator_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< Space, Component, LibMeshSpace_Builder
RegistTypeInfo< SpaceElem, LibMeshregist_SpaceElem
common::ComponentBuilder< SpaceInterpolator, AInterpolator, LibMeshSpaceInterpolator_builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< StencilComputerOneCell, StencilComputer, LibMeshstencilcomputeronecell_Builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< StencilComputerOcttree, StencilComputer, LibMeshStencilComputerOcttree_Builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< StencilComputerRings, StencilComputer, LibMeshStencilComputerRings_Builder
cf3::common::ComponentBuilder< UnifiedData, cf3::common::Component, LibMeshUnifiedData_Builder
common::ComponentBuilder< WriteMesh, Component, LibMeshWriteMesh_Builder

Detailed Description

Basic Classes for Mesh applications used by COOLFluiD.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::CellTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::CellTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::CellTypes, LagrangeP3::CellTypes > > > CellTypes

Definition at line 36 of file ElementTypes.hpp.

typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::EdgeTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::EdgeTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::EdgeTypes, LagrangeP3::EdgeTypes > > > EdgeTypes

Definition at line 48 of file ElementTypes.hpp.

Definition at line 21 of file ElementConnectivity.hpp.

typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::ElementTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::ElementTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::ElementTypes, LagrangeP3::ElementTypes > > > ElementTypes

List of all supported element types.

Definition at line 30 of file ElementTypes.hpp.

typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP0::FaceTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP1::FaceTypes, boost::mpl::joint_view< LagrangeP2::FaceTypes, LagrangeP3::FaceTypes > > > FaceTypes

Definition at line 42 of file ElementTypes.hpp.

Definition at line 30 of file InterpolatorTypes.cpp.

Definition at line 25 of file InterpolatorTypes.cpp.

Definition at line 42 of file InterpolatorTypes.cpp.

Definition at line 37 of file InterpolatorTypes.cpp.

Function Documentation

boost::shared_ptr< common::List< Uint > > build_used_nodes_list ( const std::vector< Handle< Entities const > > &  entities,
const Dictionary dictionary,
const bool  include_ghost_elems,
const bool  follow_periodic_links = true 

Create a List<Uint> containing unique entries of all the nodes used by a vector of entities.


[in]entitiesvector of entities, that the unique nodes will be collected from
[in]dictionarydictionary where the nodes are stored
[in]include_ghost_elemsif true, ghost elements will be included in the search
used_nodes List of used nodes

Definition at line 24 of file Functions.cpp.

boost::shared_ptr< common::List< Uint > > build_used_nodes_list ( const common::Component node_user,
const Dictionary dictionary,
const bool  include_ghost_elems,
const bool  follow_periodic_links = true 

Create a List<Uint> containing unique entries of all the nodes used by a vector of entities.


[in]node_usercomponent being entities, or holding entities somewhere down in his tree
[in]dictionarydictionary where the nodes are stored
[in]include_ghost_elemsif true, ghost elements will be included in the search
used_nodes List of used nodes

Definition at line 103 of file Functions.cpp.

void Mesh_API create_face_element_connectivity ( const Entities own_celements,
const NodeConnectivity::EntitiesT entities,
const NodeConnectivity::IndicesT node_first_elements,
const NodeConnectivity::CountsT node_element_counts,
const NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT node_elements,
FaceConnectivity::BoolsT face_has_neighbour,
NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT face_element_connectivity,
NodeConnectivity::IndicesT face_face_connectivity 

Calculate the face connectivity data, based on inputs as calculated by create_node_element_connectivity.

[in]own_celementsThe Elements for which the connectivity data is needed
[out]face_has_neighbourFor each face of each global element, true if the face has a neighbour element
[out]face_element_connectivityFor each face of element in own_celements, store the element it is connected to. The length of this vector is the total number of elements from own_celements, multiplied with the number of faces for each element. To get the connectivity of face 3 of element i of own_celements, use: face_element_connectivity[nb_faces*i + 3]
[out]face_face_connectivityStores to local face index for each global face index

Definition at line 193 of file ConnectivityData.cpp.

void Mesh_API create_face_face_connectivity ( const Entities own_celements,
const NodeConnectivity::EntitiesT entities,
const FaceConnectivity::BoolsT face_has_neighbour,
const NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT face_element_connectivity,
NodeConnectivity::IndicesT face_face_connectivity 

