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COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CAccumulatorStores the results of the difference::test() function
 CAddNodeData< Dim >MPL transform operator to wrap a variable in its data type
 CAirProperties of air that depend on temperature
 CAnyListToPythonConversion for lists
 CAnyToPythonConversion from any to python for basic types
 CExpressionBase< ExprT >::AppendTagsFunctor to store the tags used by a field
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::apply< ResultT >Pass the stored parameter if the result type is a reference, don't store otherwise
 CAddNodeData< Dim >::apply< VarT, Dummy >
 CGetNbNodes< EquationDataT >::apply< BoolT, EqDataT >
 CIsCellType::apply< ETYPE >
 CIsEquationData::apply< DataT, Dummy >
 CMakeVarData< VariablesT, SupportEtypeT, ShapeFunctionsT, EquationVariablesT, MatrixSizesT, EMatrixSizeT >::apply< I >
 CMakeVarData< VariablesT, EtypeT, EtypeT, EquationVariablesT, MatrixSizesT, EMatrixSizeT >::apply< I >
 CIsFaceType::apply< ETYPE >
 CIsEdgeType::apply< ETYPE >
 CIsCompatibleWith< ETYPE >::apply< OTHER_ETYPE >
 CIsMinimalOrder< Order >::apply< SF >
 CGetNbNodes< EquationDataT >::apply< boost::mpl::false_, EqDataT >
 CGetNbNodes< EquationDataT >::apply< boost::mpl::true_, EqDataT >
 CIsEquationData::apply< boost::mpl::void_, Dummy >
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::apply< ResultT & >Specialization for references
 CAddNodeData< Dim >::apply< VectorField, Dummy >
 CArrayBase< ValueT >
 CArrayBufferT< T >A Buffer that is constructed passing a boost::multi_array<T,2> table. This class allows to interface this table by using a buffer
 CArrayToVector< TYPE >A struct, since partial specializations of functions is not allowed
 CArrayToVector< Handle< ComponentT > >
 CBasicCommandsDefines basic set of commands in the coolfluid shell
 CBlockArrays::Implementation::BlockEncapsulate a single block, providing all data needed to produce the mesh connectivity
 CBlockAssignmentOp< SystemTagT, OpTagT >Helper struct for assignment to a matrix or RHS
 CBlockAssignmentOp< SystemMatrixTag, OpTagT >
 CBlockAssignmentOp< SystemRHSTag, OpTagT >
 CBlockDataHelper struct to read the data into vectors
 CBlockArrays::Implementation::BlockLayerRepresents a single layer across the mesh
 CBlocksPartitioningHelper struct to keep using the old partitioning method
 CBoundingBoxBounding box defined by minimum and maximum coordinates
 CBufferBuffer that can hold multiple data types, useful for MPI communication
 CArrayBufferT< T >::Buffer
 CDynArrayBufferT< T >::Buffer
 CListBufferT< T >::Buffer
 CChangeArrayValue< TYPE >Helper function to set the value
 CChangeArrayValue< Handle< ComponentT > >
 CChangeArrayValue< int >
 CChangeArrayValue< Real >
 CChangeArrayValue< Uint >
 CCheckGradientXCheck if the gradient of X is one in the X direction and zero in the other directions
 CCheckJacobianDeterminantChecks if the jacobian_determinant function result is the same as det(jacobian)
 CCheckJacobianInverseChecks if the inverse of the jacobian matrix equals jacobian_adjoint / jacobian_determinant
 CCheckSameEtype< ETYPE >Check if all variables are on fields with element type ETYPE
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ChildType< I >
 CCommitDetailsItemBasic item used by CommitDetails class
 CMap< KEY, DATA >::Compare
 CComponentBuilder< CONCRETE, BASE, LIB >Helper class to create the Builder and place it in the factory
 CComponentHandle< ParentT, ComponentT >Handle to ComponentT, constness determined by the constness of ParentT
 CComponentIteratorRangeSelector< ParentT, ComponentT, Predicate >Derive the correct range type based on the constness of ParentT, which should be the type of the parent component
 CComponentIteratorSelector< ParentT, ComponentT >Derive the correct range type based on the constness of ParentT, which should be the type of the parent component
 CComponentPtr< ParentT, ComponentT >Shared pointer to ComponentT, constness determined by the constness of ParentT
 CComponentReference< ParentT, ComponentT >Reference to ComponentT, constness determined by the constness of ParentT
 CComponentWrapperWrapper class for components
 CComponentWrapperImpl< ComponentT, TagT >
 CComposedPhysics< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >Prototype implementation of a static physics model. Compose up to 5 physical models
 CComputeCentroidHelper to compute the centroid
 CComputeNuWALEProto functor to compute the turbulent viscosity
 CComputeTauConvenience type for a compute_tau operation, grouping the stored operator and its proto counterpart
 CConfigurableConstant< ValueT >Refers to a configurable constant value
 CConnectivityFixtureFixture providing a simple mesh read from a .neu file. Unprofiled
 CConstantStorageStorage for the values pointed to by a ConfigurableConstant
 CConstantStorageType< T >Returns the map type used to store values of the given type
 CConstantStorageType< Real >
 CConstantStorageType< RealVector >
 CConstantStorageType< std::vector< Real > >
 CLagrangeP1Quad3DFixture::ConstFunctor< SF >
 CLagrangeP1Line2DFixture::ConstVectorFieldReturns the scalar product of a constant vector field and the local element normal
