Go to the source code of this file.
def | traverse_successors_recursive (G, key, pos, y) |
| custom-made layouts traditional_left2right_tree_layout(G,key,pos) traditional_left2right_tree_layout_in_polar(G,key) More...
def | traditional_left2right_tree_layout (G, key) |
def | traditional_left2right_tree_layout_in_polar (G, key) |
def | compute_edge_angles_for_target_nodes (G, pos) |
| compute angle in degree for each node at which the edge from parent node arrives More...
def | normalize_coordinates (key_, pos_, img_) |
| renormalizing positions in the range of zoomfact & root position in zoomfact it gets normalized in a way that cf3_img's pixels are 1m away frm each other and size is 1/zoomfact compared t axes dimensions also computing angles, based on the angle of the edge leading to parent node More...
def | draw_captions |
def | draw_edges_nodes (G, pos, elist, elabel, nlist, nlabel, edgestyle, color, zord) |
| draw edges and nodes More...
def | append_with_successors_recursive (G, key, to_append) |
| query data from coolfluid and build graph and lists More...
def | build_graph_with_lists |
def | show_graph |
| starturi: from where the recursive listing starts depth: how many levels to list down deep in starturi's subtree tree: what to plot in the tree. More...
string | titlecolor = 'white' |
| color settings More...
string | bgcolor = 'black' |
string | navicolor = 'yellow' |
string | componentcolor = '#aaaaaa' |
string | optioncolor = '#2a83bd' |
string | fieldcolor = '#3a773a' |
string | signalcolor = '#aa6d00' |
string | tagcolor = '#5a5ab7' |
string | linkcolor = '#aaaaaa' |
string | propertycolor = '#cc4444' |
string | cf3_b64 |
| base64 coded png image for root component More...
tuple | root = cf.Core.root() |
| setting up the matplotlib layout More...
tuple | fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) |
tuple | mainax = plt.axes([0,0,1,1],axisbg=bgcolor,label='main') |
tuple | naviax = plt.axes([0.65,0.01,0.34,0.34],axisbg=bgcolor,label='navi') |
tuple | titletxt = plt.text(0.02,0.98,'',transform=mainax.transAxes, size=16, weight='bold',color=titlecolor, ha='left', va='top',zorder=50) |
tuple | cf3_png = StringIO(base64.decodestring(cf3_b64)) |
tuple | cf3_img = Image.open(cf3_png) |