▼ cf3 | |
► common | |
► Linux | |
OSystemLayer.cpp | |
OSystemLayer.hpp | |
► MacOSX | |
OSystemLayer.cpp | |
OSystemLayer.hpp | |
► PE | |
all_gather.hpp | |
all_reduce.hpp | |
all_to_all.hpp | |
broadcast.hpp | |
Buffer.hpp | MPI communication buffer for mixed data types |
Comm.cpp | |
Comm.hpp | |
CommPattern.cpp | |
CommPattern.hpp | Parallel Communication Pattern. This class provides functionality to collect communication. For efficiency it works such a way that you submit your request via the constructor or the add/remove/move magic triangle and then call setup to modify the commpattern. The data needed to be kept synchronous can be registered via the insert function. The word node here means any kind of "point of storage", in this context it is not directly related with the computational mesh |
CommWrapper.cpp | |
CommWrapper.hpp | |
CommWrapperMArray.cpp | |
CommWrapperMArray.hpp | |
datatype.hpp | |
debug.cpp | |
debug.hpp | |
gather.hpp | |
ListeningInfo.cpp | |
ListeningInfo.hpp | |
ListeningThread.cpp | |
ListeningThread.hpp | |
Manager.cpp | |
Manager.hpp | |
operations.hpp | |
reduce.hpp | |
scatter.hpp | |
types.hpp | |
WorkerGroup.cpp | |
WorkerGroup.hpp | |
► Win32 | |
LibLoader.cpp | |
LibLoader.hpp | |
OSystemLayer.cpp | |
OSystemLayer.hpp | |
► XML | |
CastingFunctions.cpp | |
CastingFunctions.hpp | |
FileOperations.cpp | |
FileOperations.hpp | |
Map.cpp | |
Map.hpp | |
MultiArray.cpp | |
MultiArray.hpp | |
Protocol.cpp | |
Protocol.hpp | |
SignalFrame.cpp | |
SignalFrame.hpp | |
SignalOptions.cpp | |
SignalOptions.hpp | |
XmlDoc.cpp | |
XmlDoc.hpp | |
XmlNode.cpp | |
XmlNode.hpp | |
Action.cpp | |
Action.hpp | |
ActionDirector.cpp | |
ActionDirector.hpp | |
AllocatedComponent.cpp | |
AllocatedComponent.hpp | Wrapper around component, ensuring proper allocation and type identification, as well as optional function wrapping |
ArrayBase.hpp | |
ArrayBufferT.hpp | |
ArrayDiff.cpp | |
ArrayDiff.hpp | |
Assertions.cpp | |
Assertions.hpp | |
BasicExceptions.cpp | |
BasicExceptions.hpp | |
BinaryDataReader.cpp | |
BinaryDataReader.hpp | |
BinaryDataWriter.cpp | |
BinaryDataWriter.hpp | |
BoostAnyConversion.cpp | |
BoostAnyConversion.hpp | |
BoostArray.cpp | |
BoostArray.hpp | |
BoostAssertions.cpp | |
BoostAssertions.hpp | |
BoostFilesystem.hpp | |
BoostIostreams.hpp | |
Builder.cpp | |
Builder.hpp | |
BuildInfo.cpp | |
BuildInfo.hpp | |
CF.hpp | Coolfluid3 header, included almost everywhere |
CodeLocation.cpp | |
CodeLocation.hpp | |
CodeProfiler.cpp | |
CodeProfiler.hpp | |
CommonAPI.hpp | |
Component.cpp | |
Component.hpp | Holds the Component class, as well as the ComponentIterator class plus some functions related to component creation |
ComponentIterator.hpp | Holds the ComponentIterator class |
ConnectionManager.cpp | |
ConnectionManager.hpp | |
Core.cpp | |
Core.hpp | |
CreateComponentDataType.hpp | |
DynTable.cpp | |
DynTable.hpp | |
EigenAssertions.hpp | |
EnumT.hpp | |
Environment.cpp | |
Environment.hpp | |
EventHandler.cpp | |
EventHandler.hpp | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.hpp | |
Factories.cpp | |
Factories.hpp | |
Factory.cpp | |
Factory.hpp | |
FindComponents.hpp | |
Foreach.hpp | |
Group.cpp | |
Group.hpp | |
Handle.hpp | |
IAction.hpp | |
Journal.cpp | |
Journal.hpp | |
LibCommon.cpp | |
LibCommon.hpp | |
LibLoader.cpp | |
LibLoader.hpp | |
Libraries.cpp | |
Libraries.hpp | |
Library.cpp | |
Library.hpp | |
Link.cpp | |
Link.hpp | |
List.cpp | |
List.hpp | |
ListBufferIterator.hpp | |
ListBufferT.hpp | |
LocalDispatcher.cpp | |
LocalDispatcher.hpp | |
Log.cpp | |
Log.hpp | |
LogLevel.hpp | |
LogLevelFilter.cpp | |
LogLevelFilter.hpp | |
LogStampFilter.cpp | |
LogStampFilter.hpp | |
LogStream.cpp | |
LogStream.hpp | |
LogStringForwarder.cpp | |
LogStringForwarder.hpp | |
Map.hpp | |
NetworkInfo.cpp | |
NetworkInfo.hpp | |
NoProfiling.cpp | |
NoProfiling.hpp | |
NotificationQueue.cpp | |
NotificationQueue.hpp | |
Option.cpp | |
Option.hpp | |
OptionArray.cpp | |
OptionArray.hpp | |
OptionArrayDetail.hpp | |
OptionComponent.hpp | |
OptionFactory.cpp | |
OptionFactory.hpp | |
OptionList.cpp | |
OptionList.hpp | |
OptionListDetail.hpp | |
OptionT.cpp | |
OptionT.hpp | |
OptionURI.cpp | |
OptionURI.hpp | |
OSystem.cpp | |
OSystem.hpp | |
OSystemLayer.cpp | |
OSystemLayer.hpp | |
PosixDlopenLibLoader.cpp | |
PosixDlopenLibLoader.hpp | |
PrintTimingTree.cpp | |
PrintTimingTree.hpp | |
PropertyList.cpp | |
PropertyList.hpp | |
RegistLibrary.hpp | |
Signal.cpp | |
Signal.hpp | |
SignalDispatcher.cpp | |
SignalDispatcher.hpp | |
SignalHandler.cpp | |
SignalHandler.hpp | |
StreamHelpers.hpp | |
StringConversion.cpp | |
StringConversion.hpp | Conversions from and to std::string |
Table.cpp | |
Table.hpp | |
Table_fwd.hpp | |
TaggedObject.cpp | |
TaggedObject.hpp | |
Tags.cpp | |
Tags.hpp | |
TimedComponent.cpp | |
TimedComponent.hpp | |
Timer.cpp | |
Timer.hpp | |
TypeInfo.cpp | |
TypeInfo.hpp | |
URI.cpp | |
URI.hpp | Uniform Resource Identifier (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier) |