 CLagrangeP1Quad3DFixture::ConstVectorFieldReturns the scalar product of a constant vector field and the local element normal
 CLagrangeP1Triag3DFixture::ConstVectorFieldReturns the scalar product of a constant vector field and the local element normal
 CPEOperationsFixture::custommultExample custom function
 CCustomSFOp< CustomT >
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ChildType< I >::DataType< T >Keep the type, by default
 CNodeData< VariablesT, NbDims >::DataType< I >Return the type of the data stored for variable I (I being an Integral Constant in the boost::mpl sense)
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >::DataType< I >Return the type of the data stored for variable I (I being an Integral Constant in the boost::mpl sense)
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ChildType< I >::DataType< Var< VarI, T > >Convert numbered variables to their data
 CDefineTypeOp< I, Expr >Ease application of DefineType as an MPL lambda expression, and strip the Var encapsulation
 CDeleter< BASE >Functor for deleting objects by calling the safer delete_ptr function
 CNodeData< VariablesT, NbDims >::DeleteVariablesDataDelete stored per-variable data
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >::DeleteVariablesDataDelete stored per-variable data
 CDimensionIdxTagTags terminals that will be replaced with the current dimension
 CDirichletBCTagTag for a Dirichlet BC
 CDiscontinuityCaptureStabilization as described by Tezduyar et al
 CCommPattern::dist_structHelper struct for setup function
 CDivOpEvaluate the divergence
 CDNSBrownianCollisionKernel< dim >Combined DNS and Brownian coagulation
 CDNSCollisionKernel< dim >
 CDynArrayBufferT< T >
 CEigenFixtureFixture for each test of Eigen
 CEigenProductType< LeftT, RightT >Generalization of Eigen::ProductReturnType that also works for scalars (see specializations below)
 CEigenProductType< Eigen::GeneralProduct< LeftT, RightT >, Real >Scalar on the right
 CEigenProductType< LeftT, Real >Scalar on the right
 CEigenProductType< Real, Eigen::GeneralProduct< LeftT, RightT > >Scalar on the left
 CEigenProductType< Real, Real >Scalar - scalar
 CEigenProductType< Real, RightT >Scalar on the left
 CElementBased< Dim >Dummy shape function type used for element-based fields
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >
 CForAllElementsT< ActionT >::ElementLooper
 CElementLooper< ElementTypesT, ExprT >Mpl::for_each compatible functor to loop over elements, using the correct shape function for the geometry
 CElementLooperImpl< DataT >Helper struct to launch execution once all shape functions have been determined
 CElementMatrixSize< MatrixSizesT, EquationVariablesT >Calculate the size of the element matrix
 CElementNodeView< NbNodes, NbRows, NbCols >View of nodal data, allowing modification of the referenced data
 CElementNodeView< NbNodes, 1, 1 >Specialization for single Real values
 CElementQuadratureTagTags a gauss-quadrature loop for the following expressions
 CElementRHSReperesents element RHS vector
 CElementTypeBase< ETYPE, TR >Fallback class if a concrete Element Type doesn't implement a static function
 CElementTypeBase< Hexa3D, Hexa3D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Line1D, Line1D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Line2D, Line2D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Line3D, Line3D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Point1D, Point1D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Point2D, Point2D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Point3D, Point3D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Prism3D, Prism3D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Quad2D, Quad2D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Quad3D, Quad3D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Tetra3D, Tetra3D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Triag2D, Triag2D_traits >
 CElementTypeBase< Triag3D, Triag3D_traits >
 CElementTypeFaceConnectivityStores connectivity information about the faces that form the cell boundary
 CMeshWriter::EntitiesFilterPredicate to check if a Entities component is to be included
 CEntityLow storage struct to uniquely identify one element
 CEquationVariables< ExprT, NbVarsT >Calculate if a variable is part of an equation
 CEquationVariablesOp< I, ExprT >Wrap IsEquationVariable as a lambda expression
 CEtypeTVariableData< ETYPE, SupportEtypeT, Dim, IsEquationVar >Data associated with field variables
 CEtypeTVariableData< ElementBased< 1 >, SupportEtypeT, 1, IsEquationVar >Data for scalar element-based fields
 CEtypeTVariableData< ElementBased< Dim >, SupportEtypeT, Dim, IsEquationVar >Data for element-based fields
 CIndexLooper< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::EvalExpr< I >
 CExpressionGroup< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::evaluate_expr
 CRestrictToElementType< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::evaluate_expr
 CElementQuadratureEval< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::evaluate_exprFusion functor to evaluate each child expression using the GrammarT supplied in the template argument
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::EvaluatedChild< Idx >Helper to get the variable type at a child of an expression
