| NavierStokesPhysics (const std::string &name) |
| DynamicModel (const std::string &name) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~DynamicModel () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual Uint | ndim () const |
virtual Uint | neqs () const |
virtual std::string | model_type () const |
virtual std::string | type () const |
virtual std::auto_ptr< physics::Properties > | create_properties () |
| create a physical properties More...
virtual boost::shared_ptr< physics::Variables > | create_variables (const std::string type, const std::string name) |
| PhysModel (const std::string &name) |
virtual | ~PhysModel () |
| Virtual destructor. More...
void | signal_create_variables (common::SignalArgs &args) |
void | signature_create_variables (common::SignalArgs &args) |
math::VariableManager & | variable_manager () |
| Access to the VariableManager. More...
const math::VariableManager & | variable_manager () const |
| Component (const std::string &name) |
virtual | ~Component () |
| Virtual destructor. More...
const std::string & | name () const |
| Access the name of the component. More...
void | rename (const std::string &name) |
| Rename the component. More...
URI | uri () const |
| Construct the full path. More...
void | complete_path (URI &path) const |
Handle< Component > | access_component (const URI &path) const |
Handle< Component > | access_component_checked (const URI &path) |
Handle< Component const > | access_component_checked (const URI &path) const |
Handle< Component > | handle () |
| Get a handle to the component. More...
Handle< Component const > | handle () const |
template<typename ComponentT > |
Handle< ComponentT > | handle () |
template<typename ComponentT > |
Handle< ComponentT const > | handle () const |
Handle< Component > | parent () const |
Handle< Component const > | root () const |
Handle< Component > | root () |
Handle< Component > | get_child (const std::string &name) |
Handle< Component const > | get_child (const std::string &name) const |
Handle< Component > | get_child_checked (const std::string &name) |
Handle< Component const > | get_child_checked (const std::string &name) const |
Handle< Component > | create_component (const std::string &name, const std::string &builder) |
| Build a (sub)component of this component using the extended type_name of the component. More...
template<typename T > |
Handle< T > | create_component (const std::string &name) |
| Create a (sub)component of this component automatically cast to the specified type. More...
template<typename T > |
Handle< T > | create_static_component (const std::string &name) |
| Create a static "always there" subcomponent. More...
Component & | add_component (const boost::shared_ptr< Component > &subcomp) |
| Add the passed component as a subcomponent. More...
void | add_link (Component &linked_component) |
boost::shared_ptr< Component > | remove_component (const std::string &name) |
| Remove a (sub)component of this component. More...
boost::shared_ptr< Component > | remove_component (Component &subcomp) |
| Remove a (sub)component of this component. More...
void | clear () |
| Remove all sub-components of this component, except for the static ones. More...
void | move_to (Component &to_parent) |
std::string | tree (bool basic_mode=false, Uint depth=0, Uint recursion_level=0) const |
std::string | info (const std::string &what=std::string("cospt")) const |
size_t | count_children () const |
virtual std::string | derived_type_name () const =0 |
PropertyList & | properties () |
const PropertyList & | properties () const |
OptionList & | options () |
const OptionList & | options () const |
void | reset_options () |
| Reset all options to their default value. More...
void | configure_option_recursively (const std::string &optname, const boost::any &val) |
Component & | mark_basic () |
| marks this component as basic. More...
template<typename ComponentT > |
void | put_components (std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< ComponentT > > &vec, const bool recurse) |
template<typename ComponentT > |
void | put_components (std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< ComponentT const > > &vec, const bool recurse) const |
template<> |
void | put_components (std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Component > > &vec, const bool recurse) |
template<> |
void | put_components (std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Component const > > &vec, const bool recurse) const |
Component::iterator | begin () |
| The begin iterator for a range containing Components. More...
Component::iterator | end () |
| The end iterator for a range containing Components. More...
Component::const_iterator | begin () const |
| The begin iterator for a range containing Components (const version) More...
