3 a = 0.2345678901234567890
4 b = 1.2345678901234567890
10 if not abs(cf.math.float_distance(a, test.real)) < 1:
11 raise Exception(
'test.real ({r}) differs from expected value {a}'.format(r = test.real, a = a))
13 print 'distance between {a} and {r} is {d}'.format(a = repr(a), r = repr(test.real), d = cf.math.float_distance(a, test.real))
17 if not abs(cf.math.float_distance(b, test.real)) < 1:
18 raise Exception(
'test.real ({r}) differs from expected value {b}'.format(r = test.real, b = b))
20 print 'distance between {a} and {r} is {d}'.format(a = repr(b), r = repr(test.real), d = cf.math.float_distance(b, test.real))
boost::python::object create_component(ComponentWrapper &self, const std::string &name, const std::string &builder_name)