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExpressionAbstract interface for classes that can hold a proto expression
 CExpressionGroupTagTags a terminal that triggers expression grouping
 CExpressionProperties< ExprT >Convenience struct to get easy access to the numberof variables and their type
 CExpressionRunner< ElementTypesT, ExprT, SupportETYPE, VariablesT, VariablesEtypesT, NbVarsT, VarIdxT >Find the concrete element type of each field variable
 CExpressionRunner< ElementTypesT, ExprT, SupportETYPE, VariablesT, VariablesEtypesT, NbVarsT, NbVarsT >When we recursed to the last variable, actually run the expression
 CExtractDiagTagTerminal to indicate we want a diagonal
 CFieldBaseBase class for field data
 CFieldWidth< T, SF >Get the width of a field varaible, based on the variable type
 CFieldWidth< ScalarField, SF >Scalars have width 1
 CFieldWidth< VectorField, SF >VectorFields have the same dimension as the problem domain
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >::FillRhsSet the element on each stored data item
 CFilterElementField< IsEqVarT, VariableSFT >
 CFilterElementField< IsEqVarT, boost::mpl::void_ >
 CFilterEquationVars< EquationVariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT >Filter out element-based fields from the possible equation variables
 CFilterMatrixSizes< MatrixSizesT, EquationVariablesT >Filter the matrix size so equation variables are the only ones left with non-zero size
 CNodeLooperDim< ExprT, NbDimsT >::FindDict
 CFloatingPoint< RawType >
 CForEachDimensionTagTags a terminal that indicates that indicates the argument should be evaluated for each dimension index
 CFromString< TYPE >A struct, since partial specializations of functions is not allowed
 CFromString< Handle< ComponentT > >
 CFunctionBaseBase class of all functions that can be evaluated using "default" C++ semantics
 CFunctorForDim< Dim >
 CFunctorForDim< 1 >
 CFunctorForDim< 2 >
 CFunctorForDim< 3 >
 CGaussIntegrator< Order, Shape >
 CQuad< P >::GaussLegendreQuadrature
 CHexa< P >::GaussLegendreQuadrature
 CLine< P >::GaussLegendreQuadrature
 CGaussMappedCoords< Order, Shape >Stores pre-computed mapped coords and weights for all gauss point locations
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< Order, Shape >Access to matrices with the mapped coords
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::HEXA >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::LINE >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::PRISM >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::QUAD >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::TETRA >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 1, GeoShape::TRIAG >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 2, GeoShape::PRISM >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 2, GeoShape::TETRA >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 2, GeoShape::TRIAG >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 3, GeoShape::TRIAG >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 4, GeoShape::TRIAG >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 5, GeoShape::TRIAG >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< 777, GeoShape::LINE >Trapezium rule integration. Uses the end points of the line
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< Order, GeoShape::HEXA >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< Order, GeoShape::LINE >
 CGaussMappedCoordsImpl< Order, GeoShape::QUAD >
 CGaussOrder< Order >Static constant for the Gauss integration order
 CGaussPoints< Order >This file hides some implementation details of Gauss integration
 CGaussPoints< 16 >
 CGaussPoints< 2 >
 CGaussPoints< 32 >
 CGaussPoints< 4 >
 CGaussPoints< 8 >
 CGaussPointTag< OrderT >
 CGaussWeightTag< OrderT >
 CGeometricSupport< ETYPE >Functions and operators associated with a geometric support
 CGeometricSupport< SupportEtypeT >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, bitwise_and, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, bitwise_or, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, bitwise_xor, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, logical_and, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, logical_or, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, logical_xor, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, max, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, min, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, multiplies, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 Cget_mpi_op< T, plus, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< T > >::type >
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::GetChild< ChildT >
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::GetChild< Var< I, T > >Specialization to get the associated data
 CMakeVarData< VariablesT, SupportEtypeT, ShapeFunctionsT, EquationVariablesT, MatrixSizesT, EMatrixSizeT >::apply< I >::GetEETypeT< AVarT, AnETypeT >
 CMakeVarData< VariablesT, SupportEtypeT, ShapeFunctionsT, EquationVariablesT, MatrixSizesT, EMatrixSizeT >::apply< I >::GetEETypeT< boost::mpl::void_, AnETypeT >
 CGetElementResultType< T, ElementBasedT >Dummy for non-element fields
 CGetElementResultType< T, ElementBased< Dim > >
 CGetNbNodes< EquationDataT >Helper struct to get the number of element nodes