Component::const_iterator | end () const |
| The end iterator for a range containing Components (const version) More...
Component::iterator | recursive_begin () |
| The begin iterator for a recursive range containing Components. More...
Component::iterator | recursive_end () |
| The end iterator for a recursive range containing Components. More...
Component::const_iterator | recursive_begin () const |
| The begin iterator for a recursive range containing Components (const version) More...
Component::const_iterator | recursive_end () const |
| The end iterator for a recursive range containing Components (const version) More...
template<typename T > |
Handle< T > | create_component (const std::string &name, const std::string &builder) |
| Create a component using the reduced builder name. More...
void | signal_configure (SignalArgs &args) |
| configures all the options on this class More...
void | signal_create_component (SignalArgs &args) |
| creates a component from this component More...
void | signal_delete_component (SignalArgs &args) |
| delete this component More...
void | signal_move_component (SignalArgs &args) |
| moves a component from this component to another More...
void | signal_list_tree (SignalArgs &args) const |
| lists the sub components and puts them on the xml_tree More...
void | signal_list_tree_recursive (SignalArgs &args) const |
| prints tree recursively More...
void | signal_list_properties (SignalArgs &args) const |
| lists the properties of this component More...
void | signal_list_options (SignalArgs &args) const |
| lists the properties of this component More...
void | signal_list_options_recursive (SignalArgs &args) const |
| prints all options recursive More...
void | signal_list_signals (SignalArgs &args) const |
| lists the signals of this component More...
void | signal_list_signals_recursive (SignalArgs &args) const |
| prints all signals recursive More...
void | signal_print_info (SignalArgs &args) const |
| gets info on this component More...
void | signal_print_tree (SignalArgs &args) const |
| signal to print the tree More...
void | signature_print_tree (SignalArgs &args) const |
| signature to signal_print_tree More...
void | signal_rename_component (SignalArgs &args) |
| renames this component More...
void | signal_save_tree (SignalArgs &args) |
| dumps the tree to a file More...
void | signal_list_content (SignalArgs &args) |
| gives information about this component such as options, signals, ... More...
void | signal_signature (SignalArgs &args) |
| Gives a signal signature, if any. More...
void | signature_create_component (SignalArgs &args) |
void | signature_rename_component (SignalArgs &args) |
void | signature_move_component (SignalArgs &args) |
void | signal_store_timings (SignalArgs &args) |
| Signal to store the timings (if enabled) into properties, i.e. for readout from python or the GUI. More...
void | signal_clear (SignalArgs &args) |
| Signal to remove all sub-components. More...
void | signal_reset_options (SignalArgs &args) |
| Signal to set all options to their default value. More...
void | signal_add_tag (SignalArgs &args) |
| Signal to add a tag. More...
void | signature_add_tag (SignalArgs &args) |
Public Member Functions inherited from SignalHandler |
| ~SignalHandler () |
const storage_t & | signal_list () const |
SignalPtr | signal (const SignalID &sname) |
SignalCPtr | signal (const SignalID &sname) const |
SignalRet | call_signal (const SignalID &sname, SignalArgs &sinput) |
| Calls the signal by providing its name and input. More...
SignalRet | call_signal (const SignalID &sname, std::vector< std::string > &sinput) |
| Calls the signal by providing its name and input. More...
bool | signal_exists (const SignalID &sname) const |
| Checks if a signal exists or not. More...
Signal & | regist_signal (const SignalID &sname) |
| Regist signal. More...
void | unregist_signal (const SignalID &sname) |
| Unregist signal. More...
| ~ConnectionManager () |
| destructor closes all connections More...
Connection * | connection (const std::string &name) |
Connection * | manage_connection (const std::string &name) |
| manages a connection (creates if necessary) More...
| TaggedObject () |
| Constructor. More...
bool | has_tag (const std::string &tag) const |
void | add_tag (const std::string &tag) |
std::vector< std::string > | get_tags () const |
void | remove_tag (const std::string &tag) |