UUCount.cpp | |
UUCount.hpp | |
WorkerStatus.cpp | |
WorkerStatus.hpp | |
► math | |
► LSS | |
► EmptyLSS | |
EmptyLSSMatrix.cpp | |
EmptyLSSMatrix.hpp | |
EmptyLSSVector.cpp | |
EmptyLSSVector.hpp | |
EmptyStrategy.cpp | |
EmptyStrategy.hpp | |
► Trilinos | |
BelosGMRESParameters.cpp | |
BelosGMRESParameters.hpp | |
CoordinatesStrategy.cpp | |
CoordinatesStrategy.hpp | |
DirectStrategy.cpp | |
DirectStrategy.hpp | |
ParameterList.cpp | |
ParameterList.hpp | |
ParameterListDefaults.hpp | |
RCGStrategy.cpp | |
RCGStrategy.hpp | |
TekoBlockedOperator.cpp | |
TekoBlockedOperator.hpp | |
ThyraOperator.hpp | |
ThyraVector.hpp | |
TrilinosCrsMatrix.cpp | |
TrilinosCrsMatrix.hpp | |
TrilinosDetail.cpp | |
TrilinosDetail.hpp | |
TrilinosFEVbrMatrix.cpp | |
TrilinosFEVbrMatrix.hpp | |
TrilinosStratimikosStrategy.cpp | |
TrilinosStratimikosStrategy.hpp | |
TrilinosVector.cpp | |
TrilinosVector.hpp | |
BlockAccumulator.hpp | |
LibLSS.cpp | |
LibLSS.hpp | |
Matrix.hpp | |
SolutionStrategy.hpp | |
SolveLSS.cpp | |
SolveLSS.hpp | |
System.cpp | |
System.hpp | This header collects all the headers needed for the linear system solver, also including configure-time present dependency specializations |
Vector.hpp | |
ZeroLSS.cpp | |
ZeroLSS.hpp | |
AnalyticalFunction.cpp | |
AnalyticalFunction.hpp | |
BoostMath.hpp | |
BoundingBox.cpp | |
BoundingBox.hpp | |
Checks.hpp | |
Consts.hpp | |
Defs.hpp | |
FindMinimum.hpp | |
FloatingPoint.hpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
Hilbert.cpp | |
Hilbert.hpp | |
Integrate.hpp | |
LibMath.cpp | |
LibMath.hpp | |
MathExceptions.cpp | |
MathExceptions.hpp | |
MatrixTypes.hpp | |
MatrixTypesConversion.hpp | |
VariableManager.cpp | |
VariableManager.hpp | |
VariablesDescriptor.cpp | |
VariablesDescriptor.hpp | |
VectorialFunction.cpp | |
VectorialFunction.hpp | |
► mesh | |
► actions | |
AddPointRegion.cpp | |
AddPointRegion.hpp | |
BuildArea.cpp | |
BuildArea.hpp | |
BuildFaceNormals.cpp | |
BuildFaceNormals.hpp | |
BuildFaces.cpp | |
BuildFaces.hpp | |
BuildVolume.cpp | |
BuildVolume.hpp | |
ComputeFieldGradient.cpp | |
ComputeFieldGradient.hpp | |
CreateField.cpp | |
CreateField.hpp | |
Extract.cpp | |
Extract.hpp | |
GlobalConnectivity.cpp | |
GlobalConnectivity.hpp | |
GlobalNumbering.cpp | |
GlobalNumbering.hpp | |
GlobalNumberingElements.cpp | |
GlobalNumberingElements.hpp | |
GlobalNumberingNodes.cpp | |
GlobalNumberingNodes.hpp | |
GrowOverlap.cpp | |
GrowOverlap.hpp | |
ImportVariables.cpp | |
ImportVariables.hpp | |
Info.cpp | |
Info.hpp | |
InitFieldConstant.cpp | |
InitFieldConstant.hpp | |
InitFieldFunction.cpp | |
InitFieldFunction.hpp | |
Interpolate.cpp | |
Interpolate.hpp | |
LibActions.cpp | |
LibActions.hpp | |
LinkPeriodicNodes.cpp | |
LinkPeriodicNodes.hpp | |
LoadBalance.cpp | |
LoadBalance.hpp | |
MakeBoundaryGlobal.cpp | |
MakeBoundaryGlobal.hpp | |
MeshDiff.cpp | |
MeshDiff.hpp | |
MeshInterpolator.cpp | |
MeshInterpolator.hpp | |
PeriodicMeshPartitioner.cpp | |
PeriodicMeshPartitioner.hpp | |
RemoveGhostElements.cpp | |
RemoveGhostElements.hpp | |
Rotate.cpp | |
Rotate.hpp | |
ShortestEdge.cpp | |
ShortestEdge.hpp | |
SurfaceIntegral.cpp | |
SurfaceIntegral.hpp | |
Translate.cpp | |
Translate.hpp | |
VolumeIntegral.cpp | |
VolumeIntegral.hpp | |
WallDistance.cpp | |
WallDistance.hpp | |
► BlockMesh | |
BlockData.cpp | |
BlockData.hpp | |
ChannelGenerator.cpp | |
ChannelGenerator.hpp | |
LibBlockMesh.cpp | |
LibBlockMesh.hpp | |
► cf3mesh | |
LibCF3Mesh.cpp | |
LibCF3Mesh.hpp | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► CGNS | |
CGNSExceptions.hpp | |
LibCGNS.cpp | |
LibCGNS.hpp | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.hpp | |
Shared.cpp | |
Shared.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► gausslegendre | |
API.hpp | |
Hexa.cpp | |
Hexa.hpp | |
Legendre.cpp | |
Legendre.hpp | |
LibGaussLegendre.cpp | |
LibGaussLegendre.hpp | |
Line.cpp | |
Line.hpp | |
Quad.cpp | |
Quad.hpp | |
► gmsh | |
LibGmsh.cpp | |
LibGmsh.hpp | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.hpp | |
Shared.cpp | |
Shared.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► Integrators | |
Gauss.hpp | |
GaussImplementation.hpp | |
► LagrangeP0 | |
API.hpp | |
ElementTypes.hpp | |
Hexa.cpp | |
Hexa.hpp | |
LibLagrangeP0.cpp | |
LibLagrangeP0.hpp | |
Line.cpp | |
Line.hpp | |
Point.cpp | |
Point.hpp | |
Point1D.cpp | |
Point1D.hpp | |
Point2D.cpp | |
Point2D.hpp | |
Point3D.cpp | |
Point3D.hpp | |
Prism.cpp | |
Prism.hpp | |
Quad.cpp | |
Quad.hpp | |
Tetra.cpp | |
Tetra.hpp | |
Triag.cpp | |
Triag.hpp | |
► LagrangeP1 | |
API.hpp | |
ElementTypes.hpp | |
Hexa.cpp | |
Hexa.hpp | |
Hexa3D.cpp | |
Hexa3D.hpp | |
LibLagrangeP1.cpp | |
LibLagrangeP1.hpp | |
Line.cpp | |
Line.hpp | |
Line1D.cpp | |
Line1D.hpp | |
Line2D.cpp | |
Line2D.hpp | |
Line3D.cpp | |
Line3D.hpp | |
Point.cpp | |
Point.hpp | |
Prism.cpp | |
Prism.hpp | |
Prism3D.cpp | |
Prism3D.hpp | |
Quad.cpp | |
Quad.hpp | |
Quad2D.cpp | |