 CGetOrder< I, DataT, ExprT >Get the order of variable I
 CGaussIntegral::GetOrder< T >Helper structs
 CGaussIntegral::GetOrder< IntegralTag< boost::mpl::int_< I > > >
 CGetOrderFromData< DataT, VarT >
 CGetOrderFromData< DataT, boost::mpl::void_ >
 CGidToLocalHelper class to convert global to local indices
 CGlobalFixtureUse a global fixture, so mesh creation happens only once
 CGradientOpEvaluate the gradient
 CHandle< T >Safe pointer to an object. This is the supported method for referring to components
 CHandle< ActionT >
 CHandle< CConcrete1 >
 CHandle< cf3::common::Component >
 CHandle< cf3::common::Component const >
 CHandle< cf3::common::Map >
 CHandle< cf3::common::Option >
 CHandle< cf3::common::PE::CommWrapper >
 CHandle< cf3::common::Table >
 CHandle< cf3::math::BoundingBox >
 CHandle< cf3::math::LSS::ParameterList >
 CHandle< cf3::math::LSS::System >
 CHandle< cf3::math::LSS::ThyraOperator const >
 CHandle< cf3::math::LSS::ThyraVector >
 CHandle< cf3::math::LSS::TrilinosCrsMatrix >
 CHandle< cf3::math::LSS::TrilinosVector >
 CHandle< cf3::math::VariableManager >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::AInterpolator >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::APointInterpolator >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Connectivity >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Dictionary >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Dictionary const >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Domain >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::ElementFinder >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::ElementType >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Entities >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Entities const >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::FaceCellConnectivity >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::FaceConnectivity >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Field >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Field const >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::InterpolationFunction >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::LoadMesh >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::MergedParallelDistribution >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Mesh >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Mesh const >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::MeshMetadata >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::MeshTransformer >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Octtree >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::ParallelDistribution >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Quadrature >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Region >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Region const >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::ShapeFunction >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Space >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::Space const >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::StencilComputer >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::UnifiedData >
 CHandle< cf3::mesh::WriteMesh >
 CHandle< cf3::physics::PhysModel >
 CHandle< cf3::solver::actions::Probe >
 CHandle< cf3::solver::History >
 CHandle< cf3::solver::TermComputer >
 CHandle< cf3::solver::Time >
 CHandle< cf3::UFEM::InitialConditions >
 CHandle< cf3::UFEM::InnerLoop >
 CHandle< cf3::UFEM::LSSAction >
 CHandle< cf3::UFEM::LSSActionUnsteady >
 CHandle< cf3::ui::core::CNode >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Action >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::ActionDirector >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Component >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::DynTable< cf3::mesh::Face2Cell > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::DynTable< cf3::mesh::SpaceElem > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::DynTable< Uint > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Group >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Link >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::List< bool > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::List< Uint > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Map< Uint, Uint > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Table< bool > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Table< Real > >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Table< Real > const >
 CHandle< common::cf3::common::Table< Uint > >
 CHandle< common::Component >
 CHandle< common::PE::cf3::common::PE::CommPattern >
 CHandle< common::PE::CommPattern >
 CHandle< common::PE::Manager >
 CHandle< core::cf3::ui::core::CNode >
 CHandle< Domain >
 CHandle< Entities const >
 CHandle< FieldManager >
 CHandle< LSS::cf3::math::LSS::Matrix >
 CHandle< LSS::cf3::math::LSS::SolutionStrategy >
 CHandle< LSS::cf3::math::LSS::Vector >
 CHandle< LSS::System >
 CHandle< math::cf3::math::VariablesDescriptor >
 CHandle< math::LSS::cf3::math::LSS::System >
 CHandle< math::LSS::SolutionStrategy >
 CHandle< math::LSS::SolveLSS >
 CHandle< math::LSS::System >
 CHandle< math::LSS::Vector >