Calculate the local face index in adjacent elements

[in]own_celementsThe Elements for which the connectivity data is needed
[in]face_has_neighbourFor each face of each global element, true if the face has a neighbour element
[in]face_element_connectivityFor each face of element in own_celements, it stores the element it is connected to. The length of this vector is the total number of elements from own_celements, multiplied with the number of faces for each element. To get the connectivity of face 3 of element i of own_celements, use: face_element_connectivity[nb_faces*i + 3]
[out]face_face_connectivityStores to local face index for each global face index For other parameters:
See also

Definition at line 325 of file ConnectivityData.cpp.

void Mesh_API create_node_element_connectivity ( const Uint  nb_nodes,
const NodeConnectivity::EntitiesT entities,
NodeConnectivity::IndicesT node_first_elements,
NodeConnectivity::CountsT node_element_counts,
NodeConnectivity::NodeElementsT node_elements 

Store connectivity from a node to the elements that use it

[in]nb_nodesThe total number of nodes to consider. This should be equal to the size of the coordinate table.
[in]entitiesThe vector with the Entities to consider. The index of this vector is used to uniquely identify an element
[out]node_first_elementsFor each node, the indices of the first element in node_elements. Size equal to nb_nodes.
[out]node_element_countsFor each node, the number of elements that use it. Size equal to nb_nodes
[out]node_elementsThe link between a node and the elements that use it. The columns contain the index into the elements vector and then the index into that Elements connectivity table. Size is the sum of the elements in node_element_counts. The elements using node i are located from node_elements[node_first_elements[i]] to node_elements[node_first_elements[i] + node_element_counts[i]].

Definition at line 142 of file ConnectivityData.cpp.

void cf3::mesh::fill ( NodeValuesT &  to_fill,
const common::Table< Real > &  data_array,
const RowT &  element_row,
const Uint  start = 0 

Fill STL-vector like per-node data storage.

Definition at line 28 of file ElementData.hpp.

void cf3::mesh::fill ( Eigen::Matrix< Real, NbRows, NbCols > &  to_fill,
const common::Table< Real > &  data_array,
const RowT &  element_row,
const Uint  start = 0 

Fill static sized matrices.

Definition at line 43 of file ElementData.hpp.

void cf3::mesh::fill ( RealMatrix to_fill,
const common::Table< Real > &  data_array,
const RowT &  element_row,
const Uint  start = 0 

Fill dynamic matrices.

Definition at line 55 of file ElementData.hpp.

void cf3::mesh::flex_all_to_all ( const std::vector< PE::Buffer > &  send,
PE::Buffer recv 

Definition at line 334 of file MeshPartitioner.cpp.

void cf3::mesh::flex_all_to_all ( const PE::Buffer send,
std::vector< int > &  send_strides,
PE::Buffer recv,
std::vector< int > &  recv_strides 

Definition at line 364 of file MeshPartitioner.cpp.

void cf3::mesh::Interpolator_send_receive ( const Uint  send_to_pid,
std::vector< T > &  send,
const Uint  receive_from_pid,
std::vector< T > &  receive 

Definition at line 62 of file Interpolator.cpp.

void cf3::mesh::MeshAdaptor_send_receive ( const Uint  send_to_pid,
std::vector< T > &  send,
const Uint  receive_from_pid,
std::vector< T > &  receive 

Definition at line 1674 of file MeshAdaptor.cpp.

void nearest_node_mapping ( const RealMatrix support_local_coords,
const RealMatrix source_local_coords,
std::vector< Uint > &  node_mapping,
std::vector< bool > &  is_interior 

Build a mapping linking the local source coordinates to the nearest local coordinate in support_local_coords.

node_mapping[out] Mapping from source_local_coords to indices into support_local_coords
is_interior[out] True for each source_local_coord that is an internal node, i.e. a node that is not on the element boundary.

Definition at line 116 of file Functions.cpp.

std::ostream& cf3::mesh::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
common::TableConstRow< Entity row 
std::ostream& cf3::mesh::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ElementConnectivity::ConstRow  row 

Definition at line 27 of file ElementConnectivity.cpp.

std::ostream& cf3::mesh::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ElementConnectivity table 

Definition at line 37 of file ElementConnectivity.cpp.

Mesh_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const GeoShape::Type in 

Definition at line 53 of file GeoShape.cpp.

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Entity entity 

Definition at line 217 of file Entities.cpp.

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SpaceElem elem 

Definition at line 304 of file Space.cpp.

Mesh_API std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
GeoShape::Type in 

Definition at line 59 of file GeoShape.cpp.

void cf3::mesh::sorted_face_nodes ( const Entities entities,
const common::Table< Uint >::ArrayT &  connectivity_table,
const Uint  element_idx,
const Uint  face_idx,
FaceConnectivity::IndicesT face_nodes 

Gets a sorted list of face nodes.

Definition at line 315 of file ConnectivityData.cpp.