Quad2D.hpp | |
Quad3D.cpp | |
Quad3D.hpp | |
Tetra.cpp | |
Tetra.hpp | |
Tetra3D.cpp | |
Tetra3D.hpp | |
Triag.cpp | |
Triag.hpp | |
Triag2D.cpp | |
Triag2D.hpp | |
Triag3D.cpp | |
Triag3D.hpp | |
► LagrangeP2 | |
API.hpp | |
ElementTypes.hpp | |
LibLagrangeP2.cpp | |
LibLagrangeP2.hpp | |
Line.cpp | |
Line.hpp | |
Line1D.cpp | |
Line1D.hpp | |
Line2D.cpp | |
Line2D.hpp | |
Point.cpp | |
Point.hpp | |
Quad.cpp | |
Quad.hpp | |
Quad2D.cpp | |
Quad2D.hpp | |
Quad3D.cpp | |
Quad3D.hpp | |
Triag.cpp | |
Triag.hpp | |
Triag2D.cpp | |
Triag2D.hpp | |
► LagrangeP2B | |
API.hpp | |
ElementTypes.hpp | |
LibLagrangeP2B.cpp | |
LibLagrangeP2B.hpp | |
Triag.cpp | |
Triag.hpp | |
Triag2D.cpp | |
Triag2D.hpp | |
► LagrangeP3 | |
API.hpp | |
ElementTypes.hpp | |
LibLagrangeP3.cpp | |
LibLagrangeP3.hpp | |
Line.cpp | |
Line.hpp | |
Line2D.cpp | |
Line2D.hpp | |
Quad.cpp | |
Quad.hpp | |
Quad2D.cpp | |
Quad2D.hpp | |
Triag.cpp | |
Triag.hpp | |
Triag2D.cpp | |
Triag2D.hpp | |
► neu | |
LibNeu.cpp | |
LibNeu.hpp | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.hpp | |
Shared.cpp | |
Shared.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► ptscotch | |
LibPTScotch.cpp | |
LibPTScotch.hpp | |
Partitioner.cpp | |
Partitioner.hpp | |
► smurf | |
► smurf | |
smurf.cpp | |
smurf.h | |
LibSmurf.cpp | |
LibSmurf.hpp | |
Reader.cpp | |
Reader.hpp | |
Shared.cpp | |
Shared.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► tecplot | |
LibTecplot.cpp | |
LibTecplot.hpp | |
Shared.cpp | |
Shared.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► VTKLegacy | |
LibVTKLegacy.cpp | |
LibVTKLegacy.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► VTKXML | |
LibVTKXML.cpp | |
LibVTKXML.hpp | |
Writer.cpp | |
Writer.hpp | |
► zoltan | |
LibZoltan.cpp | |
LibZoltan.hpp | |
Partitioner.cpp | |
Partitioner.hpp | |
AInterpolator.cpp | |
AInterpolator.hpp | |
BoundingBox.cpp | |
BoundingBox.hpp | |
CellFaces.cpp | |
CellFaces.hpp | |
Cells.cpp | |
Cells.hpp | |
Connectivity.cpp | |
Connectivity.hpp | |
ConnectivityData.cpp | |
ConnectivityData.hpp | |
ContinuousDictionary.cpp | |
ContinuousDictionary.hpp | |
Dictionary.cpp | |
Dictionary.hpp | |
DiscontinuousDictionary.cpp | |
DiscontinuousDictionary.hpp | |
Domain.cpp | |
Domain.hpp | |
Edges.cpp | |
Edges.hpp | |
ElementConnectivity.cpp | |
ElementConnectivity.hpp | |
ElementData.hpp | |
ElementFinder.cpp | |
ElementFinder.hpp | |
ElementFinderOcttree.cpp | |
ElementFinderOcttree.hpp | |
Elements.cpp | |
Elements.hpp | |
ElementType.hpp | |
ElementTypeBase.hpp | This file deals with the translation from the dynamic API of ElementType to static implementations of element types |
ElementTypePredicates.hpp | This file contains compile-time predicates for element types |
ElementTypes.hpp | |
ElementTypeT.hpp | This file deals with the translation from the dynamic API of ElementType to static implementations of element types |
Entities.cpp | |
Entities.hpp | |
FaceCellConnectivity.cpp | |
FaceCellConnectivity.hpp | |
Faces.cpp | |
Faces.hpp | |
Field.cpp | |
Field.hpp | |
FieldManager.cpp | |
FieldManager.hpp | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
GenerateLine3D.cpp | |
GenerateLine3D.hpp | |
GeneratePlane3D.cpp | |
GeneratePlane3D.hpp | |
GeoShape.cpp | |
GeoShape.hpp | |
InterpolationFunction.cpp | |
InterpolationFunction.hpp | |
Interpolator.cpp | |
Interpolator.hpp | |
InterpolatorTypes.cpp | |
LibMesh.cpp | |
LibMesh.hpp | |
LoadMesh.cpp | |
LoadMesh.hpp | |
MatchedMeshInterpolator.cpp | |
MatchedMeshInterpolator.hpp | |
MergedParallelDistribution.cpp | |
MergedParallelDistribution.hpp | |
Mesh.cpp | |
Mesh.hpp | |
MeshAdaptor.cpp | |
MeshAdaptor.hpp | |
MeshElements.cpp | |
MeshElements.hpp | |
MeshGenerator.cpp | |
MeshGenerator.hpp | |
MeshMetadata.cpp | |
MeshMetadata.hpp | |
MeshPartitioner.cpp | |
MeshPartitioner.hpp | |
MeshReader.cpp | |
MeshReader.hpp | |
MeshTransformer.cpp | |
MeshTransformer.hpp | |
MeshTriangulator.cpp | |
MeshTriangulator.hpp | |
MeshWriter.cpp | |
MeshWriter.hpp | |
Node2FaceCellConnectivity.cpp | |
Node2FaceCellConnectivity.hpp | |
NodeElementConnectivity.cpp | |
NodeElementConnectivity.hpp | |
Octtree.cpp | |
Octtree.hpp | |
ParallelDistribution.cpp | |
ParallelDistribution.hpp | |
PointInterpolator.cpp | |
PointInterpolator.hpp | |
PointInterpolatorT.hpp | |
PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolation.cpp | |
PseudoLaplacianLinearInterpolation.hpp | |
Quadrature.hpp | |
QuadratureBase.hpp | Base class to inherit shape function implementations from |
QuadratureT.hpp | Translation from dynamic to static API |
Reconstructions.hpp | |
Region.cpp | |
Region.hpp | |
ShapeFunction.hpp | |
ShapeFunctionBase.hpp | Base class to inherit shape function implementations from |
ShapeFunctionInterpolation.cpp | |
ShapeFunctionInterpolation.hpp | |
ShapeFunctionT.hpp | Translation from dynamic to static API |
SimpleMeshGenerator.cpp | |
SimpleMeshGenerator.hpp | |
Space.cpp | |
Space.hpp | |
SpaceInterpolator.cpp | |