 CHandle< math::VariablesDescriptor >
 CHandle< Mesh >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::Dictionary >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::Dictionary const >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::Entities >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::Field >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::Mesh >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::MeshReader >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::MeshWriter >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::NodeConnectivity >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::PointInterpolator >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::Region >
 CHandle< mesh::cf3::mesh::Space const >
 CHandle< mesh::Mesh >
 CHandle< Model >
 CHandle< physics::PhysModel >
 CHandle< solver::actions::cf3::solver::actions::WriteRestartFile >
 CHandle< solver::actions::Proto::cf3::solver::actions::Proto::ProtoAction >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::common::ActionDirector >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::solver::ComputeLNorm >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::solver::ComputeRHS >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::solver::History >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::solver::PDE >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::solver::Solver >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::solver::Time >
 CHandle< solver::cf3::solver::TimeStepComputer >
 CHandle< SubCompT >
 CHasSubExpr< ExprT, MatchingGrammarT >
 CHexa_traits< P >
 CHilbertClass to compute a global index given a coordinate, based on the Hilbert Spacefilling Curve
 CHistoryEntryHelper class to output one entry to an output stream
 CIActionAbstract interface for actions. You probably want to use Action as a base to start from, since that implements IAction as a component
 CComponentIteratorRangeSelector< ParentT, ComponentT, Predicate >::impl< IsAbstractT, dummy >
 CComponentIteratorRangeSelector< ParentT, ComponentT, Predicate >::impl< boost::false_type, dummy >
 CComponentIteratorRangeSelector< ParentT, ComponentT, Predicate >::impl< boost::true_type, dummy >
 CIndexedNodeAssignmentCases< GrammarT, IndexGrammarT >
 CIndexTag< T >Tag terminals used as index
 CIndexType< T >Extract an index-type from a var
 CIndexType< Var< I, T > >
 CNodeData< VariablesT, NbDims >::InitVariablesDataInitializes the pointers in a VariablesDataT fusion sequence
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >::InitVariablesDataInitializes the pointers in a VariablesDataT fusion sequence
 CIndexLooper< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::InnerLoop< NJ >
 CIntegralOrder< ElementT >Helper to detemine the appropriate default integration order
 CIntegralOrder< mesh::LagrangeP1::Tetra3D >Tetrahedra get order 1
 CIntegralOrder< mesh::LagrangeP1::Triag2D >Triangles get order 1
 CIntegralTag< OrderT >Tag for an integral, wit the order provided as an MPL integral constant
 CIntegrationOrder< Uint >Determine integration order based on the order of the shape function
 CIntegrationOrder< 1 >
 CIntegrationOrder< 2 >
 CEtypeTVariableData< ETYPE, SupportEtypeT, Dim, IsEquationVar >::InterpolationImpl< VarDim, Dummy >Interpolation of a field
 CEtypeTVariableData< ETYPE, SupportEtypeT, Dim, IsEquationVar >::InterpolationImpl< 1, Dummy >Interpolation of a scalar field
 CEtypeTVariableData< ETYPE, SupportEtypeT, Dim, IsEquationVar >::InterpolationImpl< Dim >
 CInterpreterCommand Line and script interpreter
 Cis_const_comptible< T, Y >Helper struct to put const-correctness in a short expression
 CIsBuilderReducedNameChecks the builder reduced name matches The reduced name is the name without the namespace preceding it
 CIsCellTypeCompile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality
 CIsCompatibleWith< ETYPE >
 CIsComponentType< CType >
 CIsEdgeTypeCompile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality
 CIsElementType< ETYPE >
 CIsEquationDataPredicate to check if data belongs to an equation variable
 CIsFaceTypeCompile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function represents a volume element, i.e. dimensions == dimensionality
 CIsMinimalOrder< Order >Compile-time predicate to determine if the given shape function or element type has at least the given order
 CIsotermalFluid2DStore local fluid properties
 CForAllElementsT< ActionT >::IsShapeFunction< TYPE >Predicate class to test if the region contains a specific element type
 Citerator_range< T >
 Citerator_range< boost::filter_iterator< Predicate, ComponentIterator< T > > >
 Citerator_range< boost::filter_iterator< Predicate, ComponentIterator< T const > > >
 CQuad2D::JacobianCoefficientsConvenience struct to easily access the elements that make up the jacobian
 CQuad3D::JacobianCoefficientsConvenience struct to easily access the elements that make up the jacobian
 CQuad3D::JacobianCoefficientsConvenience struct to easily access the elements that make up the jacobian
 CMap< KEY, DATA >::LessThan
 CEigenPlusAssignProductEval< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::LHSHelper< T >
 CEigenPlusAssignProductEval< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::LHSHelper< const T & >
