COOLFluiD  Release kernel
COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
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tuple env = cf.Core.environment()
float rho_f = 0.9
float mu = 0.19e-4
float r0 = 0.01
int omega0 = 18
int g = 10
float dt = 0.1
int numsteps = 5
int write_interval = 50
int resolution = 64
list diams = [20.e-6, 40.e-6, 80.e-6]
list volumes = [4./3.*pi*(d/2.)**3 for d in diams]
int ref_vol = 1
list c_reduced = [1, 1., 1.]
list zeta = [v/ref_vol*c for (v,c) in zip(volumes,c_reduced)]
tuple model = cf.Core.root()
tuple domain = model.create_domain()
tuple physics = model.create_physics('cf3.UFEM.NavierStokesPhysics')
tuple solver = model.create_solver('cf3.UFEM.Solver')
tuple polydisp = solver.add_unsteady_solver('cf3.UFEM.particles.Polydisperse')
tuple mesh = domain.create_component('Mesh', 'cf3.mesh.Mesh')
float x_min = -0.09
float x_max = 0.2
float y_min = -0.2
float y_max = 0.2
 x_segs = resolution
 y_segs = resolution
int z_segs = 2
tuple blocks = domain.create_component('blocks', 'cf3.mesh.BlockMesh.BlockArrays')
tuple points = blocks.create_points(dimensions = 2, nb_points = 4)
tuple block_nodes = blocks.create_blocks(1)
tuple block_subdivs = blocks.create_block_subdivisions()
tuple gradings = blocks.create_block_gradings()
tuple left_patch = blocks.create_patch_nb_faces(name = 'left', nb_faces = 1)
tuple bottom_patch = blocks.create_patch_nb_faces(name = 'bottom', nb_faces = 1)
tuple top_patch = blocks.create_patch_nb_faces(name = 'top', nb_faces = 1)
tuple right_patch = blocks.create_patch_nb_faces(name = 'right', nb_faces = 1)
tuple partitioner = domain.create_component('Partitioner', 'cf3.mesh.actions.PeriodicMeshPartitioner')
tuple link_horizontal = partitioner.create_link_periodic_nodes()
tuple link_front_back = partitioner.create_link_periodic_nodes()
tuple series_writer = solver.TimeLoop.create_component('TimeWriter', 'cf3.solver.actions.TimeSeriesWriter')
tuple writer = series_writer.create_component('Writer', 'cf3.mesh.VTKXML.Writer')
list u_arr = ['-((1 - exp(-(x^2 + y^2)/{r0}^2))*{omega0}*{r0}^2*y)/(2.*(x^2 + y^2))'.format(r0=r0,omega0=omega0), '((1 - exp(-(x^2 + y^2)/{r0}^2))*{omega0}*{r0}^2*x)/(2.*(x^2 + y^2))'.format(r0=r0,omega0=omega0), '0']
tuple ic_u = solver.InitialConditions.create_initial_condition(builder_name = 'cf3.UFEM.InitialConditionFunction', field_tag = 'navier_stokes_u_solution')
tuple ic_lin_u = solver.InitialConditions.create_initial_condition(builder_name = 'cf3.UFEM.InitialConditionFunction', field_tag = 'linearized_velocity')
tuple ic_g = solver.InitialConditions.create_initial_condition(builder_name = 'cf3.UFEM.InitialConditionConstant', field_tag = 'body_force')
string zeta_name = 'zeta_'
string c_name = 'c_'
tuple time = model.create_time()
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