SpaceInterpolator.hpp | |
StencilComputer.cpp | |
StencilComputer.hpp | |
StencilComputerOcttree.cpp | |
StencilComputerOcttree.hpp | |
StencilComputerRings.cpp | |
StencilComputerRings.hpp | |
Tags.cpp | |
Tags.hpp | |
UnifiedData.cpp | |
UnifiedData.hpp | |
WriteMesh.cpp | |
WriteMesh.hpp | |
► physics | |
Consts.hpp | |
DynamicModel.cpp | |
DynamicModel.hpp | |
DynamicVars.cpp | |
DynamicVars.hpp | |
LibPhysics.cpp | |
LibPhysics.hpp | |
MatrixTypes.hpp | |
PhysModel.cpp | |
PhysModel.hpp | |
Variables.cpp | |
Variables.hpp | |
► python | |
BoostPython.hpp | |
check.py | |
ComponentWrapper.cpp | |
ComponentWrapper.hpp | |
coolfluid.py | |
CoreWrapper.cpp | |
CoreWrapper.hpp | |
LibPython.cpp | |
LibPython.hpp | |
ListWrapper.cpp | |
ListWrapper.hpp | |
Math.cpp | |
Math.hpp | |
MatrixWrappers.cpp | |
MatrixWrappers.hpp | |
NetworkXPython.cpp | |
NetworkXPython.hpp | |
networkxpython.py | |
PythonAny.cpp | |
PythonAny.hpp | |
PythonModule.cpp | |
PythonModule.hpp | |
ScriptEngine.cpp | |
ScriptEngine.hpp | |
TableWrapper.cpp | |
TableWrapper.hpp | |
TestAllOptions.cpp | |
TestAllOptions.hpp | |
TestSignals.cpp | |
TestSignals.hpp | |
URIWrapper.cpp | |
URIWrapper.hpp | |
Utility.hpp | |
► solver | |
► actions | |
► Proto | |
BlockAccumulator.hpp | |
ComponentWrapper.hpp | |
ConfigurableConstant.hpp | |
DirichletBC.hpp | |
EigenTransforms.hpp | Transforms related to Eigen matrix library functionality |
ElementData.hpp | |
ElementExpressionWrapper.hpp | |
ElementGradDiv.hpp | |
ElementGrammar.hpp | |
ElementIntegration.hpp | |
ElementLooper.hpp | |
ElementMatrix.hpp | |
ElementOperations.hpp | |
ElementTransforms.hpp | |
Expression.hpp | |
ExpressionGroup.hpp | |
FieldSync.cpp | |
FieldSync.hpp | |
ForEachDimension.hpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
GaussPoints.hpp | |
IndexLooping.hpp | |
LSSWrapper.hpp | |
NodeData.hpp | |
NodeGrammar.hpp | |
NodeLooper.hpp | |
PhysicsConstant.hpp | |
ProtoAction.cpp | |
ProtoAction.hpp | |
RestrictExpressionToElementType.hpp | |
RHSVector.hpp | |
SetRHS.hpp | |
SetSolution.hpp | |
SolutionVector.hpp | |
Terminals.hpp | |
Transforms.hpp | |
AdvanceTime.cpp | |
AdvanceTime.hpp | |
ComputeArea.cpp | |
ComputeArea.hpp | |
ComputeVolume.cpp | |
ComputeVolume.hpp | |
Conditional.cpp | |
Conditional.hpp | |
CopyScalar.cpp | |
CopyScalar.hpp | |
DirectionalAverage.cpp | |
DirectionalAverage.hpp | |
FieldTimeAverage.cpp | |
FieldTimeAverage.hpp | |
ForAllCells.cpp | |
ForAllCells.hpp | |
ForAllElements.cpp | |
ForAllElements.hpp | |
ForAllElementsT.hpp | |
ForAllFaces.cpp | |
ForAllFaces.hpp | |
ForAllNodes2.cpp | |
ForAllNodes2.hpp | |
Iterate.cpp | |
Iterate.hpp | |
LibActions.cpp | |
LibActions.hpp | |
Loop.cpp | |
Loop.hpp | |
LoopOperation.cpp | |
LoopOperation.hpp | |
NodeValence.cpp | |
NodeValence.hpp | |
ParallelDataToFields.cpp | |
ParallelDataToFields.hpp | |
PeriodicWriteMesh.cpp | |
PeriodicWriteMesh.hpp | |
PrintIterationSummary.cpp | |
PrintIterationSummary.hpp | |
Probe.cpp | |
Probe.hpp | |
ProbePostProcFunction.cpp | |
ProbePostProcFunction.hpp | |
ProbePostProcHistory.cpp | |
ProbePostProcHistory.hpp | |
RandomizeField.cpp | |
RandomizeField.hpp | |
ReadRestartFile.cpp | |
ReadRestartFile.hpp | |
SynchronizeFields.cpp | |
SynchronizeFields.hpp | |
TimeSeriesWriter.cpp | |
TimeSeriesWriter.hpp | |
TurbulenceStatistics.cpp | |
TurbulenceStatistics.hpp | |
TwoPointCorrelation.cpp | |
TwoPointCorrelation.hpp | |
WriteRestartFile.cpp | |
WriteRestartFile.hpp | |
Action.cpp | |
Action.hpp | |
ActionDirector.cpp | |
ActionDirector.hpp | |
ActionDirectorWithSkip.cpp | |
ActionDirectorWithSkip.hpp | |
BC.cpp | |
BC.hpp | |
ComputeCFL.cpp | |
ComputeCFL.hpp | |
ComputeLNorm.cpp | |
ComputeLNorm.hpp | |
ComputeRHS.cpp | |
ComputeRHS.hpp | |
Criterion.cpp | |
Criterion.hpp | |
CriterionAbsResidual.cpp | |
CriterionAbsResidual.hpp | |
CriterionMaxIterations.cpp | |
CriterionMaxIterations.hpp | |
CriterionMilestoneIteration.cpp | |
CriterionMilestoneIteration.hpp | |
CriterionMilestoneTime.cpp | |
CriterionMilestoneTime.hpp | |
CriterionTime.cpp | |
CriterionTime.hpp | |
History.cpp | |
History.hpp | |
ImposeCFL.cpp | |
ImposeCFL.hpp | |
LibSolver.cpp | |
LibSolver.hpp | |
Model.cpp | |
Model.hpp | |
ModelSteady.cpp | |
ModelSteady.hpp | |
ModelUnsteady.cpp | |
ModelUnsteady.hpp | |
PDE.cpp | |
PDE.hpp | |
PDESolver.cpp | |
PDESolver.hpp | |
Plotter.cpp | |
Plotter.hpp | |
PlotXY.cpp | |
PlotXY.hpp | |
RiemannSolver.hpp | |
SimpleSolver.cpp | |
SimpleSolver.hpp | |
Solver.cpp | |
Solver.hpp | |
Tags.cpp | |
Tags.hpp | |
Term.cpp | |
Term.hpp | |
TermComputer.cpp | |
TermComputer.hpp | |
Time.cpp | |
Time.hpp | |
TimeStepComputer.cpp | |
TimeStepComputer.hpp | |
TimeStepping.cpp | |
TimeStepping.hpp | |
Wizard.cpp | |
Wizard.hpp | |
► Tools | |
► Command | |
coolfluid-command.cpp | |
► Gnuplot | |
Gnuplot.cpp | |
Gnuplot.hpp | |
► GooglePerfTools | |
GoogleHeapProfiling.cpp | |
GoogleHeapProfiling.hpp | |
GooglePerfProfiling.cpp | |
GooglePerfProfiling.hpp | |