 CLine_traits< P >
 CListBufferT< T >A Buffer that is constructed passing a boost::multi_array<T,2> table. This class allows to interface this table by using a buffer
 CListeningInfoHolds MPI listening information
 CListeningThreadListener for MPI messages
 CListMethods< ValueT >Extra methods for Table
 CLogLevelFilterFilters log messages corresponding to their level
 CLogStampFilterPrepends a stamp to the log messages
 CLogStreamManages a log stream
 CLoopElems< FunctorT >
 CLSSIndexConverterConvert LSS indices (copy from base proto code)
 CLSSWrapperImpl< TagT >
 CLSSWrapperImpl< DirichletBCTag >
 CLSSWrapperImpl< SolutionVectorTag >
 CLSSWrapperImpl< SystemMatrixTag >
 CLSSWrapperImpl< SystemRHSTag >
 CVolumeSFFixture::MakeSFNodesPair< SF >Functor to create a fusion pair between a shape function and its node matrix
 CMakeSFOp< OpT >Helper struct to declare custom types
 CMakeSFOp< cf3::UFEM::ComputeSACoeffs >
 CMakeSFOp< cf3::UFEM::ComputeTauImpl >
 CMakeSFOp< cf3::UFEM::CrosswindDiffusion >
 CMakeSFOp< cf3::UFEM::particles::DiscontinuityCapture >
 CMakeSFOp< detail::ComputeNuWALE >
 CMakeVarData< VariablesT, SupportEtypeT, ShapeFunctionsT, EquationVariablesT, MatrixSizesT, EMatrixSizeT >Metafunction class for creating an appropriate data type
 CMakeVarData< VariablesT, EtypeT, EtypeT, EquationVariablesT, MatrixSizesT, EMatrixSizeT >
 CMathOpDefaultCases< GrammarT >Split up MapthOpDefault using cases, for better compilation performance
 Cmatrix_array_mapper< rows, cols >
 CMatrixAssignOpsCases< SystemTagT >Allowed block assignment operations
 CMatrixSubscript< GrammarT, IntegersT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::MatrixRef< MatrixT >
 CMatrixSubscript< GrammarT, IntegersT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::MatrixRef< Eigen::Transpose< MatrixT > >
 CMatrixSizePerVar< VariablesT, VariablesSFT, SupportSF >The size of the element matrix for each variable
 CMatrixTypes< NDIM, NEQS, NVAR, NGRAD >
 CMatrixTypes< NDIM, NEQS >
 CMaxOrder< ExprT, DataT >Get the maximum order of the shape functions used in Expr
 CMeshAdaptorClass to adapt the mesh
 CMeshParametersParameters for mesh generation, as defined in the CGAL manual
 CMeshSourceGlobalFixture< MeshSize >
 CNodeAssignmentCases< GrammarT >
 CNodeData< VariablesT, NbDims >
 CNodeLooper< ExprT >Loop over nodes, using static-sized vectors to store coordinates
 CNodeLooperDim< ExprT, NbDimsT >Loop over nodes, when the dimension is known
 CNodesTimesDim< VariableT, SF, SupportSF >Given a variable's data, get the product of the number of nodes with the dimension variable (i.e. the size of the element matrix if this variable would be the only one in the problem)
 CNodesTimesDim< boost::mpl::void_, SF, SupportSF >
 CNodeUnpackerHelper class to unpack nodes packed using NodePacker
 CNodeVarData< T, Dim >Struct keeping track of data associated with numbered variables in node expressions
 CNodeVarData< ScalarField >
 CNodeVarData< VectorField, Dim >
 CNonInstantiable< TYPE >Derive from this class if you want a class that is not instantiable
 CNonInstantiable< Protocol >
 CNonInstantiable< Tags >
 CLagrangeP1Line2DFixture::NormalVectorNormReturns the norm of the normal vector to the curve or surface element (equal to tangent in the case of Line2D)
 CLagrangeP1Quad3DFixture::NormalVectorNormReturns the norm of the normal vector to the curve or surface element (equal to tangent in the case of Line2D)
 CLagrangeP1Triag3DFixture::NormalVectorNormReturns the norm of the normal vector to the curve or surface element (equal to tangent in the case of Line2D)
 CNumberedTermType< I, T >Shorthand for terminals containing a numbered variable
 Cnx_event_connectorNeed to put things into a class to be reachable by the event callbacks
 CPEAllReduceFixture::optestTest class with operator + to test if operations and all_reduce can work with it
 CPEReduceFixture::optestTest class with operator + to test if operations and reduce can work with it
 CPEOperationsFixture::optestCustom class for checking the non built-in way
 COptionBuilderInterface for option builders that can be registered with the factory
 COptionFactoryFactory class to buikd options dynamically
 CIndexLooper< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::OuterLoop< NI, NJ, Dummy >
 CIndexLooper< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::OuterLoop< 1, 1, Dummy >
 CPerfectGasUse the perfect gas law to get density
 CPhysicsConstantRefers to a value from the physical model
 CPhysicsConstantStorageStorage for the values pointed to by a PhysicsConstant
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >::PrecomputeData< ExprT >Precompute variables data
 CProfiledTestFixtureAny test using this fixture (or a derivative) will be profiled
 CPythonConsole::python_commandUsed to store the pending command on the command stack
 CScriptEngine::PythonDictEntryAllow to make a tree representation of the python scope. the root of the tree is supposed to be a python dictionnary, children are simple python objects
 CPythonListToAnyConversion for lists
 CPythonToAnyConversion for basic types
 CQList< T >
 CQList< cf3::ui::core::ActionInfo >
 CQList< cf3::ui::core::CommitDetailsItem * >
 CQList< cf3::ui::core::NRemoteFSBrowser::FileInfo * >
 CQList< cf3::ui::core::PropertyItem * >
