COOLFluiD  Release kernel
COOLFluiD is a Collaborative Simulation Environment (CSE) focused on complex MultiPhysics simulations.
FloatingPoint< RawType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for FloatingPoint< RawType >, including all inherited members.

almost_equals(const FloatingPoint &rhs, const size_t ulps) const FloatingPoint< RawType >inline
almost_equals(const FloatingPoint &rhs) const FloatingPoint< RawType >inline
Bits typedefFloatingPoint< RawType >
bits_FloatingPoint< RawType >
diff(const FloatingPoint &rhs)FloatingPoint< RawType >inline
FloatingPoint(const RawType &x)FloatingPoint< RawType >inlineexplicit
is_nan() const FloatingPoint< RawType >inline
kBitCountFloatingPoint< RawType >static
kExpBitCountFloatingPoint< RawType >static
kExpBitMaskFloatingPoint< RawType >static
kFracBitCountFloatingPoint< RawType >static
kFracBitMaskFloatingPoint< RawType >static
kMaxUlpsFloatingPoint< RawType >static
kSignBitMaskFloatingPoint< RawType >static
SignAndMagnitudeToBiased(const Bits &sam) const FloatingPoint< RawType >inlineprivate
ulp_diff(const Bits &sam1, const Bits &sam2) const FloatingPoint< RawType >inlineprivate
value_FloatingPoint< RawType >
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