LibGooglePerfTools.cpp | |
LibGooglePerfTools.hpp | |
► Growl | |
► growl | |
► headers | |
► msinttypes | |
inttypes.h | |
stdint.h | |
growl++.hpp | |
growl.h | |
md5.h | |
tcp.h | |
► source | |
gntp-send++.cpp | |
gntp-send.c | |
growl++.cpp | |
growl.c | |
md5.c | |
tcp.c | |
LibGrowl.cpp | |
LibGrowl.hpp | |
Notifier.cpp | |
Notifier.hpp | |
► mesh_transformer | |
coolfluid-mesh-transformer.cpp | |
Help.cpp | |
Help.hpp | |
Transformer.cpp | |
Transformer.hpp | |
► MeshDiff | |
Commands.cpp | |
Commands.hpp | |
coolfluid-meshdiff.cpp | |
LibMeshDiff.cpp | |
LibMeshDiff.hpp | |
MeshDiff.cpp | |
MeshDiff.hpp | |
► MeshGeneration | |
LibMeshGeneration.cpp | |
LibMeshGeneration.hpp | |
MeshGeneration.cpp | |
MeshGeneration.hpp | |
► Prowl | |
► prowl | |
main.c | |
prowl.c | |
prowl.h | |
LibProwl.cpp | |
LibProwl.hpp | |
Notifier.cpp | |
Notifier.hpp | |
► Shell | |
BasicCommands.cpp | |
BasicCommands.hpp | |
Interpreter.cpp | |
Interpreter.hpp | |
LibShell.cpp | |
LibShell.hpp | |
► solver | |
coolfluid-solver.cpp | |
CWorker.cpp | |
CWorker.hpp | |
LogForwarder.cpp | |
LogForwarder.hpp | |
Notifier.cpp | |
Notifier.hpp | |
► Testing | |
Difference.hpp | |
LibTesting.cpp | |
LibTesting.hpp | |
ProfiledTestFixture.cpp | |
ProfiledTestFixture.hpp | |
TimedTestFixture.hpp | |
► tutorial | |
Hello.cpp | |
Hello.hpp | |
LibTutorial.cpp | |
LibTutorial.hpp | |
tut1.cpp | Tutorial 1 |
tut2.cpp | Tutorial 2 |
► ui | |
► core | |
CNode.cpp | |
CNode.hpp | |
CNodeBuilders.cpp | |
CNodeBuilders.hpp | |
CommitDetails.cpp | |
CommitDetails.hpp | |
CommitDetailsItem.cpp | |
CommitDetailsItem.hpp | |
LibCore.cpp | |
LibCore.hpp | |
NBrowser.cpp | |
NBrowser.hpp | |
NetworkQueue.cpp | |
NetworkQueue.hpp | |
NetworkThread.cpp | |
NetworkThread.hpp | |
NGeneric.cpp | |
NGeneric.hpp | |
NJournal.cpp | |
NJournal.hpp | |
NJournalBrowser.cpp | |
NJournalBrowser.hpp | |
NLink.cpp | |
NLink.hpp | |
NLog.cpp | |
NLog.hpp | |
NPlugin.cpp | |
NPlugin.hpp | |
NPlugins.cpp | |
NPlugins.hpp | |
NRemoteFSBrowser.cpp | |
NRemoteFSBrowser.hpp | |
NRoot.cpp | |
NRoot.hpp | |
NScriptEngine.cpp | |
NScriptEngine.hpp | |
NTree.cpp | |
NTree.hpp | |
PropertyModel.cpp | |
PropertyModel.hpp | |
RemoteDispatcher.cpp | |
RemoteDispatcher.hpp | |
SSHTunnel.cpp | |
SSHTunnel.hpp | |
ThreadManager.cpp | |
ThreadManager.hpp | |
TreeNode.cpp | |
TreeNode.hpp | |
TreeThread.cpp | |
TreeThread.hpp | |
► graphics | |
AboutCFDialog.cpp | |
AboutCFDialog.hpp | |
Application.cpp | |
Application.hpp | |
BrowserDialog.cpp | |
BrowserDialog.hpp | |
CentralPanel.cpp | |
CentralPanel.hpp | |
ConfirmCommitDialog.cpp | |
ConfirmCommitDialog.hpp | |
FavoritesModel.cpp | |
FavoritesModel.hpp | |
FileFilter.cpp | |
FileFilter.hpp | |
FilesListItem.cpp | |
FilesListItem.hpp | |
FilteringModel.cpp | |
FilteringModel.hpp | |
GraphicalArray.cpp | |
GraphicalArray.hpp | |
GraphicalArrayRestrictedList.cpp | |
GraphicalArrayRestrictedList.hpp | |
GraphicalBool.cpp | |
GraphicalBool.hpp | |
GraphicalDouble.cpp | |
GraphicalDouble.hpp | |
GraphicalInt.cpp | |
GraphicalInt.hpp | |
GraphicalRestrictedList.cpp | |
GraphicalRestrictedList.hpp | |
GraphicalString.cpp | |
GraphicalString.hpp | |
GraphicalUri.cpp | |
GraphicalUri.hpp | |
GraphicalUriArray.cpp | |
GraphicalUriArray.hpp | |
GraphicalValue.cpp | |
GraphicalValue.hpp | |
JournalBrowserDialog.cpp | |
JournalBrowserDialog.hpp | |
LibGraphics.cpp | |
LibGraphics.hpp | |
LoggingList.cpp | |
LoggingList.hpp | |
MainWindow.cpp | |
MainWindow.hpp | |
ModifiedOptionsDialog.cpp | |
ModifiedOptionsDialog.hpp | |
OptionLayout.cpp | |
OptionLayout.hpp | |
PythonCodeContainer.cpp | |
PythonCodeContainer.hpp | |
PythonCodeEditor.cpp | |
PythonCodeEditor.hpp | |
PythonConsole.cpp | |
PythonConsole.hpp | |
PythonPreCompiler.cpp | |
PythonPreCompiler.hpp | |
PythonSyntaxeHighlighter.cpp | |
PythonSyntaxeHighlighter.hpp | |
RemoteFileCopy.cpp | |
RemoteFileCopy.hpp | |
SelectPathDialog.cpp | |
SelectPathDialog.hpp | |
SignalInspectorDialog.cpp | |
SignalInspectorDialog.hpp | |
SignalManager.cpp | |
SignalManager.hpp | |
SignatureDialog.cpp | |
SignatureDialog.hpp | |
TabBuilder.cpp | |
TabBuilder.hpp | |
TreeBrowser.cpp | |
TreeBrowser.hpp | |
TreeView.cpp | |
TreeView.hpp | |
► network | |
ErrorHandler.hpp | |
LibNetwork.cpp | |
LibNetwork.hpp | |
TCPConnection.cpp | |
TCPConnection.hpp | |
► server | |
CCore.cpp | |
CCore.hpp | |
ServerExceptions.cpp | |
ServerExceptions.hpp | |
ServerNetworkComm.cpp | |
ServerNetworkComm.hpp | |
ServerRoot.cpp | |
ServerRoot.hpp | |
► uicommon | |
ComponentNames.hpp | |
LibUICommon.cpp | |
LibUICommon.hpp | |
LogMessage.cpp | |
LogMessage.hpp | |
gui-main.cpp | |
server-main.cpp | |
▼ plugins | |
► BlockMeshReader | |
► test | |
utest-block-mesh-reader.cpp | |
BlockMeshReader.cpp | |
BlockMeshReader.hpp | |
LibBlockMeshReader.cpp | |
LibBlockMeshReader.hpp | |
Parser.cpp | |
Parser.hpp | |
► CGAL | |
► CGAL | |
ImplicitFunctionMesh.cpp | |
ImplicitFunctionMesh.hpp | |
LibCGAL.cpp | |
LibCGAL.hpp | |