 CQList< cf3::ui::core::Transaction * >
 CQList< cf3::ui::core::TreeNode * >
 CQList< cf3::ui::graphics::FavoritesModel::SpecialDir >
 CQList< common::cf3::common::UUCount >
 CQList< common::SignalArgs * >
 CQList< common::SignalArgs >
 CQList< QPersistentModelIndex >
 CQList< QPointer< pqPipelineSource > >
 CQList< QString >
 CQMap< T, V >
 CQMap< cf3::ui::graphics::MainWindow::MainWinActions, QAction * >
 CQMap< common::cf3::common::UUCount, cf3::ui::graphics::TabInfo >
 CQMap< common::cf3::common::UUCount, int >
 CQMap< int, int >
 CQMap< QAction *, bool >
 CQMap< QAction *, core::cf3::ui::core::ActionInfo >
 CQMap< QAction *, int >
 CQMap< QString, boost::shared_ptr< common::Component > >
 CQMap< QString, cf3::ui::core::Transaction * >
 CQMap< QString, cf3::ui::graphics::GraphicalValue * >
 CQMap< QString, common::XML::XmlNode >
 CQMap< QString, QIcon >
 CQuad_traits< P >
 CQuadratureBase< TR >Fallback class if a concrete Quadrature doesn't implement a static function
 CQuadratureBase< cf3::mesh::gausslegendre::Hexa_traits< P > >
 CQuadratureBase< cf3::mesh::gausslegendre::Line_traits< P > >
 CQuadratureBase< cf3::mesh::gausslegendre::Quad_traits< P > >
 CQuadratureBase< Hexa_traits< P > >
 CQuadratureBase< Line_traits< P > >
 CQuadratureBase< Quad_traits< P > >
 CMeshWriter::RegionFilterPredicate to check if a component directly contains any Entities component
 CRegisterComponent< COMPONENT, LIB >Helper class to register typeinfo and option type of a component This is mostly useful for abstract component classes, as builders cannot be created for this
 CRegisterOptionBuilderHelper class to register builders
 CExpressionBase< ExprT >::RegisterVariablesFunctor to register variables in a physical model
 CRegistLibrary< LIB >Struct to force library registration
 CRegistTypeInfo< TYPE, LIB >
 CRestrictToElementTypeTag< T >
 CSFOp< CustomSFOp< OpT > >::result< Signature >
 CCustomTerminal::result< Signature >Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol
 CScalarLSSVector::result< Signature >Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol
 CVectorLSSVector::result< Signature >Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol
 CApplyAup::result< Signature >
 CVelocityRHS::result< Signature >
 CScalarLSSVector::result< Signature >Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol
 CMetricTensor::result< Signature >Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol
 CPressureRHS::result< Signature >
 CGradientOp::result< Signature >
 CCustomLaplacian::result< Signature >Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol
 CVectorLSSVector::result< Signature >Custom ops must implement the TR1 result_of protocol
 CCustomLaplacianApply::result< Signature >
 CVectorLSSVector::result< This(DataT)>
 CScalarLSSVector::result< This(DataT)>
 CScalarLSSVector::result< This(DataT)>
 CMetricTensor::result< This(DataT)>
 CCustomTerminal::result< This(DataT)>
 CVectorLSSVector::result< This(DataT)>
 CCustomLaplacian::result< This(FieldDataT)>
 CSFOp< CustomSFOp< OpT > >::result< This(GrammarT)>
 CCustomLaplacianApply::result< This(TempT, MatrixT, VectorT)>
 CVelocityRHS::result< This(UT, NUT, GT, UVecT1, UVecT2, PVecT, Real, Real)>
 CVelocityRHS::result< This(UT, NUT, UVecT1, UVecT2, PVecT, Real, Real)>
 CApplyAup::result< This(UT, PVecT, Real, Real)>
 CPressureRHS::result< This(UT, UVecT, UVecT, UVecT, PVecT, Real, Real)>
 CGradientOp::result< This(VarT)>
 CGradientOp::result< This(VarT, MappedCoordsT)>
 CNormalOp::ResultType< SupportT >
 CNablaOp::ResultType< VarDataT >
 CCoordinatesOp::ResultType< SupportT >
 CJacobianOp::ResultType< SupportT >
 CShapeFunctionOp::ResultType< VarDataT >
 CJacobianDeterminantOp::ResultType< SupportT >
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< TagT, Arity, Dummy >Helper to get the result type
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 10, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 9 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 2, Dummy >Specialization for a function with one argument
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 3, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 2 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 4, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 3 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 5, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 4 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 6, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 5 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 7, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 6 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 8, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 7 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::function, 9, Dummy >Specialization for a function with 8 arguments
 CCustomSFOpTransform< OpImpl, GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::ResultType< boost::proto::tag::terminal, 0, Dummy >Used as a terminal, so we assume it just needs the basic context data
 CRowTagPlaceholders to indicate if we should get a row or a column
 CSafeNbNodes< I >Helper to get the number of LSS nodes, avoiding static divide-by-zero
 CSafeNbNodes< 0 >
 CScalarLSSVectorCustom proto op to access element values in an LSS vector for a scalar variable