RealVector cf3::mesh::to_vector ( const RowT &  row)

Utility function to convert a vector-like type to a RealVector.

Definition at line 162 of file ElementData.hpp.

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 30 of file BoundingBox.cpp.

Definition at line 22 of file CellFaces.cpp.

Definition at line 19 of file Cells.cpp.

Definition at line 15 of file Connectivity.cpp.

Definition at line 47 of file ContinuousDictionary.cpp.

common::ComponentBuilder< DiscontinuousDictionary, Component, LibMesh > DiscontinuousDictionary_Builder

Definition at line 47 of file DiscontinuousDictionary.cpp.

Definition at line 42 of file Domain.cpp.

Definition at line 19 of file Edges.cpp.

Definition at line 23 of file ElementConnectivity.cpp.

Definition at line 39 of file ElementFinderOcttree.cpp.

Definition at line 31 of file Elements.cpp.

common::ComponentBuilder< FaceCellConnectivity , Component, LibMesh > FaceCellConnectivity_Builder

Definition at line 38 of file FaceCellConnectivity.cpp.

Definition at line 19 of file Faces.cpp.

Definition at line 36 of file Field.cpp.

Definition at line 36 of file FieldManager.cpp.

Definition at line 31 of file GenerateLine3D.cpp.

Definition at line 31 of file GeneratePlane3D.cpp.

Definition at line 34 of file Interpolator.cpp.

Definition at line 19 of file LibMesh.cpp.

Definition at line 39 of file LoadMesh.cpp.

Definition at line 31 of file MatchedMeshInterpolator.cpp.

common::ComponentBuilder< MergedParallelDistribution, Component, LibMesh > MergedParallelDistribution_Builder

Definition at line 28 of file MergedParallelDistribution.cpp.

Definition at line 61 of file Mesh.cpp.

Definition at line 21 of file MeshElements.cpp.

Definition at line 21 of file MeshMetadata.cpp.

Definition at line 25 of file MeshTransformer.cpp.

Definition at line 29 of file MeshTriangulator.cpp.

common::ComponentBuilder< Node2FaceCellConnectivity , Component, LibMesh > Node2FaceCellConnectivity_Builder

Definition at line 21 of file Node2FaceCellConnectivity.cpp.

ComponentBuilder< NodeElementConnectivity, Component, LibMesh > NodeElementConnectivity_Builder

Definition at line 25 of file NodeElementConnectivity.cpp.

Definition at line 48 of file Octtree.cpp.

Definition at line 25 of file ParallelDistribution.cpp.

Definition at line 61 of file PointInterpolator.cpp.

Definition at line 26 of file PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolation.cpp.

ComponentBuilder< PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolator , AInterpolator, LibMesh> PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolator_builder(LibMesh::library_namespace()+".PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolator")
ComponentBuilder< PseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolator , APointInterpolator, LibMesh> PseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolator_builder(LibMesh::library_namespace()+".PseudoLaplacianLinearPointInterpolator")

Definition at line 31 of file Region.cpp.

RegisterComponent<Dictionary, LibMesh> regist_Dictionary

Definition at line 50 of file Dictionary.cpp.

RegistTypeInfo<Entity,LibMesh> regist_ElementConnectivity_ValueT

Definition at line 21 of file ElementConnectivity.cpp.

RegistTypeInfo<Entity,LibMesh> regist_Entity

Definition at line 37 of file Entities.cpp.

RegistTypeInfo<SpaceElem,LibMesh> regist_SpaceElem

Definition at line 198 of file Space.cpp.

Definition at line 48 of file ShapeFunctionInterpolation.cpp.

ComponentBuilder< ShapeFunctionInterpolator , AInterpolator, LibMesh> ShapeFunctionInterpolator_builder(LibMesh::library_namespace()+".ShapeFunctionInterpolator")
ComponentBuilder< ShapeFunctionPointInterpolator , APointInterpolator, LibMesh> ShapeFunctionPointInterpolator_builder(LibMesh::library_namespace()+".ShapeFunctionPointInterpolator")
ComponentBuilder< SimpleMeshGenerator, MeshGenerator, LibMesh > SimpleMeshGenerator_Builder

Definition at line 41 of file SimpleMeshGenerator.cpp.

Definition at line 30 of file Space.cpp.

Definition at line 26 of file SpaceInterpolator.cpp.

Definition at line 37 of file StencilComputerOcttree.cpp.

Definition at line 51 of file StencilComputer.cpp.

Definition at line 39 of file StencilComputerRings.cpp.

Definition at line 20 of file UnifiedData.cpp.

Definition at line 46 of file WriteMesh.cpp.

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