Tetrahedralize.cpp | |
Tetrahedralize.hpp | |
► sandbox | |
linear_interpolation.cpp | |
► test | |
utest-cgal-tetra-sf.cpp | |
utest-cgal-tetrahedralize.py | |
► Physics | |
► cf3 | |
► physics | |
► euler | |
► euler1d | |
Data.cpp | |
Data.hpp | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
Types.hpp | |
► euler2d | |
Data.cpp | |
Data.hpp | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
Types.hpp | |
LibEuler.cpp | |
LibEuler.hpp | |
► lineuler | |
► lineuler2d | |
Data.cpp | |
Data.hpp | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
Types.hpp | |
Cons2D.cpp | |
Cons2D.hpp | |
Cons3D.cpp | |
Cons3D.hpp | |
LibLinEuler.cpp | |
LibLinEuler.hpp | |
LinEuler2D.cpp | |
LinEuler2D.hpp | |
LinEuler3D.cpp | |
LinEuler3D.hpp | |
► navierstokes | |
► navierstokes1d | |
Data.cpp | |
Data.hpp | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
Types.hpp | |
► navierstokes2d | |
Data.cpp | |
Data.hpp | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions.hpp | |
Types.hpp | |
LibNavierStokes.cpp | |
LibNavierStokes.hpp | |
► Scalar | |
Burgers2D.cpp | |
Burgers2D.hpp | |
Diffusion2D.cpp | |
Diffusion2D.hpp | |
LibScalar.cpp | |
LibScalar.hpp | |
LinearAdv1D.cpp | |
LinearAdv1D.hpp | |
LinearAdv2D.cpp | |
LinearAdv2D.hpp | |
LinearAdv3D.cpp | |
LinearAdv3D.hpp | |
LinearAdvSys2D.cpp | |
LinearAdvSys2D.hpp | |
RotationAdv2D.cpp | |
RotationAdv2D.hpp | |
Scalar1D.cpp | |
Scalar1D.hpp | |
Scalar2D.cpp | |
Scalar2D.hpp | |
Scalar3D.cpp | |
Scalar3D.hpp | |
ScalarSys2D.cpp | |
ScalarSys2D.hpp | |
► test | |
► NavierStokes | |
utest-physics-navierstokes-cons2d.cpp | |
utest-advectiondiffusion.cpp | |
utest-physics-euler.cpp | |
utest-physics-lineuler.cpp | |
► UFEM | |
► src | |
► UFEM | |
► demo | |
LibUFEMDemo.cpp | |
LibUFEMDemo.hpp | |
NavierStokesChorin.cpp | |
NavierStokesChorin.hpp | |
NavierStokesManual.cpp | |
NavierStokesManual.hpp | |
NavierStokesSpecialized.cpp | |
NavierStokesSpecialized.hpp | |
PoissonManual.cpp | |
PoissonManual.hpp | |
PoissonProto.cpp | |
PoissonProto.hpp | |
PoissonSpecialized.cpp | |
PoissonSpecialized.hpp | |
PoissonVirtual.cpp | |
PoissonVirtual.hpp | |
► les | |
LibUFEMLES.cpp | |
LibUFEMLES.hpp | |
WALE.cpp | |
WALE.hpp | |
► ns_implementation | |
NavierStokes.cpp | |
NavierStokesHexas.cpp | |
NavierStokesPrisms.cpp | |
NavierStokesQuads.cpp | |
NavierStokesTetras.cpp | |
NavierStokesTriags.cpp | |
► ns_semi_implicit | |
► implementation | |
HexasMatrixAssembly.cpp | |
NavierStokesSemiImplicit.cpp | |
PrismsMatrixAssembly.cpp | |
QuadsMatrixAssembly.cpp | |
TetrasMatrixAssembly.cpp | |
TriagsMatrixAssembly.cpp | |
LSSVectorOps.hpp | |
MatrixAssembly.hpp | |
NavierStokesSemiImplicit.hpp | |
PressureSystem.cpp | |
PressureSystem.hpp | |
► particles | |
EquilibriumEuler.cpp | |
EquilibriumEuler.hpp | |
EquilibriumEulerConvergence.cpp | |
EquilibriumEulerConvergence.hpp | |
EquilibriumEulerFEM.cpp | |
EquilibriumEulerFEM.hpp | |
LibUFEMParticles.cpp | |
LibUFEMParticles.hpp | |
ParticleConcentration.cpp | |
ParticleConcentration.hpp | |
Polydisperse.cpp | |
Polydisperse.hpp | |
RelaxationTime.cpp | |
RelaxationTime.hpp | |
TaylorGreen.cpp | |
TaylorGreen.hpp | |
AdjacentCellToFace.cpp | |
AdjacentCellToFace.hpp | |
AdjustForceTerm.cpp | |
AdjustForceTerm.hpp | |
BCDirichletFunction.cpp | |
BCDirichletFunction.hpp | |
BCHoldValue.cpp | |
BCHoldValue.hpp | |
BCNeumannConstant.cpp | |
BCNeumannConstant.hpp | |
BoundaryConditions.cpp | |
BoundaryConditions.hpp | |
BulkVelocity.cpp | |
BulkVelocity.hpp | |
ComputeCFL.cpp | |
ComputeCFL.hpp | |
ComputeFlux.cpp | |
ComputeFlux.hpp | |
ComputeTfluid.cpp | |
ComputeTfluid.hpp | |
CouplingIterationControl.cpp | |
CouplingIterationControl.hpp | |
CriterionConvergence.cpp | |
CriterionConvergence.hpp | |
CrossWindDiffusion.hpp | |
HeatConductionSteady.cpp | |
HeatConductionSteady.hpp | |
HeatCouplingFlux.cpp | |
HeatCouplingFlux.hpp | |
HeatCouplingRobin.cpp | |
HeatCouplingRobin.hpp | |
ICNSImplicitToSemi.cpp | |
ICNSImplicitToSemi.hpp | |
ICNSSemiToImplicit.cpp | |
ICNSSemiToImplicit.hpp | |
InitialConditionConstant.cpp | |
InitialConditionConstant.hpp | |
InitialConditionFunction.cpp | |
InitialConditionFunction.hpp | |
InitialConditions.cpp | |
InitialConditions.hpp | |
KineticEnergyIntegral.cpp | |
KineticEnergyIntegral.hpp | |
LibUFEM.cpp | |
LibUFEM.hpp | |
LSSAction.cpp | |
LSSAction.hpp | |
LSSActionUnsteady.cpp | |
LSSActionUnsteady.hpp | |
NavierStokes.hpp | |
NavierStokesAssembly.hpp | |
NavierStokesPhysics.cpp | |
NavierStokesPhysics.hpp | |
NavierStokesSpecializations.hpp | |
NSResidual.cpp | |
NSResidual.hpp | |
ParsedFunctionExpression.cpp | |
ParsedFunctionExpression.hpp | |
ScalarAdvection.cpp | |
ScalarAdvection.hpp | |
Solver.cpp | |
Solver.hpp | |
SpalartAllmaras.cpp | |
SpalartAllmaras.hpp | |
SparsityBuilder.cpp | |
SparsityBuilder.hpp | |
StokesSteady.cpp | |
StokesSteady.hpp | |
SUPG.cpp | |
SUPG.hpp | |
SUPGFields.cpp | |
SUPGFields.hpp | |
SurfaceIntegral.cpp | |
SurfaceIntegral.hpp | |
Tags.cpp | |
Tags.hpp | |