 CSelectComponentWrapper< ComponentT >Helper struct to select the correct wrapper for a component
 CSelectOptionType< T >
 CSelectOptionType< char const * >
 CSelectOptionType< char[N] >Allow string constants without enclosing them in std::string()
 CSelectOptionType< Handle< T > >Specialization for components
 CSelectOptionType< std::vector< T > >Specialization for arrays
 CSelectOptionType< URI >Specialization for URI
 CNodeLooperDim< ExprT, NbDimsT >::SelectWrapper< B, ProtoExprT >
 CNodeLooperDim< ExprT, NbDimsT >::SelectWrapper< false, ProtoExprT >
 CNodeLooperDim< ExprT, NbDimsT >::SelectWrapper< true, ProtoExprT >
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >::SetElementSet the element on each stored data item
 CNodeData< VariablesT, NbDims >::SetNodeSet the element on each stored data item
 CElementBased< Dim >::SFMimic some shape function functionality, to avoid compile errors. Not that this is only used during the recursion on the types, and never actually used
 CSFOp< OpT >Wrap all operations in a template, so we can detect ops using a wildcard
 CSFOp< cf3::solver::actions::Proto::CustomSFOp< cf3::UFEM::ScalarLSSVector > >
 CSFOp< cf3::solver::actions::Proto::CustomSFOp< cf3::UFEM::VectorLSSVector > >
 CSFOp< CustomSFOp< OpT > >
 CShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >Fallback class if a concrete ShapeFunction doesn't implement a static function
 CShapeFunctionBase< Hexa, Hexa_traits >
 CShapeFunctionBase< Line, Line_traits >
 CShapeFunctionBase< Prism, Prism_traits >
 CShapeFunctionBase< Quad, Quad_traits >
 CShapeFunctionBase< Tetra, Tetra_traits >
 CShapeFunctionBase< Triag, Triag_traits >
 CCFLOp::ShapeType< T >
 CCFLOp::ShapeType< ElementBased< Dim > >
 CSignalDispatcherAPI to dispatch a signal call
 CSignalFrameManages a set of maps
 CSolutionVectorTagTag for a Neumann BC
 CSomeTagDefine a tag (not used here)
 CEigenPlusAssignProductEval< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::StoreResult< T, Dummy >
 CEigenPlusAssignProductEval< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::StoreResult< Eigen::Block< MatT, R, C >, Dummy >
 CEigenPlusAssignProductEval< GrammarT >::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::StoreResult< Real, Dummy >
 CStringConverterPrevent a crash in the intel compiler
 CSUPGTypesPossible types of SUPG computation to apply
 CSystemMatrixTagTag for system matrix
 CSystemRHSTagTag for RHS
 CTableArray< T >
 CTableArray< Real >
 CTableArray< Uint >
 CTableArray< ValueT >
 CTableConstRow< T >
 CTableMethods< ValueT >Extra methods for Table
 CTableRow< T >
 CTableRowWrapper< ValueT >Functions exposed to python dealing with table rows
 CTaggedObjectManages tags
 CLagrangeP1Line3DFixture::TangentVectorNormReturns the norm of the tangen vector to the curve
 CCommPattern::temp_buffer_itemTypedef for the temporary buffer
 Ctest_matrixHolding all the data and the constructor sets everything up, everything is public
 CTetraSFFixtureFixture for each test
 CThermalFluidNon-isothermal fluid (assume we get the temperature from somewhere else)
 CThyraOperatorAbstract class for all Trilinos matrix operators
 CThyraVectorAbstract class for all Trilinos matrix operators
 CTimedComponentPure virtual interface for components that store timings
 CTimedTestFixtureAny test using this fixture (or a derivative) will be timed
 CTransposeFunctionTerminal to indicate we want a transpose
 CPEDatatypeFixture::user_struct_iSome complex data types
 CUUCountCombination of a UUID and a count, together forming the equivalent of a 192-bit identifier
 CValue< TYPE >
 CValue< Handle< ComponentT > >
 COptionComponent< T >::ValueExtractorMPL functor to extract a value from an any
 CValueType< T >Extract the real value type of a given type, which might be an Eigen expression
 CValueType< Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple_op< Real >, const MatrixT > >Specialise for multiplication with a scalar
 CValueType< Eigen::Matrix< Real, I, J > >Specialize for Eigen matrices
 CValueType< Eigen::Transpose< const Real > >Specialise for transpose of reals
 CValueType< Real >Specialise for reals
 CVarArity< T >
 CVarChild< ExprT, Idx >Helper to get the variable type at a child of an expression
 CVarDataType< VarT, DataT >Helper to get the data type for the given variable
 CElementData< VariablesT, VariablesEtypeTT, SupportEtypeT, EquationVariablesInT >::VariableType< I >Return the type of the stored variable I (I being an Integral Constant in the boost::mpl sense)
 CVectorLSSVectorCustom proto op to access element values in an LSS vector for a vector variable
 CVolumeFunctorSimple test functor to compute the volume
 CVolumeSFFixture::VolumeMPLFunctor< FunctorT >Applies a functor if the element is a volume element
 CWallProjectionHelper struct to handle projection to the wall near a given surface node
 CWrapMatrixExpression::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::WrapperSelector< T, bool >Helper to select if the expression is to be wrapped
 CWrapMatrixExpression::impl< ExprT, StateT, DataT >::WrapperSelector< T &, true >Expression is to be wrapped
 Cxml_document< Ch >
 Cxml_document< char >
 Cxml_node< Ch >
 Cxml_node< char >
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