COOLFluiD  Release kernel
COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >, including all inherited members.

compute_gradient(const MappedCoordsT &mapped_coord, GradientT &result)ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
compute_value(const MappedCoordsT &mapped_coord, ValueT &result)ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
dimensionalityShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >static
face_normals()ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
gradient(const MappedCoordsT &mapped_coord)ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
GradientT typedefShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >
local_coordinates()ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
MappedCoordsT typedefShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >
mononomial_coefficients()ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
mononomial_exponents()ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
nb_facesShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >static
nb_nodesShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >static
orderShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >static
shapeShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >static
throw_not_implemented(const common::CodeLocation &where)ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlineprivatestatic
type_name()ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
value(const MappedCoordsT &mapped_coord)ShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >inlinestatic
ValueT typedefShapeFunctionBase< SF, TR >
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