VelocityGradient.cpp | |
VelocityGradient.hpp | |
WriteRestartManager.cpp | |
WriteRestartManager.hpp | |
► test | |
► demo | |
atest-ufem-demo-all.py | |
atest-ufem-demo-chorin.py | |
atest-ufem-demo-poisson.py | |
ptest-ufem-demo-assembly.py | |
ptest-ufem-demo-assembly3d.py | |
ptest-ufem-demo-chorin-assembly.py | |
ptest-ufem-demo-navier-stokes.py | |
► les | |
atest-ufem-les-wale.py | |
► particles | |
atest-ufem-particles-burgers.py | |
atest-ufem-particles-polydisperse-brownian.py | |
atest-ufem-particles-polydisperse-uniform.py | |
atest-ufem-particles-taylor-green-polydisperse.py | |
atest-ufem-particles-taylor-green.py | |
atest-boussinesq.py | |
atest-conjugate-heat-flatplate.py | |
atest-flatplate2d-laminar.py | |
atest-flatplate2d-scalar-neumann.py | |
atest-flatplate2d-scalar.py | |
atest-flatplate2d-spalartallmaras.py | |
atest-multiregion.py | |
atest-quadtriag.py | |
atest-ufem-heat1d-P2.py | |
atest-ufem-heat2d-disk.py | |
atest-ufem-heat3d-channel.py | |
atest-ufem-heat3d-sphere.py | |
atest-ufem-navier-stokes-cylinder2d.py | |
atest-ufem-navier-stokes-laminar-channel-2d.py | |
atest-ufem-navier-stokes-mlaux.py | |
atest-ufem-navier-stokes-periodic-channel-2d.py | |
atest-ufem-navier-stokes-restart.py | |
atest-ufem-navier-stokes-semi-implicit-laminar-channel-2d.py | |
atest-ufem-navier-stokes-taylor-green.py | |
atest-ufem-ns-driven-cavity.py | |
atest-ufem-velocitygradient.py | |
NavierStokes.cpp | |
NavierStokes.hpp | |
ptest-navier-stokes-assembly.py | |
utest-neumann.cpp | |
utest-proto-heat-parallel.cpp | |
utest-proto-heat.cpp | |
utest-proto-navier-stokes.cpp | |
utest-proto-ns-assembly.cpp | |
utest-proto-systems.cpp | |
utest-proto-unsteady.cpp | |
utest-rdm-merge.cpp | |
utest-scalar-advection.cpp | |
utest-ufem-buildsparsity.cpp | |
utest-ufem-heat2d-periodic.py | |
utest-ufem-surfaceintegral.py | |
utest-ufem-teko-blocks.cpp | |
► ui | |
► ParaView | |
C3DView.cpp | |
C3DView.hpp | |
C3DViewBuilder.cpp | |
C3DViewBuilder.hpp | |
LibParaView.cpp | |
LibParaView.hpp | |
► ParaViewTab | |
LibParaViewTab.cpp | |
LibParaViewTab.hpp | |
N3DView.cpp | |
N3DView.hpp | |
Widget3D.cpp | |
Widget3D.hpp | |
► QwtTab | |
BodePlot.cpp | |
BodePlot.hpp | |
ColorSelector.cpp | |
ColorSelector.hpp | |
Graph.cpp | |
Graph.hpp | |
GraphOption.cpp | |
GraphOption.hpp | |
LibQwtTab.cpp | |
LibQwtTab.hpp | |
NPlotXY.cpp | |
NPlotXY.hpp | |
PixMaps.hpp | |
► vtk | |
► src | |
► vtk | |
CF3ToVTK.cpp | |
CF3ToVTK.hpp | |
LibVTK.cpp | |
LibVTK.hpp | |
MeshInterpolator.cpp | |
MeshInterpolator.hpp | |
Tetrahedralize.cpp | |
Tetrahedralize.hpp | |
► test | |
utest-vtk-meshinterpolator.py | |
utest-vtk-tetrahedralize.py | |
► zoltan | |
► src | |
► zoltan | |
LibZoltan.cpp | |
LibZoltan.hpp | |
PHG.cpp | |
PHG.hpp | |
► test | |
utest-zoltan-phg-periodic.py | |
utest-zoltan-phg.py | |
▼ test | |
► common | |
DummyComponents.hpp | |
utest-action-director.cpp | |
utest-binarydata.cpp | |
utest-build-options.cpp | |
utest-cbuilder.cpp | |
utest-cmap.cpp | |
utest-common-arraydiff.cpp | |
utest-common-mpi-buffer.cpp | |
utest-common-print-timing-tree.py | |
utest-component-benchmark.cpp | |
utest-component-iterator.cpp | |
utest-component.cpp | |
utest-config.cpp | |
utest-core.cpp | |
utest-create-component-datatype.cpp | |
utest-eventhandler.cpp | |
utest-factory.cpp | |
utest-foreach.cpp | |
utest-handle.cpp | |
utest-log-level-filter.cpp | |
utest-log-stamp-filter.cpp | |
utest-log.cpp | |
utest-options.cpp | |
utest-osystem.cpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-all_gather.hpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-all_reduce.hpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-all_to_all.hpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-broadcast.hpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-example.cpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-gather.hpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-reduce.hpp | |
utest-parallel-collective-scatter.hpp | |
utest-parallel-collective.cpp | |
utest-parallel-commpattern.cpp | |
utest-parallel-commwrapper.cpp | |
utest-parallel-datatype.cpp | |
utest-parallel-environment.cpp | |
utest-parallel-operations.cpp | |
utest-properties.cpp | |
utest-ptr-benchmark.cpp | |
utest-signals.cpp | |
utest-static-sub-component.cpp | |
utest-string-ops.cpp | |
utest-uri.cpp | |
utest-uucount.cpp | |
utest-xml-map.cpp | |
utest-xml-signal-frame.cpp | |
utest-xml-signal-options.cpp | |
► Eigen | |
utest-eigen.cpp | |
► math | |
ptest-eigen-vs-matrixt.cpp | |
utest-function-parser.cpp | |
utest-lss-atomic.cpp | |
utest-lss-distributed-matrix.cpp | |
utest-lss-solvelss.cpp | |
utest-lss-solvetrilinosdefault.cpp | |
utest-lss-symmetric-dirichlet.cpp | |
utest-lss-system-emptylss.cpp | |
utest-lss-test-matrix.hpp | |
utest-lss-vector.cpp | |
utest-math-checks.cpp | |
utest-math-hilbert.cpp | |
utest-math-integrate.cpp | |
utest-math-variablemanager.py | |
utest-math-variablesdescriptor.cpp | |
utest-matrix-inverter.cpp | |
utest-vector-operations.cpp | |
► mesh | |
► actions | |
utest-mesh-actions-facebuilder-mpi.cpp | |
utest-mesh-actions-facebuilder.cpp | |
utest-mesh-actions-fieldcreation.cpp | |
utest-mesh-actions-global-connectivity.cpp | |
utest-mesh-actions-integral.cpp | |
utest-mesh-actions-interpolate.cpp | |
utest-mesh-actions-meshdiff.py | |
utest-mesh-actions-rotate-translate.cpp | |
utest-mesh-actions-shortest-edge.py | |
utest-mesh-interpolator.py | |
utest-mesh-make-boundary-global.py | |
utest-mesh-periodic.py | |
utest-mesh-slice.py | |
utest-mesh-wall-distance.py | |
► BlockMesh | |
atest-blockmesh-backstep.py | |
atest-blockmesh-backstep2d-zoltan.py | |
atest-blockmesh-multiregion.py | |
utest-blockmesh-2d-mpi.cpp | |
utest-blockmesh-2d.cpp | |
utest-blockmesh-3d-mpi.cpp | |
utest-blockmesh-channelgenerator.py | |
utest-connectivity-data.cpp | |
utest-matrix-interpolation.cpp | |
utest-mesh-boundingbox.cpp | |
utest-mesh-cf3mesh-merge.py | |
utest-mesh-cf3mesh.py | |
utest-mesh-cgns.cpp | |
utest-mesh-components.cpp | |
utest-mesh-construction.cpp | |
utest-mesh-deletion.cpp | |
utest-mesh-dictionary.cpp | |
utest-mesh-face-cell-connectivity.cpp | |
utest-mesh-fieldmanager.cpp | |
utest-mesh-functions.cpp | |
utest-mesh-gausslegendre.cpp | |
utest-mesh-generateline3d.py | |
utest-mesh-generateplane3d.py | |
utest-mesh-gmsh-parallel.cpp | |
utest-mesh-gmsh.cpp | |
utest-mesh-hash.cpp | |
utest-mesh-init.cpp | |
utest-mesh-interpolation.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-hexa3d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-line1d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-line2d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-line3d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-prism3d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-quad2d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-quad3d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-tetra3d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-triag2d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep1-triag3d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep2-quad2d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-lagrangep2b-triag2d.cpp | |
utest-mesh-loadmesh.cpp | |
utest-mesh-meshadaptor.cpp | |
utest-mesh-neu.cpp | |
utest-mesh-node-element-connectivity.cpp | |
utest-mesh-octtree.cpp | |
utest-mesh-parallel-overlap.cpp | |
utest-mesh-ptscotch.cpp | |
utest-mesh-reading.cpp | |
utest-mesh-shapefunctions.cpp | |
utest-mesh-simplemeshgenerator.cpp | |
utest-mesh-stencilcomputerrings.cpp | |
utest-mesh-tecplot.cpp | |
utest-mesh-transformer.cpp | |
utest-mesh-triangulator.py | |
utest-mesh-unified-data.cpp | |
utest-mesh-writemesh.cpp | |
utest-mesh-zoltan.cpp | |
utest-nodes.cpp | |
utest-parallel-field.cpp | |
utest-vector-benchmark.cpp | |
utest-volume-sf.cpp | |
utest-vtklegacy-writer.cpp | |
utest-vtkxml-writer.cpp | |
► python | |
utest-python-basics.py | |
utest-python-component.py | |
utest-python-math.py | |
utest-python-matrix.py | |
utest-python-options.py | |
utest-python-properties.py | |
utest-python-runscript.py | |
utest-python-scriptengine.cpp | |
utest-python-signal-return.py | |
utest-python-table.py | |
► rapidxml | |
utest-rapidxml.cpp | |
► solver | |
► actions | |
DummyLoopOperation.cpp | |
DummyLoopOperation.hpp | |
ptest-proto-benchmark.cpp | |
ptest-proto-parallel.cpp | |
utest-proto-components.cpp | |
utest-proto-elements.cpp | |
utest-proto-internals.cpp | |
utest-proto-lagrangep2.cpp | |
utest-proto-lss.cpp | |
utest-proto-nodeloop.cpp | |
utest-proto-operators.cpp | |
utest-solver-actions-nodevalence.py | |
utest-solver-actions-randomize.py | |
utest-solver-actions-restart.py | |
utest-solver-actions-timeseries.py | |
utest-solver-actions-turbulence-statistics.py | |
utest-solver-actions-twopointcorr.py | |
utest-solver-actions.cpp | |
utest-solver-model.py | |
utest-solver-physics-static.cpp | |
utest-solver-physics-static2dynamic.cpp | |
► Tools | |
utest-mesh-generation.cpp | |
utest-tools-growl.cpp | |
► ui | |
Application.hpp | |
CoreApplication.hpp | |
MyNode.cpp | |
MyNode.hpp | |
utest-ui-core-cnode.cpp | |
utest-ui-core-commit-details.cpp | |
utest-ui-core-nbrowser.cpp | |
utest-ui-core-nlink.cpp | |
utest-ui-core-nroot.cpp | |
utest-ui-core-ntree.cpp | |
utest-ui-core-property-model.cpp | |
utest-ui-core-tree-node.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-array.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-bool.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-double.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-int.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-restricted-list.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-string.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-uint.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-uri.cpp | |
utest-ui-graphics-value.cpp | |
utest-ui-network-connection.cpp | |
▼ tools | |
plot-test-result.py | |
test-mpi-scalability.py | |